The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 628 - The Secret About the Past (246)

Chapter 628: The Secret About the Past (246)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

From the moment she returned home all the way until the beginning of November of the lunar calendar, An Xiaoning knew that she was constantly being shadowed whenever she left the house.

She was also well aware of who was behind the act.

However, she would not be bothered by it as long as it did not get in her way.

She would avoid wearing the mask whenever she wanted them to follow her and wear it when she did not want to be shadowed.

She had a lot of freedom to switch between the two.

She wanted to go out for a walk tonight. Thus, she put on the mask and began strolling on the sidewalk in a carefree manner.

There was a gentle breeze in the chilly air, which was piercingly cold.

An Xiaoning was dressed in a casual attire paired with a small red bag draped over her shoulders. It began snowing all of a sudden while she was walking.

Although the flakes of snow were tiny, she could feel every bit of it on her face.

She continued to stroll along the streets merrily.

The sounds of passing cars and ongoing conversations between pedestrians made the streets feel much livelier.

When she passed by the entrance of an expensive restaurant, she caught sight of a familiar figure entering together with a young girl.

The familiar figure was none other than Jin Qingyan.

The girl, too, seemed rather familiar to An Xiaoning, who had a good memory.

But this girl…

“Boss, someone is calling you again…” An Xiaoning looked down to see that it was Mei Yangyang who called.

“Hello, Yangyang.”

“Sis, where are you now?” Mei Yangyang asked.

“I’m outside, what’s the matter?”

“Well, there’s something I’m not sure if I should tell you about,” Mei Yangyang stammered.

“Just tell me… go ahead,” An Xiaoning said smilingly.

“I just heard from Tianze that there’s a young and pure-looking girl working in Black Genie called Hu Xin. She’s twenty years old this year, and I’m not sure how she managed to get a hold of Mr. Jin’s mobile number, but she called him and asked him out for a meal. Mr. Jin agreed…”

An Xiaoning immediately realized that she had previously seen the girl who was entering the restaurant with Jin Qingyan just now at the Black Genie Bar.

“Don’t men all love dating really young women? I should try finding a young lad someday too.”

Mei Yangyang knew that she was joking. “Sis, don’t get upset, but isn’t there a saying about how you have to get into a new relationship in order to forget your old love? Do you think Mr. Jin is trying to do just that…”

“I’m not upset, actually. After all, I’ve already made things clear the previous time we met. I told him that apart from the fact that we’re both Yiheng’s parents, we shall have nothing to do with each other from now on. It’s only normal that he’s begun dating other women. We’re both free to date whoever we want now.”

“I don’t really know what to say now after hearing your words. Sis, what are you doing outside?”

“I’m taking a stroll. Yangyang, it’s snowing for the very first time this year.”


After hanging up the phone, An Xiaoning froze in shock and stood rooted to the ground.

“You accused and wronged me for being unfaithful toward our marriage, yet you’re living such a carefree life now. You must’ve wanted to date a younger babe since a long time ago, haven’t you? You just couldn’t find an excuse yet… You’re already a thirty-three-year-old old fogy and you still have the cheek to date a twenty-year-old. How shameless…”

An Xiaoning knew she would feel extremely uncomfortable if she did not vent all her anger and pent-up emotions.

She subconsciously walked into the expensive restaurant.

“Miss, would you like to sit in the main hall or a private dining room?”

“Nah, I’m here to look for someone. May I know where Jin Qingyan is?”

“Mr. Jin is in Room 208, which is on the second floor. Let me show you the way.”

“It’s fine, I can manage on my own,” An Xiaoning declined.

An Xiaoning then boarded the elevator to the second floor. Once she exited the elevator, she stretched her back and walked toward Room 208 slowly.

However, she did not enter and instead stopped in her tracks when she reached the entrance, simply because she could not find an appropriate reason to.

After waiting for a while, she quickly sneaked inside the room together with a waiter who was serving up some dishes.

The washroom was nearest to the door while the dining table was further inside the room.

Once the waiter served the dishes to the table, she quickly zoomed inside the bathroom.

An Xiaoning waited for the waiter to exit the room before opening the washroom door, leaving it slightly ajar.

“Mr. Jin, let me toast to you.”

She heard the sounds of glasses clinking.

“How did you get a hold of my personal mobile number?” he asked calmly.

“Um… will you get angry if I tell you the reason?” Hu Xin answered. Her voice was soothing and alluring, greatly exuding her youth and bubbly nature.

“I’m not such a petty person.”

“I only began working at Brother Long’s bar a while ago, and I mostly just accompany clients to drink and dance. So, I often interact with wealthy businessmen and one of them gave me your number. He claimed to be a business associate of yours. Actually, I’ve already mentioned to you over the phone that I’d like to strike a deal with you. But I’m honored that you actually asked to meet me personally, Mr. Jin,” said Hu Xin.

An Xiaoning continued to eavesdrop, greatly taken aback.

“I only decided to have a meal with you because I’m after the thing you mentioned. Did you bring it?” Jin Qingyan asked.

“Yes. There are a lot of video clips in here, which are all evidence of wealthy businessmen, politicians, and other authoritative figures fooling around with women in private rooms. You may insert the drive into your mobile phone to take a look at the content,” said Hu Xin, taking out a USB drive from her bag.

Jin Qingyan immediately inserted the drive into the USB port on his mobile phone and browsed through the content to find that she was speaking the truth.

He then said to Hu Xin, “You may be young, but you’ve got the brains and a flair for business. Name your price.”

“I dare not be greedy. How does a million dollars sound to you, Mr. Jin?”

Jin Qingyan immediately agreed without bargaining, “Alright, a million dollars, it shall be. I hope you’re clear, it’s not because you asked for too low a sum that I didn’t bargain.”

Hu Xin nodded and said, “I understand clearly. Thank you very much, Mr. Jin.”

“Could you tell me how you thought about earning money through such a method?”

Hu Xin explained, “My grandmother is seriously ill and I need a large sum of money to cover her medical expenses. Although I can earn quick money by working as a hostess at the Black Genie, it’s still not enough to pay for all of Grandma’s hospital bills. So, I have to come up with another solution and I thought of this idea. I was only hoping it would work, but as it turns out, it really did. Thank you, though.”

“Why did you decide to look for me? Didn’t you mention that you know many wealthy businessmen and tycoons?”

“Because I didn’t think they needed that information, and those who needed it are way too stingy. Those who are in need yet generous own only a small business. So, I’m very careful not to leave any clues and cause myself unnecessary trouble.”

Jin Qingyan nodded and said, “Are you going to continue doing this in the future?”

Shaking her head, she answered, “Nah, I’m still young and have plenty of other things to do. I can’t possibly work at the bar forever. The one million you’ve given me is enough to repay my debts and cover the expenses for my grandmother’s treatment.”

“Many people can’t resist the temptation of money. I have to say, you’re rather ethical and upright,” Jin Qingyan complimented, staring at her in awe.


An Xiaoning, who was standing inside the washroom, was impressed as well by the girl’s words.

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