The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 567 - The Secret About the Past (185)

Chapter 567: The Secret About the Past (185)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Rather taken aback by her absurd request, Yuan Mingzhu answered, “It’d be easy to summon such spirits intentionally, but it’s far too difficult to send them away. Do you understand what I mean? Usually, summoning evil child spirits to work for you would result in dire consequences. I will never perform any rituals like those.”

Xu Youran decided not to insist further upon hearing about the possible dangers. “Turns out it’s very powerful. Forget it, then.”

“Are you thinking of harming someone again?”

“Yes, but there’s no way for me to find out his birth characters, so…”

“Youran, you’re pregnant right now. Hence, I suggest that you refrain from committing such sins. Not only will it be detrimental to me, but it’d also be harmful to you and your child too.”

“I understand,” said Xu Youran, smiling wryly as she looked down to sip on some juice.

Yuan Mingzhu’s mobile phone began to ring all of a sudden. After taking a look at the caller display, she said, “It’s someone from the police station. I gotta head back now. We’re in the midst of investigations for a case. Drive safely while on your way back.”

“Alright, hurry along,” Xu Youran said with a smile that vanished once Yuan Mingzhu hurried out of the door.

She was peeved about the fact that she could not come up with a better solution.

She decided to stick to her original plan, refusing to believe that she would forever not have the chance to take action!

The tension within her vanished when she caressed her slightly raised baby bump.

After finishing her fruit juice, she grabbed her purse and drove back to her parents’ place.

Madam Xu was knitting a sweater while sitting on the couch. Upon sight of her arrival, Madam Xu asked, “The weather is really warm today. What brings you home?”

“I was just bored. Mother, how many times have I told you? Sweaters are sold in stores everywhere, why do you bother knitting them yourself?”

“I have nothing else to do anyway. This is a great activity to kill time,” said Madam Xu, continuing to knit.

“Where’s Father?”

“He went out.”

“Mother, which was the best hospital in town during your time?” Xu Youran asked, leaning closer toward her.

“It was the First People’s Hospital, of course. Poor families would usually give birth at home with the help of midwives while the wealthy would go into labor at the hospital. There were very few hospitals at that time. The First People’s Hospital has always been the best one, be it in the past or in the present.”

“I see.” The hospital must have the records of all the births that took place there. Could I find out more from there? Xu Youran wondered to herself.

“By the way, has there been any results from the search?”

Madam Xu shook her head and answered, “No, it’s already been so many years. Why would it be that easy to find her? There haven’t been any matches in the DNA genetic database either. Your father and I are really anxious. I really wonder if we can ever find her.”

“Mother, you’ll definitely find her one day.”

“I hope so. I get so upset every time I think of her.”

Xu Youran hoped that they would never be able to find their missing daughter because only then can she secure her footing in the Xu family. Wouldn’t her presence become redundant once their biological daughter returns?

Thus, she had always prayed fervently in her heart that she would never be found.

Shortly after, Xu Youran left the Xu family mansion and headed to the First People’s Hospital while wearing a surgical mask and a pair of shades.

Once she reached the front desk, she asked straight away, “Hello, may I ask if you could check the birth records of a child who was born here in the past?”


“Could you help me check then?” Xu Youran asked gleefully.

“Yes, please tell me the name of the child.”

“Gu Beicheng.”

The staff at the front desk checked the database and answered, “Yes, there are records of such a person being delivered here.”

“May I ask what his date of birth is?” Xu Youran asked agitatedly.

“I’m very sorry about that but there are no records of his birth date here.”

“Don’t you guys save the date of birth in the records?”

“No, we don’t.”

Xu Youran had no choice but to leave.

Just as she left, the staff members of the hospital immediately reported her visit to Gu Beicheng and sent him the footages from the surveillance cameras.

Gu Beicheng recognized that it was Xu Youran right away.

He stared at the screenshots of the surveillance camera footage with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

He immediately picked up the telephone beside him and dialed a single digit. “Come in.”

The secretary swiftly entered and asked, “Mr. Gu, do you have any orders for me?”

“Send some people to shadow my sister-in-law, Xu Youran, 24/7 round the clock. Tail her in secret and make sure not to expose yourselves. I want to receive reports and updates of who she contacts, every single day.”


“Okay, you can take your leave.”

Ling Ciye pushed the door open and entered. “Qingyan, I heard from Shixin that you’ve been in a terrible mood recently and that you’ve been staying in bed for three days. Did something happen?” he asked.

“Nothing much. I just feel upset,” Jin Qingyan said in a feeble voice, resting his arm on his forehead.

“What are you upset about? Tell me about it so I can rejoice.”

“I’m not in the mood for jokes.” He put his arm down and rolled his eyes at Ling Ciye.

“I’m not joking with you either.”

“Get lost…”

Clucking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Ling Ciye said, “Qingyue said that I’m more ill-tempered than you are. But why does it seem like you’re ten times worse than I am?”

Jin Qingyan ignored him.

Noticing the deadpan expression on his face, Ling Ciye said, “Tell me what you’re upset about. Speak up. Don’t bottle up your emotions.”

“I can’t bring myself to say it. Would you and Tianze be shocked if I divorced Xiaoning?”

“Of course. If you two get a divorce, Xiaoning would definitely be the one who initiated it. But, did you have a tiff with Xiaoning? Otherwise, why would you ask such a question?”

“It’s worse than just a tiff.”

“What is it, then? Don’t tell me you’re really thinking of getting a divorce?” Ling Ciye probed.

“It’s a long story.”

“Then just take your time to tell me. Anyway, I’m not in a rush to go anywhere. I have all day to hear you out.”

“I don’t feel like talking about it. Ciye, I feel like I’m about to die,” said Jin Qingyan as he turned to lie on his side.

“Go ahead and die then. Tianze and I will bury you when you’re dead.”


Jin Qingyan stared at him and said, “Brother-in-law, are you here to piss me off?”

“I haven’t married your sister yet. Don’t be too quick to call me your brother-in-law.”

“I’ll tell Qingyue that you don’t wish to marry her.”

“Don’t… Go ahead and call me what you want. Whatever,” Ling Ciye said nonchalantly.

Jin Qingyan closed his eyes and lamented, “I love her so much, and yet, she still let me down. She disappointed me and ruined the trust I gave her.”

“What exactly happened? Just tell me first.”

He refused to speak.

Ling Ciye was growing impatient, extremely curious about what had happened.

Thus, Ling Ciye had no choice but to say, “You asked me if Tianze and I would be shocked should you ever divorce Xiaoning. Let me tell you, we’ll be more than just shocked. We all know how much you love her. If you were the one who initiated a divorce, it’d definitely be because she made you give up on her and she disappointed you far too greatly. Otherwise, given your character, I doubt you’d initiate a divorce.”

“I haven’t given up on her yet, but I just feel like I won’t be able to give up everything for her unconditionally anymore, like I would in the past. I won’t be able to restrict myself vehemently for her sake and continue to live life blissfully with her…”

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