The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 531 - The Secret About the Past (149)

Chapter 531: The Secret About the Past (149)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Yangyang, your mother has been having a ravenous appetite recently. It’s not a good sign to have such a huge appetite all of a sudden. Moreover, your mother seems to be getting more and more listless. She often appears to be in a daze,” Mr. Mei said worriedly.

“Shall we admit Mother to the hospital, then?” Mei Yangyang suggested.


They proceeded to send Mrs. Mei to the People’s Hospital in the city.

After conducting a physical examination, the doctor said earnestly to Mei Yangyang and Mr. Mei, “To be frank, it’s already a miracle for Auntie to have managed to survive until today. She must’ve been well taken care of and did not suffer from any colds or flu. However, her health is deteriorating and her body is not going to endure for much longer. You ought to prepare yourselves mentally.”

They both felt their hearts sink upon hearing the doctor’s words. However, to Mei Yangyang, it was indeed a miracle for her mother, who had been bedridden for close to eight years, to be able to make it ’til this day.

“Doctor, tell us truthfully. How much longer does my mother have to live?”

“Just a while more, at the very most. I can’t tell you exactly how long, however. She doesn’t have to be admitted anymore. You may get her discharged and bring her home. Just allow her to eat whatever she wants to.”

The doctor’s words ran through Mei Yangyang’s mind repeatedly along the way home from the hospital.

In actual fact, she had already prepared herself mentally several years ago.

Nonetheless, she still hoped to prolong her mother’s life because it would mean that their fate would have come to an end when the latter was no longer around.

Seemingly having known that her days were numbered, Mrs. Mei remained silent throughout the journey all the way until they returned home. She then broke her silence, “Yangyang.”


“Shuangshuang may be an ingrate who doesn’t know any better, but she’s still your sister at the end of the day. I don’t know where she ran off to again now, but after all, she’s my own daughter. Your father and I are still worried and concerned about her. Help me find her and bring her home.”

Staring at the look of eagerness and desire in her mother’s eyes, Mei Yangyang was beyond helpless.

She did not wish to see Mei Shuangshuang ever again for the rest of her life. However, on account that her mother did not have much time left, she had no choice but to agree, so as to allow her mother to pass on with no regrets. “I’ll try looking for her,” she answered.

“Yangyang, I’m so glad to have such an obedient and kind daughter like you. I’m sorry to burden you, however,” Mrs. Mei said with a heartened smile.

“Don’t mention anything about being a burden. Mother, get some rest while I instruct my subordinates to look for Shuangshuang.”

Mrs. Mei nodded.

Mei Yangyang was filled with an inexplicable feeling when she left her parents’ place. She then ordered her subordinates to embark on a search for Mei Shuangshuang and bring the latter to her parents’ house once they have found her.

They took several days to find Mei Shuangshuang, who was, fortunately, still in A City. Otherwise, it would have been a tall order to successfully find her if she had gone overseas.

When Mei Shuangshuang was brought home, she had a nonchalant expression on her face and sneered, “Young Madam, why did you get your men to bring me here? Forget it if you’re thinking of asking me for money. I’ve already spent all of it.”

“Mother’s days are numbered and she’d like to see you. Come with me,” Mei Yangyang said calmly.

Rather taken aback by her words, the disgruntled Mei Shuangshuang followed her to see Mrs. Mei.

Upon arriving at the door, Mei Yangyang did not enter together with Mei Shuangshuang. Mrs. Mei’s initial anger and resentment vanished at the sight of Mei Shuangshuang, whom she had not seen in a long time. All that was left of her emotions was heartache. “Why have you gotten so thin?” Mrs. Mei asked worriedly.

“I haven’t been eating well.” Staring at her bedridden mother, Mei Shuangshuang mellowed her tone and said, “Mother, I’m sorry. I’ve already sold the house.”

“So be it, then. Shuangshuang, you’re already 25 years old. It’s time you settled down with a good man. Stop wasting your life away and living each day aimlessly,” said Mrs. Mei.

“Where am I supposed to find a good man? I’m willing to live properly and settle down as long as Sister agrees to introduce me to some good catches.”

Mrs. Mei immediately yelled, “Yangyang, come in.”

Mei Yangyang entered and listened to what her mother had to say without interrupting.

“See if you know any suitable prospective marriage partners for Shuangshuang and set her up with them. She’ll change her ways and turn over a new leaf once she has a family of her own,” said Mrs. Mei.

“A leopard never changes its spots. She’ll only bring harm to the person she marries, whoever it may be,” Mei Yangyang answered bluntly.

“Mother, did you see that? She doesn’t wish for me to have a good life at all. Is this how my own sister should be treating me? Others would do their best to help their sisters, but look at her,” Mei Shuangshuang sneered.

“Reflect on yourself and take a look at what you’ve done before you criticize me for not treating you like my own sister! Don’t bother making such irrelevant comments,” Mei Yangyang snapped, seething with anger.

Mr. Mei remained silent while standing by the side. He had long given up on his younger daughter, who disappointed him time and time again.

“Yangyang… Shuangshuang is still your biological sister, no matter what. When I’m no longer around, who’s going to take care of her if you don’t? Are you really going to watch her continue going about her wayward behavior? I believe Shuangshuang isn’t evil-natured and had merely been misled and influenced by those delinquents she hangs out with. Yangyang, just help Mother and find her a good man. Perhaps she’ll really mature and become more sensible once she’s married and has children of her own,” Mrs. Mei pleaded.

Glaring daggers at Mei Shuangshuang, Mei Yangyang said, “She’s already squandered away all the money from the sale of the house. Which man can tolerate and afford to provide for a spendthrift like you? I really don’t wish to see a good man being ruined by you. What is your ideal type of man?”

With a sullen expression on her face, Mei Shuangshuang answered, “He doesn’t have to be as rich as Brother-in-law, but he can’t be a broke pauper either. He must have a house and a car, and also dote on me. That’s all I expect.”

Mei Yangyang did not wish to disappoint her mother and thus had no choice but to concede, “Got it. I’ll keep a lookout.”

A smile formed on Mrs. Mei’s face upon hearing her words. “Yangyang, Shuangshuang definitely doesn’t have a place to live now. Let her move in with us,” Mrs. Mei continued.

A fresh swell of rage rose within Mei Yangyang. Just why can’t Mother spare a thought for me and put herself in my shoes?

“She may live with you two.” Mei Yangyang turned around to leave.

“Mother, if you didn’t say those things to persuade Sis, she definitely would leave me in a lurch.”

Unable to tolerate her atrocity any longer, Mr. Mei broke his silence and hollered, “Why don’t you think about what you’ve done wrong in the past!?! You’re already grown up and yet you’ve got no brains at all!”

Glaring at her father with anger surging through her, she retorted, “Father, have you had enough? I’ll scram right now if you don’t wish to see me.”

Mrs. Mei waved her hand at Mr. Mei in a bid to get him to stop berating their daughter.

Mr. Mei turned around to leave as well.

Mrs. Mei and Mei Shuangshuang were left alone in the room.

Mrs. Mei sighed and said, “Shuangshuang, it’s not that your sister is bent on leaving you in a lurch and washing her hands off your matters. It’s just that you’ve really gone overboard in the past and hurt your sister’s feelings deeply. I don’t have much longer to live. Shuangshuang, heed my advice and stop getting yourself into trouble. Your sister is getting on so well now, she’ll definitely lend you a hand. Talk to your sister nicely. How could she possibly leave you alone once her heart has softened?”

Mei Shuangshuang remained silent.

Mrs. Mei then continued to give her more instructions, all of which she listened to quietly. Perhaps she did not wish to anger her mother by retorting, knowing that her days were numbered.

Noticing that Mrs. Mei had fallen asleep, Mei Shuangshuang gently tucked her mother beneath the blanket before leaving the room.

She hurriedly zoomed towards Mei Yangyang’s mansion, where the latter and Long Tianze were sitting on the couch while watching a movie. Upon sight of her arrival, Mei Yangyang turned to the side and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Sis, I’d like to talk to you about something,” said Mei Shuangshuang.

“About what?”

Suppressing her annoyance and dissatisfaction, Mei Shuangshuang walked toward Mei Yangyang and sat down opposite her before saying, “Sis, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past. Please forgive me, I’ll repent and change my ways from now on…”

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