The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 1110 - Perplexed and Smitten (170)

Chapter 1110: Perplexed and Smitten (170)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

After thinking thoroughly for a bit, Jin Yiheng said solemnly, “I have an awesome Daddy who showers me with unconditional love and concern. Whenever I’m hungry, I just have to tell Daddy and he’ll cook me a delicious meal. Whenever I’m thirsty, Daddy will bring me a cup of water almost immediately. Whenever I don’t feel like doing my homework anymore, Daddy will do it for me. Whenever I’m tired, Daddy will massage my shoulders and tell me jokes. Daddy will never be fierce to me, and he only ever speaks to me in a warm and gentle tone. Whenever the going gets tough in the boot camp, Daddy would visit me every day and tell me not to overexert myself and that he would be there for me. I would feel especially touched whenever I think about those words of his. He would even buy me the latest toys from the stores. Daddy says that I’m his obedient son and that he counts on me to take care of him when he’s old. That’s why he pampers me when I’m still a child. He would do his best to fulfill all my requests. This is my Daddy. My Daddy is just that awesome. I could go on and on about his attributes. I’m proud to have such a brilliant daddy. Oh Heaven, thank you for blessing me with such a good father.”

“You didn’t explain well enough. Don’t I usually treat you way better than you had described?” said Jin Qingyan, who still did not look at Jin Yiheng.

“Yes, it’s my fault for having a limited vocabulary. I still can’t express accurately just how much you love and dote on me, Daddy.”

“Do you promise not to sleep on the same bed as your Mommy or get her to shower you from now on?”

“I promise.”

“I’ll buy you that mobile phone tomorrow. Scram upstairs and go to bed.”

“Yes, I’ll obey your orders!”

Jin Yiheng zoomed upstairs to see that Jin Rongyan was in the midst of reading some medical books. Noticing how excited he was, Jin Rongyan asked in surprise, “Brother, why are you in such high spirits?”

“Daddy has agreed to buy me a mobile phone tomorrow!”

“Daddy actually agreed to your request!?! I thought you were just making a casual remark about asking Daddy to buy you that mobile phone. Didn’t you say that Daddy would most likely refuse to buy you one?” asked a dumbfounded Jin Rongyan.

“He initially disagreed. However, I had no choice but to play games with this retarded father of ours for the sake of a new mobile phone. It took me so much effort.”

Jin Yiheng put down his book and began knocking his fists on Jin Yiheng’s back. “It’s been hard on you, Brother. I’ll give you a massage.”

“Let’s play with the mobile phone together once Daddy buys it.”


The declaration statement was released by the Yin family bright and early in the morning of the next day. They stated that they would be moving Yin Cun’s corpse away from the Yin family ancestral burial ground, due to the fact that Yin Cun have disgraced the Yin family descendants because of his sins and wrongdoings.

Initially, the declaration would not have garnered much attention since the Yin family had been lying low for a long period of time. However, it made the headlines, all because of some tricks that An Xiaoning had pulled.

Even then, there were barely any comments and discussion threads about it. After all, most netizens were not interested in the topic.

However, An Xiaoning had already achieved what she wanted.

When the Yin family were moving the corpse, she disguised herself as a fellow member of the family by wearing a mask and headed to the ancestral graveyard.

She did not discover any suspicious persons throughout the entire process.

Nonetheless, she still decided to view the surveillance camera footages.

While viewing the footages, she discovered a familiar face amongst the crowd.

An Xiaoning paused the footage and zoomed in to the woman’s face, after which she was filled with perplexion.

She returned and informed Fan Shixin of her discovery.

“Young Madam, are you sure that that woman was Yu Yiwei?”

“I can’t be any more certain about it. Don’t our bodyguards tag along with her wherever she goes? Why did she show up at the burial ground alone?”

“I’ll give Xiao Bai a call to ask him about it,” said Fan Shixin, who then turned around and walked toward the balcony.

Two minutes later, he returned to the living room and said, “Xiao Bai said that two of them followed Yu Yiwei when she went out, and he’s now trying to contact the two of them before calling me back again.”

“Alright, we’ll just wait for the news, then.”

“Speaking of that doctor, I find her too aloof and cold. She can freeze me with her words.”

“She seems standoffish, doesn’t she?”

“Yes, yes, exactly.”

“Well, everyone has a different character and temperament. Perhaps she had long gotten used to behaving that way.”

Fan Shixin gripped the mobile phone tightly while waiting for Xiao Bai’s call.

Xiao Bai was highly efficient and immediately called Fan Shixin after getting an answer.

After ending the call, Fan Shixin said with a frown, “Xiao Bai said that the two bodyguards who were chaperoning Yu Yiwei claimed that Yu Yiwei had brought her parents to B City for a visit to the zoo. They also said that they had been following her.”

“Is the zoo in A City not good enough for her?”

“Perhaps B City’s zoo stands out from the rest?”

An Xiaoning said with pursed lips, “Let’s not talk about her for now.”

After staying in B City for several consecutive days, An Xiaoning still did not receive any news from the Yin family. However, she did receive some news about the presidential election.

The results were finalized at last.

The number of votes that Tuoba Shuo and Tuoba Rui each got had been tabulated.

Tuoba Shuo won the presidential election by more than 10 thousand votes.

An Xiaoning’s feelings were not affected by the piece of good news, however.

She stayed silent for a while after talking to her mother over the phone.

“Young Madam…”

“I’m going to the Autumn Palace tomorrow. I’ll leave everything here to you and No. 5 for the time being.”

“Alright. Young Madam, do you need me to prepare some clothes for you?”

“It’s alright, my mother will bring me some from A City.”


An Xiaoning had trouble sleeping that night.

A million questions flooded her mind. Although she did not experience much of a change in her mood, she could not help but feel more worried.

Both her parents were already in their fifties, and it’d be impossible to give birth to a child now. However, she was the only daughter her mother has.

The presidents of the nation had always been male, and no female had ever broken the tradition.

Besides, she was not interested in politics either.

In the future, the next president after Tuoba Shuo would definitely be a member of the extended Tuoba family.

In the future…

A bold idea popped up in An Xiaoning’s mind.

It was so brazen and outrageous that she actually felt like she was out of her mind.

Thus, when she told her about it the next day at the Autumn Palace, Shi Qingzhou immediately shot her idea down.

“Let’s put my poor health condition aside. Even if I were healthier, I’m way past my child-bearing years. I know what you’re worried about, but I’ve already spoken to your father about this. He’ll just focus on serving the nation well as the president. We’ll worry about the rest later. Who knows what will happen to the nation by the time the next presidential election comes around? Perhaps you might succeed the position then?”

“No, Mother, I don’t have such intentions.”

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