The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1326 - Plundering the Queen's Boudoir

Chapter 1326: Plundering the Queen’s Boudoir

Translator: Sean88888  Editor: Elkassar1

The top of the giant fang column was the Palace of Flesh, a revolving place with a hollowed out top. Sheyan stepped into the place with a feeling of awe – a feeling of awe entirely born out of respect for treasures, and this feeling quickly dissipated.

Because there was no place to hide in this place, not even a partition. In front of Sheyan was a large empty room like a new, unfurnished conference hall. If there were any riches to be found here, Sheyan would have seen it already.

“Freaking hell. It seems like the Queen of Blades isn’t in a very good financial situation, and she must be a keen shopper too,” Sheyan’s disappointment was undoubtedly enormous. His greatest gain from this trip would probably only be this giant fang column: the Palace of Flesh itself. Ol’ Kido should be very happy if Sheyan destroyed this building. It would probably raise his evaluation by a few dozen percentage points.

However, while Sheyan was wallowing in depression, lamenting that this trip was a major waste of time, something on his right hand bizarrely dissolved. G-spot had unattached itself from the glove, turning into a silvery-white mercury-like mini slime, and slid down to the ground.

Sheyan was naturally alarmed to see something like this which was out of his control. He immediately reached out to try and pull G-spot back. If G-spot ran away, it would be a real tragedy for him.

But after Sheyan wrapped his fingers around G-spot, the liquid metal life-form actually slipped out from the gaps between his fingers like extremely viscous mercury, determined not to return to Sheyan’s embrace.

After that, the liquid metal life-form slithered across the ground in the form of a silvery-white tube about two meters long, moving rapidly across the fleshy floor like an earthworm.

The “palace” was an empty circular hall about 1,000 square meters in size. It was not much different from an ordinary conference hall or banquet hall. There was nothing else in the empty room except for a throne, a bed and a table.

The Palace of Flesh was built from elastic flesh which contained clearly visible veins filled with large amounts of flowing fluid.If you were to touch the flesh with your fingers, you would find that it was coated with a layer of dried transparent gel which prevented the fluid from dripping out. The floor Sheyan walked on felt slightly elastic too, not too different from a solid wooden floor.

Everything in the palace was visible at a glance. The Queen’s throne was made of bones, fangs and flesh. A huge aorta behind the throne connected it to the giant column building.

When the Queen sat on the throne, she could slot all her hair into the holes at the back of the throne, as well as the nucleus of the neurons on her back into the nodes on the throne. She could transmit all kinds of information to the whole tribe in this way.

Next to the throne was a bed, and next to the bed was a table. These “furniture” were also made of flesh, bones, and fangs. There were some leftover fruits on the table.

In truth, the best way for someone of her level to feed was actually to jump into the nutrient pool of the Zerg. That way, each of her pores could quickly take in the nutrients and excrete the waste from her body. To eat with the mouth and then absorb the nutrients through the digestive organs was actually a very outdated method. It appeared that some human habits were still deep-seated within the Queen of Blades.

G-spot was heading for the throne of the Queen of Blades. It twisted its body and climbed up the throne along the bones and frames. Then, it transformed again, taking the shape of a plant with numerous vines, like an ivy. Numerous vines spread out and stuck to the bones and frames which made up the throne. A sizzling sound permeated through the air. These unbelievably hard materials were rapidly corroding and being absorbed by G-spot! These materials obviously had very high and very rare metal content.

Then, after turning the throne into a mess, G-spot started searching everywhere, seemingly not fully satisfied yet. Although it had shapeshifted into a wriggling earthworm again, its behaviour was more reminiscent of a Chihuahua that was running around, sniffing everywhere.

Sheyan tried to grab G-spot and pull it away, but to no avail. G-spot did not resist, but simply flowed out from the gaps between his fingers again. Sheyan could only sigh helplessly.

At that moment, Kyrgyzna suddenly came running in. She said, out of breath and with obvious panic in her voice, “Brigadier General! We’ve just received news of an anomaly detected during the latest radar scan! The Queen of Blades seems to have discovered our actions and is currently rushing back!”

The Terran had a technology which utilised the energy reserves in the main base to perform ten seconds of strong reconnaissance scan over a certain area, which they could perfrom at certain intervals. During the scan, the powerful radar waves could detect every detail in the area. Even stealth abilities which utilised the principles of light refraction or burrowing into the ground could not escape detection.

Sheyan went cold all over when he heard the report, followed by a strong feeling of frustration. He initially thought that the Queen of Blades only had a mental connection to the Hatchery, so he had left that building for last, but unexpectedly, Kerrigan also had a powerful alarm system installed in her bedroom!

He took a deep breath.

“How long?”

“The Queen is moving faster than we thought! She’ll arrive in eight minutes at most!” answered Kyrgyzna.

“You and Pontin, leave at once!” Sheyan ordered without hesitation. “You won’t escape the Queen’s pursuit with conventional speed. Only the Vultures would have some hope of escaping. Take half the Vultures. After driving for 20 kilometers, split into two teams and move in different directions. After 20 minutes, split up again. The chances of successfully escaping will be higher this way. Leave the rest of the Vultures to me. The others won’t be able to run away. They’ll stay and cover your retreat.”

“… But, sir!” Kyrgyzna urged.

Sheyan waved her away. “Just do as I say.”

Sheyan had already made up his mind. He would wait for G-spot, who had suddenly gone crazy, for three minutes at most. After three minutes, he would leave no matter what.

Fortunately, G-spot seemed to have found something. It quickly slithered under the Queen’s bed and shapeshifted into a short, round cylinder, then slowly grew longer.

It appeared that G-spot was trying to push the bed up like a jack, but because it had limited strength, it could not overturn the Queen’s bed even after several tries. Sheyan immediately rushed to the bed, grabbed it with both hands, and pulled it up with all his might!

The bed groaned in protest. Sheyan knew he did not have much time left. He gritted his teeth and once again gathered his whole strength and pulled at the bed. The whole palace was quivering with pain. Sheyan’s brutal strength made a huge pit of hundreds of square meters on the ground. Terrifyingly deep cracks as wide as thirty centimeters criss-crossed in the pit.

Lying among the torn bloody flesh where the Queen’s bone-and-fangs bed was originally placed was a board made of bones. G-spot visibly became very excited. It first turned into a drill and ferociously tried to burrow through the board, but to no avail. Then, it turned into a hammer and slammed into the board… Unfortunately, a hammer needed to be swung by someone to display its might. In the end, it could only turn back into the form of a worm. It jumped up and down, like a fish that had just been caught, to show its excitement and determination.

Sheyan felt a little helpless. He knew that he had no more hope of completing Ol’ Kido’s mission. If he could not obtain whatever G-spot had discovered either, then all his investment in this operation would have been for naught. Therefore, he could only move to the spot and raise his fist high!!

The first punch! The second punch!

Under Sheyan’s horrifying destructive force, the entire Zerg base was letting out a cry of agony! It felt like the whole Zerg base was connected together, like it was one big gigantic creature, and the spot that Sheyan was attacking was a vulnerable vital spot of this behemoth.

But even so, after Sheyan’s two punches went down, not a crack appeared on the bone board!!

Sheyan was furious. He decided to go all out. He inhaled deeply, gathered power for a full five seconds with ‘Ultimate Impact’, and sent the punch down. The Hatchery and even the organ buildings surrounding it let out a howl of pain at the same time. The board cracked like a piece of glass under blunt force impact!

When G-spot saw this, it immediately jumped more than a metre high and landed on the cracks on the shattered bone board. It then turned into liquid and skillfully seeped inside through the cracks.

Sheyan punched the board a few more times, crushing it thoroughly, then pulled the fragments apart. He found a hole that had been cut out underneath. G-spot had become a silvery-white sphere about the size of a grapefruit. It had wrapped itself around a clear stone.

The stone was as clear as a crystal, and upon closer inspection, it gave off a mysterious, dream-like vibe. Looking into it felt as deep and unpredictable as looking into the vast universe, as if the stone contained an entire world.

Sheyan could see G-spot continuously trying to erode the rock, but did not seem very effective.

Besides that, Sheyan also discovered something very interesting – the unique-looking old-fashioned C-10 Canister Rifle belonging to his old friend, Snake.

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