The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1320 - Self Destruct

Chapter 1320: Self Destruct

Translator: Sean88888  Editor: Elkassar1

Sheyan’s last punch hit the ground heavily, and the earth shook. The underground Lurker screeched in pain before it died. Dark red blood oozed out of the soil.

After the hit, Sheyan suddenly turned back and blocked his face with his right hand. A thick spurt of acid had shot towards him like a liquid arrow. The Hydralisk hero had already closed in to within 50 meters of Sheyan and had started attacking. Its disgusting mouthpiece squirmed violently, continuously spraying acid at Sheyan!

In order to disguise himself as a Zealot, Sheyan naturally had to wear the Zealot’s armour. When the acid sprayed on the armour, the fine armour immediately blackened and emitted a pungent black smoke. It then started melting and distorting like burnt plastic, and proceeded to seep into Sheyan’s flesh. It stung, but it did not feel that painful. However, when Sheyan checked his HP, he found that it was dropping at an incredible rate!

Sheyan instantly knew that he could not hesitate any longer. If he lost too much HP here, he would have a really hard time after this. He instantly brought out the big guns: ‘Mind Transmission’ + ‘Hornrage’!

He covered the distance of fifty metres in the blink of an eye. Sheyan was still taking a beating a moment before, but in the next second, he was already slamming into the Hydralisk hero’s soft abdomen!!

Sheyan’s fist then pounded hard on the side of the Hydralisk’s head. He put so much force into the punch that he could feel the grating of the metallic glove on the Hydralisk’s skull. That part of the skull broke like matchsticks, and the tough skin there was stretched to the limit. The huge body of the Hydralisk was knocked more than two meters off the ground. It performed a difficult gymnastic sequence in the air, flipping 480 degrees before it fell heavily to the ground.

The Hydralisk’s response upon landing was out of Sheyan’s expectations. Unlike its previous domineering attitude when it killed with every shot from afar, it actually turned around and fled in a hurry! Large numbers of Zerglings came from all sides to protect it. Moreover, from a distance away within the darkness, there was a Queen who used ‘Spawn Broodling’ on Sheyan!

(‘Spawn Broodling’ — Create two broodlings from the targeted ground mechanical or organic unit. The target is instantly destroyed in the process. )

This perverse skill, which could insta-kill its target, was evidently only effective on ordinary units. Sheyan had already researched the threat of this skill while he was with the Blackthorn tribe, so he had no intention of dodging at all. He stepped forward and stepped on the tail of the Hydralisk hero. A large lump of disgusting eggs flew straight at Sheyan and hit him on the back, and a large number of milky white parasites immediately appeared and attempted to burrow into his armour.

However, it was all in vain, because all the parasites soon died. Sheyan simply rushed forward and continued to launch a fierce attack on the enemy in front of him. The swarm of ordinary Zerg around Sheyan attacked him in a frenzy, but Sheyan had no intention of stopping at all.

After discovering that ‘Spawn Broodling’ was ineffective on Sheyan, the Queen immediately sprayed a huge net made of thick green mucus at him instead. This thing was no stranger to Sheyan; it was the Queen’s ‘Ensnare’ ability. The Queen was obviously trying to slow Sheyan down to help the Hydralisk hero escape.

As soon as Sheyan saw the mucus net coming at him, he simply pounced on the Hydralisk hero and rode on top of it! His left hand gripped the thick skin around the Hydralisk hero’s neck tightly, while his right fist continued to smash repeatedly into its head.

The attack power and attack speed of this heroic Hydralisk were abnormally high. Unfortunately, its defensive capability was relatively low. After Sheyan closed in on it, it was not even able to fight back. With Sheyan’s terrifying Strength plus the attack power of the insane +10 glove, every fist Sheyan launched hurt. The Hydralisk hero howled in agony, struggling like a chicken whose neck was cut halfway.

Because Sheyan had a strong innate ability protecting him, even though he was heavily surrounded by a large amount of ordinary Zerg, the damage he sustained was far less than one would imagine.

Sheyan closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He repeatedly and resolutely slammed his fist into the enemy. Finally, the Hydralisk hero emitted a loud shriek. Its body started to swell up like a balloon!

Upon discovering this situation, Sheyan instantly sensed a great threat coming. He immediately let go and rolled away, but how could the Zerg around him let him escape? They actually rushed at him in a frenzy. Sheyan had to drag seven or eight Zerglings with him as he forcefully rolled away like a lumbering big ball.

Suddenly, the Hydralisk hero exploded!!

Although Sheyan had a few Zerglings on his back to cushion the blow, he could still feel the fierce impact on his back. The irresistible force pushed him forward by more than ten meters, making him fall flat on his face!

His back was completely numb, and his limbs felt devoid of strength. His ears could not hear anything but the buzzing in his brain. He was so nauseous that he felt like throwing up.

After several seconds, Sheyan found himself lying face down on the ground, slowly regaining his senses. He turned his head and looked back. A terrible area of flesh and blood, at least four hundred square meters, had formed around the place where the Hydralisk self-destructed. The place looked like a horrifying scene straight from hell, filled with blood, mutilated limbs and flesh pieces everywhere.

Only then did Sheyan realise that the sensation on his back had changed from numbness to burning pain. When he touched it, he felt that the armour and the skin on his back had been glued together, like a normal person who had been scalded by boiling water. He gnashed his teeth and ran forward, rescuing the surrounded Ramtas, and then successfully grouped up with Sokada. Together, their pressure instantly lightened.

Despite the addition of Sheyan to the Protoss side, giving them an advantage in certain aspects, the whole expedition force was still caught in a full-scale bitter fight. The reason for this was that the Zerg had anticipated their arrival and had placed their own heroic units here in advance. Although they had less heroic units than the Protoss side, they were effective in foiling the Protoss’ plan.

The Protoss’ original plan was to utilise the high-end combat power of a large number of heroic units to overwhelm the ordinary Zerg units, crushing them. It was like a cavalry charge in the era of cold weapons; a few thousand elite cavalry would cut through the formation made by tens of thousands of enemy infantries, creating chaos until the enemy’s order completely collapsed.

Pace constituted the main element of the offensive side.

However, with the Zerg heroic units joining the fray, it became very difficult for the Protoss elite squad to play its strategic role. Although there were far less Zerg heroic units than Protoss ones, their objective was simply to stall. Once the Protoss squad lost its mobility and capacity to overwhelm, they would be bogged down.


Sheyan grabbed Sokada, then threw him away!

The Zealot hero had put on his red cloak again and took out his trademark hammer. He flew over hundreds of Zerglings and landed in the middle of a large group of Hydralisks. A red flame rose on his hammer, and he immediately swung the weapon around like a whirlwind. With this one attack, more than a dozen Hydralisks died in his hands.

But at this time, a huge Ultralisk charged towards Sokada and knocked him flying. Fortunately, Sokada had blocked the charge in time, or his stomach would have been punctured by the Ultralisk’s fangs!

But even so, Sokada still landed with a terrible fall. He was completely defenseless for a short moment. The Ultralisk wanted to rush at him to give him another heavy blow, but Sheyan had already sprinted over. He first smashed a curse-mix at the ground to stop the ordinary Zerg soldiers from approaching Sokada, then slammed a fist onto the Ultralisk’s head!

Sheyan was immediately knocked away by the rebounding impact. He rolled back up and rubbed his fist with his teeth gnashing. The Ultralisk received his share of the suffering too. It took a few unsteady steps back while shaking its head and letting out a dull groan. A large amount of white foam spewed out of his mouth. Tochego seized this opportunity to bombard the Ultralisk with a series of antimatter bolts from afar, blasting the Ultralisk, which was already injured to begin with, into pieces of flesh!

Aldaris also sent a psionic shockwave over, slaughtering the Zerglings surrounding Sokada. Sokada had recovered by now. As someone who usually fought at the front line, he would seldom have a chance to rest, so he often had to withdraw from the battlefield after a while, but this time, with him and Sheyan covering for each other, he had the chance to take a breather even during an intense fight on the front line. That prolonged his battle duration significantly.

At this time, the four of them, together with a small group which consisted of some Zealots and Dragoons, were slowly getting further and further away from the main force of the Protoss. However, led by Ramtas’ sense of smell, they were also slowly escaping from the battlefield.

Eventually, the pressure on Sheyan and Sokada, who led the way, suddenly lightened. They abruptly found the area in front of them to be empty. The ferocious Zerg were all behind them; they had finally killed their way out from the seemingly endless sea of bugs! The ordinary Zealots and Dragoons following behind them also sighed in relief at escaping alive.

But right then, Sheyan’s expression abruptly changed. He had clearly heard a certain sound in the air.

It was a dull sound —

— the sound of thousands of leathery wings beating hard!!

An astonishing number of Mutalisks were approaching at a shocking speed!

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