The Surgeon’s Studio

Chapter 466 - Thorough Injuries

Chapter 466: Thorough Injuries

Zheng Ren and Su Yun were like wild dogs that had lost their stiffness. In less than two minutes, they ran from the emergency ward to the emergency room.

Lying on a stretcher… The patient was not really lying down but rather, just lying in a strange position. A steel bar penetrated from the lower body and pierced out from the left armpit.

It was estimated that the steel bar was at least 1.5cm thick and at least 60cm long.

In other words, all the organs in the body that the steel bar passed through would have at least be suffering 1.5cm penetrative trauma.

Zheng Ren’s heart tightened as he looked at the System panel on the upper right side of his vision.

Rectal rupture, colon rupture, stomach rupture, diaphragm rupture, lung rupture, intercostal artery rupture, hemorrhagic shock… It was a series of diagnosis that made people’s hands and feet go numb.

If it was a normal rupture of the intestine or stomach, Zheng Ren would not take it as seriously.

It would be over after the suture. It was amazing if there would even be an abdominal infection after the operation. As long as the patient could survive it, the patient would recover.

However, this kind of penetrating injury…

Zheng Ren immediately shouted, “The patient’s family! The witness at the scene! Who’s representing him!”

A simple and honest middle-aged man stood out with a distressed look on his face. “Doctor, I’m his neighbor.”

“How did you break the rebar?” Zheng Ren asked.

Su Yun knew what Zheng Ren meant. The patient was penetrated by the rebar. Judging from the position, he must have fallen from a high altitude. The bottom of the rebar must have been fixed somewhere as it had enough strength to penetrate the human body.

Only by breaking the rebar could the patient be brought to the hospital.

If it was too severe, it would cause large-scale contusions and lacerations of the abdominal organs.

This involved emergency surgery.

After Zheng Ren asked a question, he immediately said to Su Yun, “Inform the operating theater to prepare for emergency treatment!”

“Doctor, this child was learning really well. I heard from his father yesterday that he came in second in the year for the national examination. Who knew that today…”

“Let me ask you again, how did you break the steel bar!” The veins on Zheng Ren’s forehead showed, making him look a little ferocious.

The middle-aged man was shocked and said, “The fireman sawed it off with a cutting machine. He was very careful…”

“Let’s go to the operating theater!” Zheng Ren was slightly relieved. When he saw that the stomach tube and urethral tube had already gone in, and the venous channel had already been established, he immediately barked out orders.

The doctors from the Emergency Surgery Department, Su Yun, Zheng Ren, and the patient’s family members were pushing the stretcher and carrying IV bottles as they rushed to the operating theater.

As it was daytime, Chief Pan was in charge of this area. Zheng Ren was very relieved.

When he arrived at the operating theater, it was already busy inside.

He prepared the surgical and general anesthesia equipment. They operated in a precise and efficient manner.

“Call the Thoracic Department. Let’s open it together!” Zheng Ren said this last sentence before he hurriedly went to change his clothes.

Zheng Ren’s head hurt when he thought of the patient’s injuries.

He was not afraid of anything else, but how was he going to remove the rebar?

The posture of the surgery was difficult.

If he were to remove the rebar before the surgery, the patient’s internal organs would definitely bleed out at the various ruptures, and then…he would die immediately.

However, taking it out during the surgery was also a difficult problem that he could not face.

As Zheng Ren changed his clothes, he pondered on what he should do during the surgery.

It was necessary for the thoracoabdominal incision to be done at the same time. There was no doubt about that.

However, within a minute after the rebar was removed, he had to try his best to deal with all the damaged blood vessels. This was a little difficult.

Zheng Ren was a little slow in changing his clothes. Su Yun had already changed his clothes long ago. Looking at Zheng Ren’s expression, he understood and said, “Just wait and see. Not everyone can be saved.”

The two of them looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

Su Yun did not wait for Zheng Ren. He quickly went to give the patient a chest drain.

After changing his clothes, he quickly went to the operating theater.

Chu Yanran and Chu Yanzhi had already given the patient general anesthesia. However, the patient’s posture was particularly awkward. There were a few sandbags placed under the left side of the body to cushion it. It was at an angle so that the patient would not touch the steel bar that entered the anus.

This posture definitely made the surgery even more awkward.

“Get Yang Lei up here.” Zheng Ren brushed his hands and said in a deep voice, “Prepare the blood. Hurry up.”

The circulating nurse rushed around, her feet barely touching the ground. She helped Xie Yi prepare all sorts of surgical tools while preparing the equipment needed for the surgery, such as the negative pressure suction.

Chu Yanzhi said, “I’ll go make a call. Have the blood samples been sent?”

“The emergency department has sent them.” Zheng Ren began to don the sterile surgical gown. Chu Yanzhi tied the strap for him and jogged all the way to go call Yang Lei to go on operating theatre. After that, she went to the blood transfusion department to get the blood bags necessary

It was fortunate that it was daytime, Zheng Ren thought to himself.

Su Yun spread out the list and went to sterilize the equipment, putting on his clothes as fast as he could.

However, how the two of them stood became a big problem.

In normal surgery, they should stand on both sides. The surgeon stood on one side of the patient, while the first assistant stood on the other. However, the rebar was inserted from the back. The patient was lying on the operating table at an angle of 60 degrees, so the other side could not see the operating field at all.

Zheng Ren only hesitated for a second before he said, “Su Yun, this way.”

Su Yun reached out, grabbed a large piece of gauze covered with iodophor, and slapped it into Zheng Ren’s hand.

It was a familiar formula and smell, but Zheng Ren did not feel it at all.

His brain was working at high speed as he planned how he could pull the patient back from the brink of death.

He disinfected the gauze and the hemostat to the side of the patient’s leg. With a flip of his hand, the hilt of the scalpel rested in his palms.

Zheng Ren did not wait. He cut the patient’s abdomen from the bottom to the top.

Emergency treatment was a race against time. Zheng Ren really wished that the length of the rebar was as big as the incision.

The rapid blunt dissection opened up the abdominal cavity.

As the abdominal cavity opened up, the intestines flowed out of the patient’s abdominal cavity.

This was also the reason why the general surgery required a horizontal position.

The large gauze was padded. Using a sterile sheet and the body to cover the intestines, Zheng Ren began to look for the damaged positions of the rebar.

After the abdominal cavity was completely opened, it was a shocking sight to behold.

The steel bar pierced through the rectum, the left colon ruptured, and the stomach ruptured. It went through the entire stomach, punctured the diaphragm, penetrating upward.

“Why isn’t the Thoracic Department here yet?!” Zheng Ren roared.

Su Yun felt a powerful aura rising from Zheng Ren’s body. It was as if the lion king was patrolling his territory. His roar was filled with infinite dignity.

When did he grow to such a level? Su Yun was a little absent-minded.

“Yang Lei, help the boss. I’ll go for a thoracotomy.” Seeing Yang Lei come up, Su Yun immediately gave his own orders.

Su Yun could be in charge of the thoracotomy, but there was not enough manpower.

Zheng Ren was troubled.

At this moment, Cao Guozhen rushed over. He said apologetically, “I’m sorry, Chief Zheng. We were doing a bypass surgery over there. I heard that there was an emergency, so I rushed over.”

“Scrub your hands and open the chest with Su Yun, ” Zheng Ren said as he checked the wound in his abdomen.

His words were clear and concise.

Cao Guozhen did not say a word. He ran over to scrub his hands and almost bumped into Yang Lei who had just finished brushing his own hands.

“Chief Zheng, do you still need people? ” Cao Guozhen asked.

“Call for another person,” Zheng Ren said.

Naturally, the more people there were, the better.

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