The Runesmith

Chapter 474: Rune Mark II

Chapter 474: Rune Mark II

“Okay, lower the crucible.”

“Aye, let’s do this!”

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A large container filled with molten hot metal was slowly tipped over with the help of clawed grippers. They were connected to a large golemic exoskeletal construct with a rather happy Bernir inside. The prosthetic hand moved as if it were his own, allowing him to control this runic machine with ease and precision.

The molten metal poured into a large container, and the room was filled with the sharp tang of heated steel and the soft hum of magical energy. Roland watched closely, nodding in approval at Bernir’s improved dexterity and control. The prosthetic arm was performing flawlessly, and his assistant was back to his old self. freewebnσ

“Excellent work. That is all of it, right?”

“Aye, boss, but I didn’t think we’d be going back to smelting for this one.”

“There are reasons that this method is slightly better than just using the hammer.”

The two craftsmen continued their work, now pouring a magically enhanced alloy mixture into a large mold. It looked like a large black stone coffin, but it was a new piece of equipment in his workshop. It was not a casket, nor did it contain any bodies within; instead, it was a giant mold for his second version of the armor that was being created.

During his stay at the institute, Roland had gone through many magical books that could aid him in crafting his runic inventions. Luckily, the runic department had quite a few research papers on alloys and how to improve them. Several strengthening spells could be used to bathe the metallic concoction in thick mana. It was a procedure that could only be done during smelting and would work best when combined with instant runesmithing.

Under the molten alloy container was a large array of runes. They pulsated with energy, responding to Roland’s commands. Bernir stood to the side, his mouth agape, unaware of what was happening. It was impossible to see inside the mold, but Roland could sense the armor parts taking shape within. This advanced runesmithing technique, which he had briefly practiced, would allow him to enhance the magical capabilities of his new armor piece.

‘I can’t fail. I’m already almost broke from buying all those exotic metals. I wish those union dwarves had given me a discount…’

After grumbling about his monetary situation, he refocused on the task at hand. The runic array began to shine brightly, enveloping the black rocky slabs in a veil of blue mana. Roland concentrated intensely, channeling his mana into the runic array beneath the mold. The glowing blue mana pulsed rhythmically, infusing the molten alloy with magical energy. Sweat beaded on Roland’s forehead as he cautiously controlled the flow, ensuring that every inch of the alloy was evenly bathed in it. Then, with a forceful push, the energy around them exploded, and the veil shifted into an orange hue.

The energy within the container crackled as he began directly infusing the still-softened armor parts inside. It was a delicate process, as he needed to fashion all the runic traces with his mana alone, unable to rely on his hammer. However, the current alloy’s softness made something previously impossible now feasible. The tiny runic traces started filling out the metallic plates inside as he shaped them with his magical force.

Roland’s eyes remained fixed on the process, his focus unwavering. This method of enchanting the alloy during the smelting process was both risky and complex, but with high risks came great rewards. Once the metal set, his armor would be ready for field testing, and all the runic structures would be in place. The biggest downside of this method was how straining it was on his senses. The overwhelming amount of mana he needed to use was quite staggering, and he would not have been able to do this without the new geothermal generator’s aid.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of concentration and effort, the glowing energy began to settle, and the room gradually dimmed as the process concluded. Roland exhaled a long breath, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle over him. He leaned back, taking a moment to gather himself before turning his attention back to Bernir, who was still watching with wide-eyed fascination.

“That… was something else, boss.”

Bernir said, shaking his head in disbelief. The whole process took almost an hour and could have failed at any moment. The books in the library, along with the knowledge of the union, pointed out that this technique was supposed to be performed by a whole team of runesmiths and never alone. Only thanks to his multiple mind’s trait had it become feasible for Roland. Now they just needed to add the finishing touches to this new armor set before it was complete.

“Yes, but it’s not over yet. We need to let it cool down properly. We’ll have to smooth out a few corners, but that should be it, then we still need to assemble the parts together but that should be it.”

They carefully secured the mold and ensured the cooling process was steady and controlled. This step was crucial to prevent any cracks or imperfections in the alloy. The runes under the encasing controlled the heat of the new product, ensuring the cooling process went through without any issues. Once it had cooled down sufficiently, it was time to open it.

Roland and Bernir exchanged a glance before Bernir, using his prosthetic arm, began to carefully lift the mold. The room filled with the sound of metal scraping against stone as the two men revealed the gleaming new armor parts inside. The armor pieces lay in the mold, their surfaces glistening with a faint magical sheen from the runic energy infused within.

The process was partially complete, but there were a few issues they needed to resolve. Due to the mold method they used, there were small pathways where the molten metal had flowed to fill everything out. These remnants were still sticking to the armored plates and needed to be carefully removed.

Following that, they still needed to assemble everything together as all the components had been divided into smaller pieces. The gauntlets, in particular, were the most complicated part and had taken him a while to design. Eventually, he was able to design the mold encasing in such a way that it would produce parts that locked into each other perfectly. His new armor was almost ready but before they could continue he needed to stop his assistant to making the usual comments.

“Hey boss…”

“It’s pink due to the alloy, I can’t do anything about it now, once it settles it will be dark crimson like the other one.”

“Haha, it’s fine boss, there is nothing wrong with it being pink.”

Bernir chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. The new armor set, despite its temporary pinkish hue from the alloy mix, was shaping up to be another remarkable creation. As they carefully extracted each piece from the mold, they laid them out on the workbench. The workshop was now quiet except for the occasional clink of metal as they inspected and prepared each component for final assembly.

Roland inspected each piece with runic eyes, checking for any imperfections or irregularities in the runic components. The runes etched into the metal had settled well, and the finer details would not be visible to the naked eye. This alloy was a blend of mithril, etherium, and meteoric iron, which was an exotic metal he had chosen for this endeavor.

Meteoric ore was not commonly found on this planet. As its name suggested, it was discovered following a meteor impact, making it a rare find. It was a rare occurrence, but from time to time, meteoric ore could be discovered after meteor showers. It was on the same tier as mithril but had some additional perks, like enhancing magical and aura attacks of the items it was produced with. This would grant his lighter armor a buff to all of his spells, without lowering the durability.

With Bernir’s assistance, they meticulously assembled each piece, ensuring a flawless fit and reinforcing the runic enchantments woven into the alloy. The rough edges were sawed off and the surface smoothed out with the help of some runic power tools that Roland had previously fashioned. All the parts were designed to avoid damaging the runic traces and the metal in itself was quite sturdy, making damaging it improbable.

Once assembled, the armor exuded a subtle, magical aura, its surfaces reflecting the dim light with a lustrous sheen. Roland ran his fingers over the intricate runes, feeling the power thrum beneath his touch. For a moment, he waited for something, and just like before, he was not disappointed with his work.

Congratulations on creating a unique armor set, please give it a name.

“There it is, had me worried for a moment.”

When making his previous suit of armor, he had been granted a bonus after completion, and this time it was the same. He had researched this phenomenon thoroughly and found that creating a runic set requiring all pieces to be connected triggered the set bonus. This time, he didn’t wait long and pronounced the name while trying to ignore Bernir, who was wondering why Roland was mumbling to himself.

“Let’s go with Rune Mark II.”

Registering the name ‘Rune Mark II’

Soon after getting the message, he took the main helmet and inspected it. The armor was somewhat thinner, which lowered its durability but not greatly. What was interesting were the other bonuses and that it retained the armor rating of the previous model while being thinner.


Rune Mark II Helmet


Unique [ + ]



Armor Rating


Set Bonus

( 2 ) – [ + 12 Intelligence ]

( 4 ) – [ + 12 Willpower ]

( 6 ) – [ + All Runic Spells deal 10% more damage ]

‘A unique with a plus next to it?’

He was a bit disappointed by the classification as he hoped to create an armor that went a tier above. However, the plus sign implied that it was better than his previously designed bulky creation. The set gave him more flat stats but exchanged endurance with willpower, and his spells would be doing even more magical damage than before. If he combined this set bonus with the new, better alloy, he assumed that his true casting potential was closer to fifteen or twenty percent better than the older suit.

“Alright, barely made it in time. Bernir, while I test it, why don’t you prepare the gate, Sebastian should be able to get you through.”

“Sure thing, that orb is quite handy but about that cat…”

“Arion? Did he say something?”

“Not really, but he was a lot more interested in what you call it, artificial spirit? Then he couldn’t stop blabbing and asking questions about my arm…”

“That sounds like him, just ignore him, he’ll tire himself out eventually, just get things ready and I’ll be there in a bit.”

“Aye, sure thing Boss.”

Bernir chuckled as he nodded before heading towards the gate chamber. Before Roland could use it, they needed to perform a few tests, and his assistant would need to contact Arion at the institute. Once that was taken care of, they would initiate the gate and try to transfer some fruit through it. If it arrived intact on the other side, it would then be safe for Roland to travel through. While they were preparing the test, Roland needed to take the new suit for a spin, as his old one no longer existed.

The finished armor parts had been left on the workbench. The initial pink coloring had shifted to a somewhat charred crimson, a hue slightly darker than his previous creation, mostly due to the addition of new metals. He could always change the coloring if he wished, but he had grown accustomed to this darkened red.

“Okay, Bernir is gone… Let’s see how it goes.”

Roland made sure that his assistant wasn’t in the room with him, as he found the next part of the process a bit silly. First, he needed to put on his silvergrace suit, which luckily didn’t need upgrading. Then, he assumed the most optimal position by spreading his legs wide and his arms to the side. With the help of his runic spells, the armor parts came flying towards his body, attaching themselves to each other. His feet remained uncovered initially, as he had to lift them for the sabaton and greave parts to attach. Once assembled, his whole body was covered by the sleeker-looking full-body armor of his Rune Mark II.

The armor’s sleek design allowed for greater mobility, and the runic enhancements were even better. He moved his arms and legs, testing the range of motion and flexibility. Every movement felt smoother, more natural, and the armor responded as if it were an extension of his own body.

With the armor fully equipped, Roland moved around the workshop, testing the range of motion and responsiveness. The lighter construction allowed for greater agility without sacrificing protection. He practiced a few basic combat maneuvers and was impressed by the balance he managed to achieve with this new model.

“This does feel a lot less restrictive than the other one, although it looks a lot less imposing than the old one.”

His previous creation gave him a more knightly aura and also increased his size but it also restricted some of his movement. He decided to design this model with external attachments in mind, if he needed more armor it didn’t need to directly stick to his body. Just like his new runic glider, they could be created to help him tackle each and every problem.


He nodded at the success and looked at himself in the mirror to examine his new, more streamlined runic armor. His helmet lacked the larger visor of the old model which was replaced by smaller eye slits. With a display panel on the inside and his skill that allowed him to see the world as mana particles, he had options to see without exposing his face to much harm.

His shoulder pauldrons were less bulky and more aerodynamic, tapering to a sleeker design that allowed for better airflow. The chest plate featured intricate rune etchings that surrounded an octagonal shape in the middle. This spot housed one of his weapons that could be used as a trump card in the future.

“It might look a bit out of place around other traditional armor sets…”

Roland was satisfied with the look and hoped that people would accept it once he was outside. He assumed the previous position again to release the armor pieces back into the air and guided them back onto the workbench they had previously been placed on. This was one of the key features of this armor, it could be removed and resembled quite easily. If he combined this with his new spatial magic capabilities, it was something that would never leave his side again. As he finished, the door to the workshop creaked open, and Bernir poked his head in, grinning.

“The gate’s all set, boss. Sebastian said that you wanted to be there during the initial tests.”

“Good. Let’s get this over with.”

They moved to the gate chamber, where a large, intricately designed portal stood. The portal was a marvel of runic engineering, a large circular frame made of enchanted metals, with complex runes etched into every inch of its surface. With his arrival, it pulsed to life with a soft azure glow and cast an ethereal light across the entire chamber.

“Everything looks stable or at least, that’s what this here says”

Bernir said, glancing at the readouts on a nearby console that Roland had prepared. In the future, he was planning to make these things more accessible to others. Roland nodded, examining the setup in his own way.

“Alright, let’s start with the fruit are you ready Arion?”

“Oh joy, did you truly make this in less than a month my friend?”

“Yes… now, please focus…”

On the nearby holographic display, Arion’s feline face was looking at them. His voice sounded ecstatic and his facial expressions showed joy.

“Of course, of course, I’m ready. Send it over!”

Roland carefully placed the fruit – a simple apple – onto a metal trolley positioned at the center of the portal. With a nod to Bernir, he initiated the transfer sequence by pushing it forward and through the gate. Once the trolley was partially through the portal, Roland felt a strange pulling force as if someone was yanking it from the other side. As soon as he moved his hands away, the whole thing, apple included, vanished into the gate. Arion’s feline eyes widened as the apple materialized on his end, appearing undamaged.

“Success! It arrived intact!” Arion exclaimed, holding up the perfectly unharmed apple for them to see through the display, his small cat paws holding it up in a rather cute fashion.

‘It seems everything is in order. It’s time to head back…’

The time to return to the Institute was just two days away. Once there, he would need to confront the noble brat again. However, this time he would be doing it as the right-hand man of the Principal, a position no one could deny.

Well, I’m taking a second weekly break, see you in a week Rune Cowboy.

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