The Royal Contract

Chapter 554 - The Phantom 

"I think Mr. Travis failed to deliver what he promised." One of his father's friends, who served as one of his advisers in their organization, commented as they were having dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city.

The man, known as Bobby Zayne, who owned a big conglomerate in the city, commented on his observation upon reading the news regarding the apprehension of Nick Travis.

Although the meeting had nothing to do with the organization but simply a dinner about his legal acquisition, he still felt the need to open up the topic.

"Let me handle him, Bobby." He told the man, who was as old as his father. 

Mr. Zayne was one of his clients in his profession. He was counseling him on one of his investments when the old man shifted the topic to Nick and his case. 

He was not planning to talk about Nick, but this man was right. He needed to address the matter before it got out of hand. He had to appease his associates that he was in control of the situation. 

What happened to Nick was an isolated situation and would not affect their operations. He did not like when they questioned his ability to lead this organization or his decisions because he knew what he was capable of.

However, he could not afford to offend them. Not when he was still solidifying his role as the new leader of the largest underworld organization in the city. He hoped that someday his group would be the largest in the world.

"I know that you will be a great leader. I even told your father that you might exceed what he had achieved. But fair warning, many want your position, so better watch your back." Bobby rambled on about what his father had gone through to earn all their trust. 

He knew that the young man already was aware of that, but it would not hurt to remind him about what he was up against. He still believed that he was the rightful heir to the throne that his father vacated.

"I am aware of what is happening inside the organization. You have nothing to worry about me. Those fools who think that they could take my place had a surprise coming their way soon." He assured the old man. 

He appreciated his loyalty to his father, but he still could not trust someone who pledged his allegiance to a dead corpse. He needed men who believed in his vision.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you have any plan about Nick?" Bobby wiped the oil that stuck on the side of his lips with the table napkin before placing it back down on his lap.

He was interested to hear what their young leader had in mind regarding the issue. If it was still his father, he already could anticipate what he would do, but this man sitting in front of him was different. He was not easy to read. 

"I already suspected that from Nick. He was never cut out to be part of this organization. You have nothing to worry about because all this is part of my plan." He assured the man as he continued to eat the juicy piece of beef on his plate.

He had no intention of sharing any of his ideas with the man, especially when there was still a likelihood that he might be working for his enemies.

He also knew that gambling with Nick was a tremendous risk, but he did not put all his money on him. He just used Nick as a pawn in one of his many games. In this case, he lost, but it was just one round.

In a game of power, he could not just play one game and expect to end up being the best. To be the king, he must learn to choose his battles wisely. Which one he would sacrifice and which one he must win.

In this circumstance, he was hoping that Nick would succeed. Since he did not. Then, he had to opt for plan A. His initial objective. 

"Then, I trust that you know what you are doing. You can count on my full support in whatever you are planning to do." Bobby raised his glass to him, concluding the discussion. 

The old man returned to his meal immediately after the new boss acknowledged his pledged support. He could not afford to disrespect their new leader by going against him.

He had to play his cards right, just in case, the young man remained in his position. Otherwise, he also did not want to offend another candidate that might take his place.

"I appreciate that." The young man said, hoping that he was telling him the truth. Or else the old man would suffer the same fate as Nick.

Nick was a good plan, even if it did not pay off. It was a good distraction that gave him an opening to put his own strategies into action. He could proceed with ease with his grand master plan.

Now, his opponents believed that the war was over, even though it had just begun. He could strike without them knowing what hit them. 

"Regarding my case, do you think that it was wise for me to enter a deal with this Prince Alexander Blackstone," Bobby asked his legal counsel.

He returned the topic back to the initial purpose of the meeting. He was initially set on making a deal with Ethan before he had his health issues, and the project was placed on hold.

Now that the project was back on the table, he was hesitant to pursue it with a new head of the Hamilton Empire. He had no prior knowledge of the prince and his record in handling his business.

Although he had heard good things about the prince, he still had to prove himself in the business world. He thought a few milestones were not enough to assure him that the young man could handle such a business empire.

"I assure you that I have met the man. He had a good reputation and good business sense. It would be worth your while to agree with their more than reasonable offer." He advised the older man.

Honestly, he was rooting for the business arrangement to push through. It was an opportunity that he could explore to his advantage.

Nobody would know who he was and when he would strike.. He was the phantom that would hunt them down.

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