The Royal Contract

Chapter 551 - Winning Was Everything

"How is he?" Ethan asked his daughter as he stood beside her on the side of the bed.

He wanted to convince her that she also needed to rest, but he figured that she would never listen to him. She was just as stubborn as he was.

The doctors had already assured him that she was not harmed physically. But they still advised that she should see someone for the trauma she had experienced.

"The doctors said that he still needs to undergo more tests just to be on the safe side." Dani held Alex's hand, not wanting to let it go, as she sat on a chair beside him.

She did not want to leave his side in the possibility that he might wake up at any time. She wanted to be at his side when he finally opened his eyes.

Since he had slept last night, he had not woken up. She was afraid that he might be in a worse state than what they were telling her. 

The doctors told her that his body had just gone through a difficult phase. Sleeping was his way of trying to cope with the injuries he incurred. 

She had nothing to worry about since he was not in any critical condition. Still, she did not want to leave his side, not until he had woken up.

"Princess, don't you feel tired." Ethan ran his hand through her hair, trying to comfort her.

He wanted to pull her daughter in his embrace, to tell her that all would be fine. But that was not how the world worked. He did not believe that cuddling her would help her situation.

She had a tough battle ahead of hers. Alex, too. They would need each other to get through this ordeal. But more than anything, Alex would require her strength.

Men could appear so all-mighty and overly powerful, but he had to admit that he would not have made it without his wife, Laura. She had been his source of all his strength. Without her, he would be nothing.

"I already had enough sleep earlier, and I already ate something a while ago." She looked up to gaze at his father, who had worry lines on his forehead. "Don't fret about me. I am taking care of myself."

She understood the concern in the voice of her father. The way he saw it, she also had been through a lot. But what he did not realize about her. She had changed these past few years.

She had been fending for herself, fighting every battle that had stood in her way. This incident might have been horrific, but she would not allow this experience to define her future.

"Ok. If you say so, Princess." He finally rested his case. He knew nothing else he might say could change her mind.

He leaned over to her and planted a tender kiss on the top of her head. He wished there was something more he could do for her and Alex, but there was none.

He might be king in his domain, but he had no power to grant wishes. He could not magically make everything back to the way it was. 

In this instance, he understood that he was just a mortal like everyone else who could only hope that everything would turn out fine eventually.

"Dad, what are you planning to do with Nick?" As much as she did not want to discuss that name, she knew she had no choice.

Knowing her father, she was afraid that he might do something that might not be according to the letter of the law. He might take the matter into his own hands.

As much as she wanted Nick to pay for his crimes, she still wanted him to go through the justice system. She did not want her father to be the judge and executioner in Nick's case.

"Let me worry about Nick. Just focus on making yourself better." Ethan did not want to discuss the issue with Nick with her. 

He believed she already had enough to worry about to even include Nick in her things to think about. He could handle Nick on his own as far as he was concerned.

He tapped her shoulders to assure her that he had the matter under his control. She had nothing to worry about because his men were already hunting Nick at the very moment.

"Dad, I don't think you understand. I don't want you to do anything to Nick. I want you and your men to stand down." She said to her father, shifting in her seat until she was face to face with him.

She knew that her father had done some not so commendable things in the past. But she knew he was not a criminal. However, this horrible incident might push him to do something that they all might regret in the end.

"I know what I am doing, Princess. I will do what needs to be done." He spoke to her with conviction.

Nothing could sway his decision. He believed that it was the only way that he could put a stop to Nick's evil ways. He realized that Nick would not stop harming his family until he had gotten what he wanted. But he was not waiting for that to happen.

He would act now before Nick could strike back. Besides, he believed that the law would not be enough to stop him. Even putting him behind bars would only be temporary.

"Not this time, Dad. Let the authorities do their job. I will handle Nick myself." Dani let go of Alex's hand and stood up to stare her father in the eyes. "You have to let me do this."

She knew that her father might not listen to her. But she had to try. She wanted Nick to pay for his crime, not lying in a ditch somewhere. 

She wanted him to think of what he did every day of his life. She doubted that he would regret any of it, but she believed he would still suffer, knowing that he did not win. 

Because for Nick, winning was everything.

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