The Royal Contract

Chapter 548 - A Gunfight With Blank Bullets

Samson drove the car out of the dark area where he hid it earlier and into the rough, rocky, dirt road. It was a perfect spot where the security would not spot them because of the tall grasses and the lush trees surrounding the dense area.

The couple settled in the back seat, sitting close together, finding comfort in the warmth of the other. Thankful for finally getting out of captivity and being in each other's arms once again.

The first few minutes had been enveloped in silence as all of them tried to catch their breaths and calm their nerves. Nobody dared to make a sound, with hearts still beating at rapid speed and a bit wary of their safety.

The only noise that could be heard in the background was the steady hum of the engine and the soft breeze that passed through the open windows as the car cruised along some open field. 

"Thank you!" This time it was Alex who spoke the first words. He looked into the eyes of the man who had just saved their lives in the rearview mirror. "I am sorry if I misjudged you earlier."

He kept his arms wrapped around his wife, finding relief from feeling her body against his. He still felt the discomfort of his injuries. Pain still plagued his body when the car hit several bumps on the road.

But he could only focus on the knowledge they would soon be freed. They had escaped without being caught. Although he still found it odd that it had been too easy. But who was he to question their luck?

He knew he should be thankful that Dani found a man who still had a good heart and was willing to help them. He had no idea what had convinced him to help them, but now, he could tell that it was not about the money.

Whatever it was, he would make sure that he would help him. Any price the big man would ask would be worthy payment for the safety of the woman he loved.

"Thank me when this is all over. And you are both safely back in your home. But I am counting on your words, your highness." Samson answered, then he directed his gaze to the woman behind him. 

He was not concerned for his safety. He could handle and protect himself. Besides, he was not afraid to die. He had prepared himself for the inevitable when he had joined this organization.

However, he did worry about his family. His mother and sisters counted on him to provide and protect them. He had worked hard not to involve them in this dark life he had chosen.

"I promise you, I will do my best to protect you and your family," Dani once again swore to him. 

She had every intention to fulfill those promises that she made. She would use all the power and influence that her family had to make that happen. She would use what she knew about the law to help him with his case.

She owed him so much for risking his life and his family for two perfect strangers. Samson had never even asked for the financial reward she mentioned before as payment for his effort. 

"That is all I ask," Samson said, ready to resign to his fate. He was through doing terrible shits for money. It was time that he paid for his crime. 

He believed meeting her was a wake-up call for him. He still had time to change. His family should not pay for the crimes he had committed. The mistakes he had made in his life should not haunt them in the future. It should be his alone.

"What do you think happened back there?" Alex could not keep his curiosity to himself. "Do you think they were onto us?"

He was unsure if the commotion was about them, but he did not see anyone coming after them if that was the case. He figured guards would be swarming around the perimeter fence if they had learned their escape. But until now, no one was going after them. 

He knew he should be feeling relieved, but he could not help thinking of every possible scenario that could put them in any harm. He just wanted to be assured that they were safe.

Samson slightly turned his face to look at his passengers. He was also wondering the same thing. "I am not entirely sure, but I think it was not us they were after."

Samson could only speculate from what he observed when they had stopped to duck for cover. But they were far enough for him to see the entire situation. Another building also covered the incident from his view.

However, judging from the sound of the fire shots, he could tell that someone else had infiltrated their base. Maybe someone came to rescue the two.

Although he could also be wrong since he was not privy to the situation. Maybe his team was discovered by Nick and was starting to eliminate them. He could think of several more scenarios on his mind.

Whatever happened out there, he could not risk the life of the two by going back and checking it out. He was just glad he could use the incident as cover for getting them out without being noticed.

"I also think so." Dani agreed with his assessment, noticing that the commotion was far from them.

If the guards were after them, they would have seen them. But, they were able to slip off their security easily because of the chaos that erupted inside the area.

"I think we can safely say we are in the clear for now until I have deposited you to the safehouse I had arranged not very far from here." He guaranteed them that they would be safe in that place since it was far from any neighbors who might recognize them. 

He also had arranged for a phone that they could use to communicate outside. There was also a clear path for their rescue that would not alert the other team of their presence.

Getting a clear signal in the fortress was hard since Nick had placed a blocking apparatus that prevented outside calls unless one would use his system. It was hard to get access to that. 

"How did you manage to do all this?" Dani asked since she thought he was not that intelligent to come up with all this.

She always thought he was just a big fellow who only followed orders. She could not believe that he could create an elaborate plan for their escape. This only reminded her that she could not judge a person by the first impression.

"I love spy books and movies. I always thought that I would become one and work for the CIA, but I ended up working on the other side of the fence." He explained how he came up with the plan.

Luckily, he had been given access to most of the resources in their fortress, or he would not be able to pull this through. He used the opportunity to set up everything when he volunteered to buy the supplies earlier.

Well, regarding the medications, it helped that his sister was studying to be a doctor. He had asked her about these things, wanting to be aware of the common risk related to his job, including the use of different drugs. 

It also helped him to have some knowledge of things that could help him in his trade. He might not be a genius, but he was not dumb to enter a war with no training.. He was not going into a gunfight with blank bullets.

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