The Royal Contract

Chapter 539 - Patience Was The Key To Success

A few minutes earlier, inside the spacious room. The doctor injected the drugs into his patient. It would render him temporarily in a semi-comatose state, just like what he was instructed to do by his real boss. 

He had been pretending to be working for Nick for a few months now. Infiltrating his operation to get close to him and his plans. He had been gaining his trust and spying on him at the same time.

He was not alone in this mission. Several of his men also came along with him, situating themselves in the different areas of Nick's business. 

"How is he?" The man, who seemed to be in charge, stood at the corner of the room. He had stayed away, behind the shadows, out of the view of the patient.

He came here, wanting to see for himself the famous prince. The one who captured the heart of the elusive heiress of the mighty Hamilton Empire.

He also wanted to witness how the mighty royal darling of the crowd had fallen in his hands. He had never envied anyone in his life. But this prince had his blood boiling to the core for some reason. 

"There is no need to worry about the prince, Sir. He only incurred minor injuries, not enough to be fatal." The doctor related to him the condition of their captive.

"But the medication I administered to him would immobilize and keep him unconscious in the meantime." The doctor resumed his explanation as he walked along with their boss outside the building.

"Just make sure that he will never escape." The man said in his arrogant and authoritative voice, striking fear in the hearts of his men. "I never like sloppy work, and I will never tolerate mistakes." 

He did not care for the condition of the prince. He had his reasons for taking the couple, and it was all part of a grand plan. A plan that he never thought would land in his lap.

He had been waiting for a chance to take down the almighty Ethan Hamilton. Now, he had his chance to do so. Daniella Hamilton was just a bonus that would add nicely to his collection of accolades.

"I assure you that he is not going anywhere." The doctor confidently told the man at his side, showing him his sly smile. 

He was not afraid of the new boss. He had handled his father for years without any problem. He was one of his father's most trusted men. He was secured in his position as one of the heads of his team.

He had worked for the old boss for more than ten years before he eventually died of a disease. His abusive behavior towards his body had finally caught up with him. 

He always thought he would end his reign in the underworld in a more honorable way, with guns blazing and a bullet in his head. But he succumbed to his sickness on his death bed.

He was a doctor, but he was not a miracle worker. He failed to save his life despite all the advanced technology and money at his disposal. But he promised the old man that he would guide his son to his success.

"Good. I know I can always count on you." The boss tapped the doctor on the shoulder, rougher than it needed to be, as they continued to walk towards the manor.

He could see the old house that had outlived its purpose. This house might be one of the best during his time, but now, it was just a piece of garbage occupying prime land.

In his opinion, outdated trash should be thrown into the dumpster or incinerated to ash to make way for something better. It had no space in his world, just like this old man. 

If he failed to deliver what he promised, he would not have second thoughts about disposing of him. He would have no use for old and incompetent men.

"What about Nick? What are you planning to do with him?" The doctor asked, trying to find out the next part of the plan. So far, he was only privy to this one.

He always thought their new leader would make him his confidant and adviser. After all, he had been in this business for a long time. 

He had helped his father build this underground empire and made it to what it was today. It was an enormous and powerful association, untouchable by the authorities and feared by their kind.

"Patience, my friend." The man smirked at him. "In due time, you will find out what will be my next move." He never did like sharing all his moves. 

It was one of the things his father thought him well. To hide his best cards until he had the right timing. Then, he would strike and win the entire game.

Taking a risk was the best part of the game, but he always had a trick on his sleeves. He would not allow anyone to beat him in his game. 

"As you wish, boss." The doctor said, but he was starting to get skeptical about how he was acting around him.

He doubted that this young boy had any plans of including him in the big league. He had been keeping him in the dark for far too long, and he was beginning to resent it.

However, out of respect for his father, the doctor still gave him the benefit of the doubt. He was young and eager. He would learn in time that he would need him in running this business, the doctor thought.

"I am glad you agreed." The young boss spoke condescendingly, patronizing the older man.

He had been trained his entire life to take over his father's legacy. Although it had been a few years ahead of schedule, his father's death was unavoidable. He had to take over as soon as possible.

Soon, he would declare himself the new king. The true rightful heir to the throne of the city. His father had hidden him from the world long enough, preparing him for his time to take his place.

"Sir, we are here." The other man standing on the other side of the boss finally spoke up. 

He had been silent the entire time, only listening to their conversation. He was a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes. He had been protecting the boss since he was a teenager. 

"Give me a moment." He said as he waited for them to give him some space.

He stopped by a locked door, excited to see the occupant of the room. But he just stared at the closed door. The other people with him were left wondering what he had planned for their other captive.

It was not time yet to see her, he told himself. As much as he wanted to, he knew that it would ruin what he had planned all this time. 

He had already waited this long before taking over the business. He could wait a little longer for what he had in mind for this woman.. As he had said earlier to his man, patience was the key to success.

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