The Royal Contract

Chapter 530 - The Top Of The Hour

"You were a great help in there, Ms. Harlowe," Lance said to her as he escorted her out of the private room and into the adjacent office. "We really appreciate everything you have shared with us."

He offered to guide her out of the room since he also had other matters he had to attend to. He was not part of the following operation anyway. There was no more reason for him to stay.

Besides, he had one more thing he had to take care of before he parted ways with the intriguing reporter. He was actually impressed with her determination to get her facts straight. 

He believed if it was some other sleazy reporter, those reports would be airing right now as a blind item, fishing for more information. Until it blew up out of proportion, risking the lives of his cousin and friend.

"I only wanted to help." She did not want to make a big deal of her contribution to their investigation. She was more than happy to learn that her instincts were still as sharp as ever. 

But she would be lying if she said she was not interested in the entire story. She gathered she had one explosive news in her hands, just waiting to be told. She was not letting it go that easily.

She still wanted a piece of the action. Maybe an exclusive to the story of the century. A follow-up on her latest telecast. Hopefully, after all the chaos and the traumatic experience, everything would still end with a happy ending. 

However, if that would not be the case, she thought it was still a story worth telling to the world. But she would make sure to give it the dignity it deserved. Tell the story as it was, not sensationalize it for money and fame.

"I am sorry that my uncle had to make you leave because of the sensitivity of the situation. I hope you understand." Lance stopped just beside the desk, making her also halt in her tracks.

The duke had asked Ms. Harlowe to give them some privacy as he and his team discussed further their following actions. Her presence might only impede and compromise their plans.

It was already enough that she had been privy to what was going on with the current situation, even discovering their secret chamber. They could not keep giving her more information than what she already knew.

"I knew something was not right when I saw those two reports. Precisely, why I sought out the duke for confirmation." Eida said to the prince, slightly turning so she was facing him.

She did not decline the request of the duke for her to leave. Actually, she was lucky she only got a slap on the hand for snooping around the palace.

Although she did wonder what kind of punishment would befit her transgression. She doubted that locking her up in the dungeon still existed in this day and age. 

Well, it was something that she had not bothered to check when she toured the palace. That was whether the old dynasty practiced torture, guillotine, or hanging as punishment for a crime.

"We are glad that you did." He smiled at her before moving to the opposite side of the desk and opening a drawer. 

As much as he wanted to join in the rescue mission, it was not his place. He had accepted everyone had a role in this family. His was to keep the peace and order within the palace and beyond those walls.

"You don't have to show me the way out. I don't want to waste any more of your time. I think I know my way out." She told him, seeing that he was about to take out some papers and probably had a busy schedule. 

"I could see that you are a busy person." She continued, pointing to the papers and pen in his hands.

She already had taken much of his time. She knew her way around the palace. She could find her way out easily. Or security could escort her out if they wanted an assurance that she had left the premises. 

But who could blame them when she did wander around the palace without permission? Then, she trespassed where she was not invited. But it was all worth it, she thought.

She could still feel the excitement as the adrenaline in her blood had not yet worn off. She was actually inspired to write an article about this. But of course, she had no plan of publishing it until the couple was rescued and the culprit arrested.

"I am sorry, but if you will give me a few more minutes. We still have a few things to discuss." He gestured for her to sit down on the available chair.

He sat down behind the desk and waited for her to follow. He still had one issue that needed his attention. He needed her cooperation first before she could finally leave.

He started scribbling something on the empty spaces on the document. Filling up the form while he waited for the reporter to comply with his request.

"I thought we already discussed everything inside. What else was there to talk about?" She was confused, but she eventually sat down to give the prince a chance to explain. Besides, she did not think that she had no choice.

She rummaged in her head, checking if she had forgotten something else. However, she believed she had already told them everything she knew about the case.

She raised her right brow at him when he shoved the papers he held in his hands toward hers. It suddenly clicked in her head what this was all about, seeing the heading in the form.

"You are free to leave as soon as you sign these papers." He told her as he leaned back on the chair after passing the papers and pen.

He could not allow her to disclose anything she had discovered and witnessed earlier. The only way to secure their secret was to make her sign an agreement.

Not that he did not trust her. After all, she was the one who brought the evidence to them. However, he had to follow protocol and secure the situation.

"You know I am not like most reporters. I assure you that you can trust me. I will not tell a soul what had transpired in here." She assured him as she skimmed through what he wrote on the standard form.

Still, she understood his concern. She was indeed in the business of snooping around and telling stories. He did not know her personally, and he was probably doing his obligation.

"I assure you that I don't see you as anything like the reporters I know," Lance said with a boyish grin on his face. He found her statement a bit cliche, but he actually believed her. 

"But you still poke your nose where it did not belong. You are still a reporter. I still have to make sure that what you know does not end up in tomorrow's news." Lance spoke up again while she read the papers.

She looked up at him, staring him in the eyes. She could not believe that he was questioning her credibility in keeping her words. One of the things she valued most was her honor.

To think that she thought he was a decent member of the royal family. And the fact that she did find him very attractive. But now, she only saw him as just another royal pain in the ass.

Signing the damn papers, she shoved them in his direction. Then, she said. "Not every story is about making it to the top of the hour.." Before walking out of that office.

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