The Royal Contract

Chapter 528 - One More Stop

"Make sure that the entire place is secured. I don't want anything happening while I am away." Nick said to the man on the other line. "What about Dani? Is she cooperating with Samson?"

The man on the other line assured him that she was being well taken care of. She had eaten her meals and had not caused any problems. None as far as he knew.

"What about Alex? Is he still alive?" He could not care less about his condition, but he needed an update. 

All he needed was for him to keep breathing until he returned. He had instructed his personal physician to keep his heart beating. He did not mind if he ended up in a coma or a vegetative state.

"He is. The doctor is constantly monitoring his condition." His man reported to him.

His man also informed him that they were running low on stocks, so he had asked one of his men to buy their supplies from the nearby town.

"Fine. You know the drill. Be sure that your man avoids any suspicion. I do not want anyone snooping on our operation." Nick instructed.

Besides using the place as a hideout and keeping the couple captive, he also had a warehouse in the vicinity, keeping most of his stash.

As of now, he only played as the middle man for the big boss and most of his big clients. The big boss sometimes used his business as a cover for his transactions. 

"When are you coming back, Sir." The man asked, wondering how long they would wait for their next job or go back to civilization.

Being stuck on the island had its perk, but it could be boring, too. The men were starting to get restless. Some of them had been there for weeks, so naturally, they would like to go home to their families or just wanted to get laid.

"Soon. I still have several issues that I need to handle." He told his man to be patient. After all, they would all be generously rewarded.

He hung up the phone and concentrated on the papers in front of him. He checked the name and the figures on the files. He was trying to determine if the boss was behind the attack on his company.

He could think of several people who had always been after him, but they could not have this kind of resources to attack Ethan, Alex, and him at the same time. Only him but to what purpose.

"Sir, Mr. Mortey has returned for his appointment. He is slightly pissed that you canceled on him earlier." Michael interrupted him as he stood by the door. "He is now on his way up."

His assistant was hesitant to disturb him, seeing that he had returned to the office in a foul mood. However, he knew that the meeting with their VIP client was also important.

"Fuck!" He slightly shouted, running his hands through his hair, feeling slightly exasperated about his situation. He had forgotten all about him.

He did not want interruption at this point. His mind was already all over the place as it was. His little rendezvous did nothing to calm him down. Usually, it worked but not today.

He still could not connect the Big boss with his dilemma. This mystery man had cleaned all paper trails that might lead to his identity. 

There was still no way for Nick to discover the man behind the shadows that ran the biggest underworld syndicate in the city. Maybe the world if his speculation was correct.

"I am sorry, Sir," Michael quickly said upon seeing his reaction. "Should I just ask him to come back another day?" 

He suddenly thought that he had made the mistake of upsetting his boss further. He should have rescheduled Mr. Mortey for another time.

He was not usually afraid of his boss. As long as he did his job well, he did not have a problem. He could manage his mood swings most of the time. He was, after all, paid generously to tolerate his unusual behavior.

However, since he came back from his trip. He had been acting weird. Well, more aggressive and crazier than usual. At first, he attributed it to the attack on his company, but then again, something was off with him.

"No, sent him in. Just give me five minutes." He quickly replied, realizing that he should deal with the matter now.

Besides not wanting any distraction, the last thing he needed was to meet with this man. A man who believed that he was always right. 

If not for his money and investment in his company, he would have gotten rid of him long ago. Now, he had to play nice and entertain the enormous ego of the man. 

Because in his situation, he could not afford to offend any of his top investors. He needed their money and cooperation at the moment.

"What brings you here, Mr. Mortey?" He asked, but he already had an idea of his intentions. 

He welcomed him into his office after fixing himself up, not wanting to appear as if a train had just run him over. He even offered him a drink to make him feel special.

After almost an hour of nonsense, he was finally saying goodbye to Mr. Mortey. It was an agonizing hour of sucking up to the man, only for him to feel satisfied that his money was still safe in his hands.

But that was what he was good at, convincing people to trust him. He just needed a chance to come face to face with this elusive man. He needed him to believe that he could count on him as a partner rather than an enemy.

"Michael, do you have the files that the investigators sent a few minutes ago?" He asked when he was through signing the papers on his desk.

His assistant immediately brought the papers to his attention. In a few minutes, he had already skimmed through the notes and the document before him.

The day was almost over, and a new problem had just come up. It would seem that someone did not get the memo he had sent and proceeded against his will.

He quickly took his phone out and dialed a number. He talked to the man on the other line, giving him several instructions. "Make sure that he learned his lesson. I want to make an example out of him."

Then, he quickly terminated the call. He could not tolerate insubordination, not in his company or personal life. Everyone would be answerable to him if they double-crossed him.

Now, his investors or employees would think twice before making the wrong decisions. He would not allow any of them to ruin what he had built for himself. His empire.

"It had been a long day. Go home, but make sure to inform me if there are any changes or development." Nick walked out of his office, instructing Michael as they walked towards the elevator.

He still needed to control all his investors before all of them sold their shares. Unfortunately, one slipped through his fingers. He had already sold his before he could get to him.

But, he would make an example of him for betraying his trust. Some of his men were already on their way to teach him a lesson. He would have gone with them, but he had something else he had to take care of first.

It was an important matter that he had to settle before calling it a day. He was tired, and all he wanted was to rest on his bed, but not yet.. He still had one more stop.

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