The Royal Contract

Chapter 518 - Gentle Giant

She had been pacing the room for a few minutes now, waiting for the guard to open the door. She could tell that it was almost lunchtime, judging from the shadow produced by the sun outside.

Still, she had no news of Alex and his condition. She also had not seen Nick anywhere in the vicinity. She was anxious for any form of information. 

The men still loitered outside her window. Occasionally, enjoying basking under the sun. Playing target shooting on an open range on the other side of the house.

"Please, please, please." Dani prayed to whoever was listening, whispering in the air her most desire at the moment.

She was hoping that it would be Samson who would be bringing her the food. It would allow her to talk to him again. She believed that the more she communicated with him, the more she could establish a bond with the big man.

If only she could possibly take hold of a phone, then she could call outside and ask for help. To do that, she would need help from the big man. As of now, she could not think of any other way.

After a few more minutes...



A loud noise could be heard coming from outside the room. Then, a metal hit the wooden floor, and finally, a smashing sound of ceramics breaking reverberated along the hallway.

"Damn! What the heck, man." The sound of a loud voice of a man cursing another man reached her ears as she moved closer to the door to investigate the commotion.

She planted her ears on the wooden surface, hoping to make sense of what was happening outside. From what she heard next, it sounded like the man tripped and spilled her food all over the floorboard. 

The man in charge seemed to be pissed. "Go get her another set of food and then clean this mess afterward." He barked his order, appearing to be in command of the situation.

She quickly stepped back away from the door when she heard the creaking of the wooden floors. It meant that whoever was out there was coming to check her in the room.

Then, she saw the doorknob rattled, making a clinking sound as if someone was giggling at some keys in his hand. Finally, she heard a gentle knock as the door was unlocked and opened gently. 

"I am sorry about the noise, Your highness, but you have to wait for your food. My clumsy partner today had an accident and spilled them all over the floor." A slightly familiar male voice said before he revealed himself by the door.

"I hope you are not yet hungry." He quickly added, looking very apologetic. 

The man she was waiting for stopped by the doorway as if he had no plan to enter. He looked around the room as if he was checking the place before fixing his eyes on her.

"That is ok." Dani immediately spoke up, feeling the raspiness in her voice. It was probably due to her crying last night after having a nightmare. 

Although, the cause of her despair had nothing to do with the horrible dream. But more on the images left in her head of what Nick had done with Alex.

She cleared her throat before she continued talking. "I am not yet that hungry. I can wait." As she tried to clear her head, concentrating on her current task.

She was slightly hungry, but she would not die of starvation if she waited for a few more minutes. Besides, eating was the least of her concern. 

She had more pressing matters to do, realizing that she was presented by fate with an opportunity. He had the big guy all to herself.

"Why don't you come in for a second, Samson?" She beckoned him with a wave of her hands. "I feel like I am going crazy not having anyone else to talk to." She used her most convincing voice as if she was trying to win a jury to her side.

She looked at the big man, who hesitated for a second before stepping inside the room. Just a few feet away from the door, he kept the door opened and remained standing.

"Do you need anything? Are you not feeling well?" Samson asked, slightly worried that she might be feeling unwell. She could see that she was a bit pale, and her eyes were slightly puffy.

His boss did tell him to take care of her and provide for her needs. He could not let anything happen to her while she was on his watch.

"No. I am ok. Maybe just a little..." She held her tongue as if she was thinking of the right words to say to him. "I don't know how to explain it." She looked at him as if she was confused.

"I hope you don't mind if we talk even for a few minutes. I just needed some company. I think." She added before he could respond to her statement.

She believed from the way his face showed some concern. He was beginning to soften up to her. It was a matter of time before he would eventually turn to her side. Well, it was what she was hoping for.

Samson was the only possible ally she could have in this whole place. She could not fail in this mission to win him over. It was the only way she could execute her plan.

"I am not supposed to bother you." He explained, reluctant to give in to her request. "I am just here to assure your taking care of and safety."

He did understand her situation. If he was in her shoes and imprisoned in this room, he would also feel a bit depressed. But he had work to do. It was a high-paying job that he could not lose.

She decided to sit at the table, hoping that he would follow her. But with no luck, he remained standing at his current position, just looking at her.

He was harder to convince than she thought, but she was not ready to give up just yet. She would use all the tricks she had learned in the book. She would not stop until she had exhausted all her options.

"Anyway, how are you today? I can see that the sun is quite beautiful. There is no sign of rain. It must be wonderful to be out in the open." She tried another tactic.

She talked about her fascination with nature, trying to make him feel comfortable around her. She thought talking about relatable topics would ease the conversation and hopefully establish trust. 

"I love jogging before the break of dawn. There is some kind of magic in the air when the early morning breeze touches my face." She explained to him when he remained silent, not answering her question.

However, she believed she was not mistaken about him. She had read it in his eyes that he was different. He was not doing this for pleasure but as a necessity. 

She just had to get through to him. It might not work, but she had to try.. He seemed to be too sweet to be in this line of business, just like a gentle giant.

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