The Royal Contract

Chapter 507 - A Promise Not Meant To Be Broken

"Are your team in place?" Ethan asked Tim, who had set up his own operation in one of the rooms in his mansion.

Ethan had given Tim the reins in handling the extraction of Ben in possible enemy territories. He was the expert, after all. Despite his injuries, he was still the best man for the job, although he had to work with his team behind the scene this time.

He needed Ben rescued because he was the last one to see his children alive. Moreover, Ben might be carrying valuable information to help them with their current situation.

"My team had already landed at the airport. They are now en route to the hospital where they had tracked the phone Ben had used." Tim reported to his current boss.

He did not mind taking orders from Ethan. He had high respect for the man for what he stood for. He was no different from his boss, and he would serve him just like he did with Alex.

He stayed tuned to the reports of his team through their secured communication. Every minute counted in a mission like this. So far, nothing much had happened, but he could not be too sure.

"Update me if you have more news." Ethan requested as he left Tim to deal with his job.

He also had to attend to his own problems, which were starting to pile up. Luckily, he had Marcus to deal with the company. He could focus on the other things that needed his attention.

He walked away from the room and away from his office too. He strode towards the long hallway and up to the winding stairs. Finally, he stopped outside a door, taking a deep breath.

He had to calm his nerves, appear strong, and think of the right words to say to her. He could not let her see him with an ounce of weakness or doubt.

"Laura, they said that you did not touch your breakfast." He looked at his wife with so much concern. She still laid on their bed, unmoving. 

He looked at her and then at the table, and the food appeared to have already turned cold. He walked back to her side and sat closer to her, hoping that he could get through to her.

He wished he could do more, even promise her the moon, only to see her smile again, but he could not. He could not even smile himself, not until he had found their daughter and made the culprit pay.

As of now, his concern was for her. All the life in her seemed to be sucked out of her. Her eyes only reflected the anguish she might be feeling caused by this incident.

"I am not hungry." She finally responded after he repeated his statement. She had finally realized that her husband was talking to her. 

She could not think of food at a time like this. She could only imagine what her daughter was going through. If her abductors were even feeding her. Was she tied up? What were they doing to her?

That was not the worse she could think of at the moment. She tried very hard not to entertain those thoughts. But when she closed her eyes, she could see all the worse possibilities.

"You barely ate anything yesterday. You should at least eat something." He insisted as he walked towards the table. He could not help but feel like it was his fault. "Do you want something else?" He tried again.

He should have been paying more attention to her. Instead, he had ignored her yesterday. Last night, he was too tired to check on her. He had fallen asleep in his office, only waking up this morning with a cramp on his shoulders. 

However, he also needed to prioritize finding their daughter. Still, he felt that it should not have been an excuse. All his life, Laura had been there for him. The only time she needed him, he was not there for her. 

"I said I am not hungry," Laura once again replied, putting more emphasis on her words. She just wished to be left alone. "Go back to your office. I know you have more important things to do." She said bitterly, thinking of all the times he had to be somewhere else.

Although she realized that he was only doing his best to search for their daughter. Still, she could not understand why he could not find her with all the resources at his disposal.

"Please, Laura. You have to eat something." He tried to appeal to her sensibility. "You are now compromising your health." He was afraid that she might fall into a deep depression if she kept up with this act.

He had never seen her like this before. Not during the entire time of their marriage. She had always been the rock that held their family together. Not when Dani revel against him nor when he had his health problem.

He could handle any problem thrown his way, even the abduction of his daughter, as long as he would think of it logically. But in an emotional dilemma, he was at a loss.

"How can you ask me to eat? How can you even be bothered with my health when our daughter is missing? Held by those criminals who might be hurting her at this very minute." Each spoken question increased in its intensity.

She was tired of thinking of herself. 

Of how comfortable and warm was her bed...

Of how delicious the food was on her table...

Of how beautiful and expensive was her clothes...

She could only think of her daughter, who was out there, with her life in danger. That was if she still had a life. The thought finally broke her down as she started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Laura, you have to be strong for our daughter." He quickly pulled her in his embrace, wanting to console her in any way he could. "... for me." He whispered as he cradled her head in his chest, kissing the top of her head.

He knew he would not survive if he lost her too. His life only revolved around his family. He only strived to be the best because he had wanted to give his wife and daughter only the best.

Without them, nothing that he had worked hard for would have meaning. All of these were just pieces of paper and junk that he had no more use for.

"I had been at your side through all this time. I had witnessed you perform so many impossible things in this lifetime." She said softly in between her sobs. 

She looked up to him, gazing into those beautiful eyes that she had loved all her life. She pleaded with him to do this one last thing for her.

"I only ask you to bring our daughter back unharmed this one time. Please, that is all I ask of you." She begged him.

She had never asked anything from him. Never demanded his time, his money, or his love. She only waited for what he would give her and never asked for more.

But this time, she needed to hear him promise her that he would fulfill this one wish that she asked of him. To grant her the only thing that she wanted in her lifetime.

"I promise. I will." He swore to her. He was a man of his words. His honor was his pride.. This was a promise not meant to be broken.

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