The Royal Contract

Chapter 501 - Lived For The Hunt And The Kill

It was late, but the team still worked on finding the couple. Searching every possible place that Nick might have taken them.

But they were not discounting the possibility of other entities making a play in this.

"Do we have any leads yet?" Ethan asked when Marcus walked through his doors. 

He had decided to transform his office at home as a headquarters for their own operation. Although they coordinated with the authorities, he still wanted his own investigation.

He still believed that he still had on his payroll the best in the business. Sooner or later, something would come up. They would catch the person responsible and save his daughter and her husband.

"Not concrete yet. Some evidence pointed to a mafia gang, but our team believed they were just a decoy to mislead the investigators." Marcus frustratedly said as he ran his hand through his hair and expelled a volume of air out of his lungs.

He had little experience in kidnapping, but mostly, kids being ransomed. It was easier. The parents just had to provide the money and make the exchange. It usually ended up with everyone satisfied with the transaction.

This case was different since he believed money was not the ultimate motive of the mastermind, which made it more complicated and dangerous. The outcome could not be a happy one.

"Yes, Fred also said that earlier." Remembering the call he received earlier from the duke.

He was also sharing information with his friend about what his intel had gathered. That also worked the other way around. Fred had shared their findings, not wanting to hide anything from him. 

The duke informed him of a lead that my point to Nick since he implicated Prince Edward in the possible abduction. It was not enough evidence to link him directly to the crime. But it should be a start.

"What about Edward? Do you think he might be involved?" Marcus questioned, not wanting to discount all possibilities.

He had never liked the guy, but he was unsure if he was capable of hurting his cousin. Anyway, anything was possible since he did have a motive to want Alex out of the picture.

"Personally, anyone is a suspect until proven innocent." Ethan could care less if he was the prince of the universe. "But Fred thinks Edward was being framed for the crime."

He was not giving anyone a free pass because he was family. If he ever found out that Prince Edward had even small participation in the abduction of his family member, then he would never spare his life.

He would guarantee that this prince would suffer the same fate or even worse than what Dani and Alex had gone through. He would not give him an ounce of mercy.

"What about our other contacts?" Ethan asked Marcus who was handling the situation.

He was glad that his son-in-law had Marcus as a friend. He had been more a brother to him than someone with his own blood. He was referring to Edward, of course.

"They are still working on finding us some new leads," Marcus stated as he dropped some papers on his desk. "I think you should also have to look at this."

He showed him a report that a particular buyer under a guise of a shell company was trying to convince some of the investors to sell their shares.

"So, Nick is using our situation to gain access to my company," Ethan mumbled in anger, slamming his hands on the desk in front of him. "He really had no shame."

In a game of war, in business, Ethan still believed in fighting with a bit of honor. When his opponents were down, he never felt the need to trample on their dignity. 

He sometimes showed mercy by offering them a bit of leeway to start over again. He never believed in supreme power. It is a bit lonely and boring to be the only one on the top. 

"Excuse me, Sir. But..." His secretary never had the chance to finish her sentence when another man barged into the room without permission.

"Sorry, Sir Ethan, for dropping by your office like this." The man in a bandage limped toward the desk, stopping beside Marcus.

When Ethan saw who it was, he quickly dismissed his secretary and welcomed him, offering him a seat in front of him. The man took it, finding it difficult to stand for long periods due to his current condition.

"Shouldn't you be lying down in the hospital? What are you doing here, Tim?" Marcus asked, not knowing if he should admire the guy for his tenacity or pity him for stupidity.

Tim was in no condition to go around and meddle with the situation. He should be resting and attending to his wounds so he could heal better.

But, as far as Alex had told him about him, he was as stubborn as an ox. Nobody could tell him what to do as long as he believed he could help.

"My boss needs me here, so I will stay here where I can be of service." Tim adamantly said, not taking no for an answer. 

He had checked himself out of the hospital despite the doctor's orders. He could not lie still in that hospital bed when he knew he would be more valuable in helping out with the situation.

He had been in worse condition than this during his time in the service. Yet, here he was still. It would take more than a bullet to put him down.

"If you are sure that you are up for the challenge, then welcome aboard." Ethan would not decline any help he could get.

Tim had proven himself as one of the best in his field. He could certainly use his expertise in their situation. As long as he could use his brain, then he was welcome to help.

"I sure am," Tim said, standing up, ready to take on his next order. 

But before anybody could speak again, Tim's phone rang, breaking the silence. He took it out of his pocket and answered it immediately. 

The other two looked at him with anticipation when they heard him say a particular name, Ben. But, he rarely talked but mostly listened to the person on the other line.

"I think we have a situation." He finally said when he hanged up the call. "I will need your help to get Ben."

He just received word of Ben's whereabouts. He needed a team to get him. Although he said he was ok, it would be better to be ready. 

Their enemies might have eyes that would be watching their every move. Once they had learned that Ben had survived, his life might be in danger again.

"Then, let us all make this quick and as quietly as possible. Tim, prepare some of your men. Marcus, handle all the logistics." Ethan started barking orders, wanting the new situation handled delicately as possible. But the urgency of their plan also demanded quick action.

He was just glad that the press still had not had a whiff of the situation. Or else their plans would be compromised. 

He thrived in taking high risks and excelled in the face of danger. If this operation did not involve two significant people in his life, he would have enjoyed the thrill of this chase. 

He always had lived for the hunt and the kill.

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