The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 443 Agnes’s Noon

Agnes who opened the door without thinking about it, saw Aster noticing all the clothes spread through her room and she blushed.

“Sorry… I didn’t have any other clothes besides many sets of my usual attire, so Lilia took me to a quick shopping spree and I ended up not being able to decide what to wear, how do I look?”, she shily asked.

Aster softly smiled in response, of course Lilia had something to do with this, he could almost imagine her cunningly giggle all the time they were in the clothes store, she basically bought her a whole wardrobe so that she could wear a different attire every day, since she will be staying with them.

Agnes usual clothes are more of a combat set than daily clothes after all.

“It looks good, blue suits you perfectly”, said Aster, and he wasn’t saying empty words, she was wearing high waist shorts with a decoration that made it look like a skirt as well as a detached sleeves blouse, everything of which came in different shades of blue, her pretty blond hair was tied with a ribbon too, she looked gorgeous.

Quite different from the usual white pants and shoulder less blouse she uses, this changed her “knight” image, to a more feminine approach, though as habits die hard, she was using a belt with metal hoops which could be used to hold a sword onto her waist if needed.

“Thanks~”, she said and then to Aster’s surprise she grabbed his arm, and didn’t say anything else, she just stood there with a blushed expression, making Aster chuckle.

“I’ll choose the restaurant then”.

“Mm, I’ll leave it in your hands”, mumbled Agnes.

Aster waves his hand and using his authority they were both transported from the mansion in the valley, to the East Sky city, they could have gone to the Central Capital, but to be honest today Aster wasn’t in the mood to deal with the people from other peaks, and the East Sky city belongs to the Black Sword faction, so there shouldn’t be any nuisances.

Or that was the original idea, because with how famous has become Aster, not to mention how popular is Agnes among the girls of the faction, since the very second they appeared a lot of gazes fell on them, and of course the gossips immediately started.

“Look isn’t that senior brother Aster?”, said one of the girls who was passing by, just when they appeared.

“Woah, big sister Agnes looks so pretty, I never saw her using anything else than her white attire”.

“She is hugging senior brother’s arm, so it was true that they are dating!”.

And other similar comments could be heard from the crowd of female disciples, that gathered in a matter of seconds after Aster and Agnes appeared.

Aster was fine, leaving aside the many interested gazes he got from the female disciples, they didn’t approach them and just looked from the sides, in part because they respected Agnes and this seemed like an important moment for her.

Also, according to Alice there has been a couple of girls that had challenged them, since they stated that to date Aster, they must at least be on par with them, but so far none of them has even lasted a couple minutes, needless to say but the girls were merciless during those duels, they wanted the others to know how strong they were.

Agnes on the other hand, was red like an apple.

‘I didn’t even feel this pressured when I had to fight with the bastards of the Venom Swamp sect’, she thought.

Aster found her reaction cute, so he deliberately took the long route to the restaurant he chose, it still didn’t take them even five minutes of walking to reach a pretty white and blue building, there was a large line of people waiting outside, but Aster ignored them and walked towards a set of stairs that were positioned next to the entrance.

The stairs led directly to the second and third floors of the building, and there were a couple of male disciples working as guards to those stairs.

Before they could even ask, Aster directly showed them his ring which was the poof he is the Lord of the Twin Sword valley and they immediately parted to let him go.

“Please enjoy your meal, senior brother!”, they both said at the same time, at the same time a girl wearing a hostess uniform received them and guided them directly to the third floor.

“It’s a pleasure to receive a visit from Senior brother, the owner has told me to bring you to our best whenever you came, please feel free to call me when you have decided on what to order”, said the girl before leaving after Aster and Agnes entered the room that was assigned to them at the third floor.

“I have an assigned table here, since I’m an inner elder, but I don’t remember the owner of this place being so receptive for even the top core disciples, she is a Law Integration cultivator after all”, said Agnes.

Aster nodded in response.

“Yeah, they are used to call me “Lord of the twin sword valley” but it’s not because of that, that I got this private room always available for me, our store provides spices and meat from spirit beasts as well as other ingredients to the restaurant, their earnings basically doubled when they started working with us, so this is a little token of gratitude for that”.

Agnes was surprised, Aster just returned and he is already aware of the allies he has made through business, outsiders would just think he is a manic who doesn’t hesitate to wiled his sword against anyone, but that’s not true, since the very first time she met him, she knew it, he isn’t a reckless person.

Since they were pretty hungry, they didn’t wait too much before ordering their food, while they waited Aster asked Agnes, why she was being clingy today, though she normally makes it obvious for everyone that she enjoys being near Aster, or just see him even, she still keeps her distance as to not bother him, but today that doesn’t seem to be the case, even now she sat next to him instead of in front of him.

“That’s because… the little sisters from the faction gave lots of tips and advices for my date with you, but miss Lilia told me this is the best method to get closer to someone”.

Aster softly laughed in response.

‘Like mother like daughter I guess’, thought Aster, Alice tricked Vivian and Lilia tricked Agnes.

“Well, if you feel comfortable go ahead, this date is for you after all”, said Aster, she took care of the girls when he was gone and has become a trustable friend of, he and his family.

Agnes brightly smiled and kept hugging Aster’s arm, the food arrived not too long later and they both enjoyed it, the meat used came from the Barbarian Heart sect, where spirit beast roamed all over the place, it was delicious.

Once they had their fill, Aster and Agnes changed their seats to a couch which was positioned at one of the edges of the room, it was done like that do the VIP’s that visited the place could enjoy the view, as the windows were double sided.

“Speaking of view, I’m pretty curious about something”, said Aster.

Agnes turned to see him, just to see Aster pointing at her eyes.

“What do you see when you look into my soul, is it that interesting?”, he directly asked.

Agnes doubted for a moment before saying.

“I can’t directly see the detailed shape yet, but I can see its colors and other relative aspects of it, as for why I find your so appealing… it’s because is the biggest and purest I have ever seen before, it’s like a pretty golden sun illuminating the world, that’s how I perceive you~”, she happily said.

Aster was surprised by her answer, the golden color seemed to be part of his essence since his spirit energy and blood had it too, but he didn’t understand what she meant with “purest”, he had taken lives before and to be hones he doesn’t feel an ounce of remorse, unlike Kana who is too gentle.𝑜𝔳𝐿xt.𝗇𝓔t

Noticing Aster’s predicament, Agnes charmingly giggled as she elaborated.

“Pure doesn’t mean it has to belong to some kind of saint or something like that, I don’t think there is even an existence who wouldn’t kill in order to survive, soul cultivation is all about will, that’s why it’s considered the hardest of the three paths, what I see whenever I’m near you is your “will”, which has no flaws or stains at all”.

“Not to mention the size of your soul, outclasses even the ones of the high ranked people I know, which isn’t related to strength or anything like that, it just means that what represents you is of the same scale, as for why I think it’s like sun, is because when I’m close to you my own soul feels warm and comfortable, it’s simply impossible not to want to look at it or be near you~”.

Aster didn’t know what to say, his soul’s shape wasn’t Hyperion apparently, he couldn’t imagine that imposing giant sword, making others feel comfortable, its aura is annihilation so how could anyone be comfortable around it.

It was interesting that his soul was appealing for the both of the two members of the Fey family he has met so far, maybe his godmother who is supposedly on the Heavenly realms would be able to give him a more detailed explanation later on.

After that, Aster paid for the food and they left the restaurants to just wander around the city, one of the things Aster noticed is that despite knowing the streets and overall distribution of the city, Agnes didn’t know any of the stores.

Which meant she hasn’t visited any of them, in all the years she has been here, she never took a moment to just walk around and, mindlessly enjoy of the city, her cousin which was the core elder of the Black Sword faction and probably the sole friend she had in the sect was always busy, she had it easier since she is younger, but her hobbies weren’t exactly popular among the female disciples, so she just dedicated her time to train.

Aster brought her to many different stores, even if the things they sold were just small decorations or whatever, she seemed to enjoy it as he bright smiling expression suggested.

By the time they noticed, the sun was already setting down and to end the date with a nice gesture, Aster used his authority to bring Agnes to a tall mountain on the outskirts of the East Sky city, where she could see the sun setting down better.

Aster sat on a large rock to enjoy the scenery, and Agnes sat next to him, she doubted for a second before saying.

“Would it be okay if we repeat what we did today another day… if you have some free time of course”.

Aster smiled at her and then nodded.

“Sure, training is good and all, but we as soul cultivators also need to keep a good mind state, or we’ll stagnate after all”.

“Mm”, Agnes nodded while she looked downwards, she had a lot of fun today and honestly didn’t want the day to end so fast, but now that Aster has promised to take her on more days like this, she was happy.

“Ah right, there is something I wanted to show you, as a commemoration of this day~”, Agnes then got up from the rock and stood in front of Aster, her spatial ring shone and a sword appeared on her hand.

The overall girly and happy aura that surrounded Agnes a moment ago immediately dispersed and was replaced with a sharp feeling, one that surpassed anyone Aster has seen before, but it made sense since this is the first time, Aster has gotten to see it… a third level sword intent that is.

It only lasted a second, but Aster’s brain was working at an insane speed, right now, trying to analyze the sensation he felt a moment ago, and the principles behind of it.

Agnes then returned to sit next to Aster and the cutely said.

“That’s all for now, I’ll show you more later when we train or travel together, since it will take you some time to order your thoughts about it”.

‘And with that, I’ll have an excuse to spend more time with you~’, she mentally added.

Of course, how could Aster who is used to Lilia’s cunningness not notice what Agnes was thinking, but he was fine with it.

“I’ll be in your care then”.

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