The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2428 Arrival at The Blossom World!

Chapter 2428 Arrival at The Blossom World!

There wasn’t a battle to stop Minos from passing through the spatial distortion that took him to The Blossom World.

The moment he suppressed a level 111 Sovereign and killed a level 110 Sovereign on his way through, everyone else in the vicinity was startled by his power.

Even the strongest level 112 cultivators stared at Minos as they stood still in their places. They were the strongest in The Mirror Realm, but they weren’t confident they could defeat this human without sacrificing too much of their strength!

The battle that could make his journey difficult would not develop, but that didn’t mean his actions today wouldn’t have consequences throughout the galaxy.

The moment Minos passed through the spatial distortion, the men of The Enchanted Realm would see a great opportunity ahead of them, seeing a monster like Minos making his way into the interior of The Blossom World.

“We must act now! Attack!” One of the high-ranking Sovereigns of The Enchanted Realm saw the opportunity and moved, not hesitating to attack the level 111 giant Minos had just stunned with his previous blows.

Seeing the leader of the group act, the other allies of The Enchanted Realm’s forces also moved and attacked the aliens and allies of The Blossoming World’s forces at that location.

The neutral forces in the area could do nothing as the two sides fought each other, with the first to attack putting more pressure on the enemies.

“Shit! Retreat! Retreat!”

The natives of The Mirror Realm began to leave the area as a decisive battle in this galaxy’s war of worlds began.

As this was happening, Minos was already traveling at high speed through the wormhole that would take him to The Blossom World, unaware of the chaos his actions were already causing.

The only thing on his mind now was to get to his family, to regain his wives and children!

While Minos traveled to The Blossom World, Kendrick and his group traveled through the mountains of this super-technological planet, sneaking their way to the place where Minos’ women were supposed to be.

Of Kendrick’s group mates, Hollie and Lily had useful divine abilities for hiding their tracks and locating people they knew well.

In the case of Hollie, Ruth’s daughter, this young woman could control the vitality of those within her reach, which allowed her to steal vitality, transfer vitality, sense and track vital signs, etc.

Using the ability of the youngest of the group, they traveled to find the rest of their group, the six people held hostage by the leaders of this world, who they now knew were alive.

Meanwhile, Lily, Isabella’s daughter, had gained a divine ability related to flames, able to create flames capable of consuming spiritual energy, useful for poisoning enemies, repelling energy-based attacks, and even hiding spiritual traces left by cultivators.

Using Lily’s ability, the group approached the location of Minos’ wives, having been in this world for five weeks, but still traveling secretly.

They didn’t know that Grisdi was being tracked by their sect’s forces, so they faithfully believed no one was even close to catching up with them.

Meanwhile, the level 106 robot was ahead of the group, clearing the forest they were passing through, a place where they knew there wouldn’t be much enemy technology to give them trouble.

Suddenly, Hollie stopped where she was, causing everyone in the group to stop as well.

“Did you feel that?” She looked at her siblings while Lily and Kendrick noticed the same thing.

“What? What are you talking about?” Vico looked at the young woman while the level 106 robot moved its mechanical eyes.

“I felt the seal my father left on my body heating.” Hollie said, while Lily and Kendrick felt the same.

“Minos?” Vico opened his mouth in surprise when the robot understood what this was about.

“Is it His Majesty? We’ve been waiting for him for almost 42 years. Could he have finally returned?” The artificial being asked as its aura improved considerably.

“My father?” Kendrick hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to stop and wait or to continue.

But Lily was firm as she looked ahead and told the group to proceed. “He may have returned to The Enchanted Realm, but that doesn’t mean he’ll make it back in time. Let’s keep going.”

“Yes, let’s keep going.” Callie agreed as she turned her attention to the road ahead.

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the force behind The Blossom World…

There, Abby, Ruth and Gloria were together in a cell, the place they had lived since arriving on this planet less than two years ago.

Time passed differently in The Blossom World than in the Enchanted Realm. For the women of Minos, they had been separated from their husbands for only 39 years.

But just like Kendrick, Lily, and Hollie, all three felt the seals on their bodies warm up, making them look at each other and think the same thing.


The eyes of the three of them opened significantly as their spirits improved, giving them more energy even in this situation where they were trapped and unable to cultivate.

“Is what I think really happening?” Abby asked, looking at her harem sisters, but not daring to say anything she shouldn’t have.

For almost two years, they had lived in captivity, helping the local forces to ask Kendrick to surrender, giving information about the sect they had lived in and where Kendrick was supposed to be. They even revealed their origins, their destination, and Minos, who had disappeared in The Enchanted Realm.

They did what was necessary to avoid antagonizing the enemies who could kill them and waited for the day that seemed to have finally arrived.

“I think so,” Gloria commented with a twinkle in her eye. “If that’s the case, our time is coming. We must offer to do what the local leaders expect of us.” Ruth saw her family’s moment to rebel.

The local leaders wanted Abby to resurrect several local leaders from this world in exchange for their freedom to cultivate and move around in The Blossom World!

Abby imagined this would be their only chance of not having ropes around their necks when Minos arrived in this world, something essential to their escape.

“Let’s do it.” She agreed with her harem sisters as she stood up and motioned to the nearby guard to come to her.

“Tell your leaders that my mind is made up. As long as they keep their end of the bargain, I’ll bring the former leaders of your planet back to life!”

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