The Primordial Record

Chapter 746 Labyrinth Coin

Chapter 746 Labyrinth Coin

Through experiments with the so-called lesser bloodlines, the powerful families of Trion had been able to create thousands of bloodlines, most of them were failures, but some of them could reach the level of an Earth god.

Although Dominators were numerous on Trion, they hardly constituted five percent of the total population on the planet, the majority of the sapient lifeforms were mostly comprised of those with weaker bloodlines, as most of them were taken from their home worlds all around the Empire controlled territories and brought to Trion as slaves and servants.

These bloodlines could not equal those of a Dominator and even those that reached the Earth god level were many times weaker than an average Dominator at the Earth god level, as a Dominator at the Earth god level was equal to a Minor god.

Even if Rowan began to enhance these bloodlines and made them able to become gods, they would not be able to overthrow the chains that Trion had wrapped around their neck, since even the Earth gods of Trion would be able to battle them.

Their purpose would be to create chaos and sow a seed of dissatisfaction in the heart of every Dominator.

Every Dominator was aware that their life was a ticking clock, one beat away from expiration. No matter how powerful they grew to be, they would never become gods and, hence would never possess an Immortal Soul.

If their weaker slaves and servants begin to possess the souls of Immortals, that would create a crisis that would shake the entire planet.

Granted, a Dominator at the Earth god level was able to fight a Minor God to a standstill. That was just it, they could only fight them, if they were more talented, they could even kill the god, but that was also useless.

A god had a Divine Spark that was kept inside an enclosed space called the Divine Kingdom, and their physical manifestation was just a shell they could wield at their leisure, killing their bodies was similar to a mortal losing a fingernail, they could always recreate more.

For everyone else, trying to find the Divine Kingdom of a god was similar to finding a single needle in a house filled with billions of other needles.

A single god would exhaust a million Dominators to death, not in a year or even after a hundred years, the battle could take tens of thousands of years and the god would win.

They would not feel fatigued, and with their immortal soul, fighting against Dominators would accelerate their learning and enable them to gain access to Intent faster, while the Dominators would slowly lose their minds as the toll of regenerating their destroyed bodies countless times without the aid of an immortal soul take its toll.

A great source of pride among Dominators was the fact that their Earth gods were unmatched and could fight against gods equally, but with this analysis, that was simply not true. 𝑖𝘳𝑎.𝒸ℴ𝘮

A god was immortal, and so the concept of time was useless to them. Fighting a battle that spans two years and two thousand years was all the same to them, and even if it took them a million years, they would still win the fight against any number of Earth god Dominators sent against them.

Any observant Dominator would understand this fact and the hidden resentment in the heart of billions of Dominators about the lock in their bloodlines would reveal itself.

Because a Dominator could feel it, this lock that was preventing them from becoming gods. Especially the powerful ones at the limits of the Earth god level.

The chaos that this event would create would be unprecedented, it would be enough to distract the gods and Golgoth while he took them down, one at a time.


Rowan began compiling the tangible benefits he had gained from this battle, and he quickly realized that the most valuable properties of Boreas were his Spirit Guises and the mysterious currency he had uncovered from his memories.

In the creation of his Spirit Guises, what Boreas was missing in knowledge, he made do with treasures, and he had come to build his Spirit Guises with so many Divine materials, it was absurd, some materials that could not be found inside the material universe were present inside the Spirit Guises.

Rowan noticed that Boreas had traded most of these materials from the God King using this mysterious currency, and he found it alarming that the God King had access to a vast amount of treasures that could not be found inside the universe.

Either the God King had stable access to materials outside the universe, or he must have brought a sizable amount of treasures with him when he entered the universe, although Rowan considered that the second option was the more likely one. 𝘳𝘦.𝒸𝑜𝘮

The gods of Trion were not just suffering inside their vaults with no benefits, as every ten thousand years spent in the vault would earn them a currency called Labyrinth Coin, for, during the course of their stay in the vaults, the gods could earn from a single coin to as much as a hundred depending on the turbulence of the Destructive Energies outside the vault.

The presence of the gods inside the vault served as an important lynchpin that stabilized this mysterious area filled with destructive energies. Without their presence then this vault would not last long under the unceasing onslaught of destruction.

This endless sea of Destruction was being held down by this vault, and Rowan had noticed that even the vault was slowly beginning to break down under the strain.

When he arrived with Circe during her ascension, he had noticed a sign saying: The Vault Of… the words were faded and the rest had worn away. What that sign should have read was: The Vault Of Hekaton, but slowly the vault was beginning to lose cohesion, even with the presence of the gods.

This made Rowan wonder where all this energy was coming from, and where this place was located in the first place.

Boreas had no idea where this place was located, he had been placed here not long after he was created, and there were no landmarks or signs that Rowan could use. Although he sensed he was still somewhere close to Trion.

If this energies were anywhere near Trion then just a brief release of this power would utterly wipe out the Empire and a greater part of the galaxy with it.

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