The Primordial Record

Chapter 1360 Emergence Of Ruin

Chapter 1360  Emergence Of Ruin

Like a swallow returning to its nest, the two hands of destruction merged with the upraised hands of Rowan and he went still like a statue, and then his body exploded with black flames that turned his skin to ash and vaporized massive chunks of muscles, exposing glowing bones underneath.

Of course, all of these visible injuries were simply what reality could interpret was going wrong with him, what Rowan was experiencing was quite worse, and his Essence and Aether continued to fall, however, there was something new blooming inside his dimensional flesh, and it scared and excited him at the same time, because under the flames of destruction, his bloodlines became intensely agitated, and there were faint signs that they were about to merge.

His focus slipped deeper into his dimension and he seemed to have forgotten that he was gripping the World Stele. From all around him, tiny motes of purple light that resembled fireflies began to drift into his body, at first they were a few hundred but before long, the number increased to billions.

With his mind occupied by the intense changes inside his dimension, his hold over the Gate of Purgatory loosened, and the countless souls that had perished in the brief moments they descended into Aerovah began to flock into his dimension.

However, Rowan was not even aware of these changes, his body continued to break down under the black flames, even his wings began to melt, and in a short while he resembled a flaming skeleton with small patches of burning flesh that stubbornly clung to his bones.

An aura of death and desolation began to arise from Rowan and it seemed that he might have bitten more than he could chew because from all outside indicators, this great titan was dying, and even the massive influx of souls pouring into him seemed to be the last gasp of a dying man.

Even the World Stele who was on the verge of destruction saw the state of Rowan and was shocked, and hope began to bloom in its heart, for it was possible that Rowan would be the first to die before it.

Wielding such a pure power of destruction was a path left for Primordials alone, and Rowan no matter how special he was should be paying a grievous price, and his death was a real possibility.

These were the thoughts of the World Stele, but it did not find as much solace in them as it would have imagined, nevertheless, it began to marshall the last of its resources to hold on until Rowan collapsed into ash.

There was a great regret in its heart that he chose to work with such an insane creature like Rowan, and no matter the allure of Rowan’s talent and bloodline that he wanted to feed to Thenos, the price for this bounty proved to be too much. The World Stele knew it should have paid more attention to the kind of immortal that Rowan was and not focused more on his powers and potential, and if it did, it would not have been caught lacking so many times.

Knowing the destiny of all Breakers was to rise fast and burn brightly before perishing, the World Stele was not surprised that Rowan had just bitten off more than he could chew and it would simply have to outlive this abomination.

It was then that it felt a twinge inside of its core and a burst of pain and a cry of sorrow, and the Singularity no longer stayed still, struggling in the hands of Rowan as it screamed out in shock and outrage,

“Thenos?… But you should be safe… Aaaahhhh! Abomination, if it is the last thing I will do, I will kill you!”

A wave of power and devastation began to brew in the remnants of the World Stele that was shaking reality all around them, but Rowan did not seem to be aware, his attention deep inside his dimension.

“Was this why you came for me, even when I was still a mortal? Yes, I think I can see it… the connection. It’s Ruin.” ®

Ghribba, the Silver Queen had been patiently waiting for admittance to the Celestial Archives for the last eighty-three million years, and as far as she was concerned it was time well spent, and she had a slight regret that it took her quite a while to get over her misgivings about coming to the Archives despite some shady rumors about its ability to slowly corrupt the mind of when the most staunch of character, twisting them into nothing but glorious servants of light.

After many Minor Eras of presenting gifts and performing tasks for this branch of the Celestial Domain, she was permitted to wait in front of the Archive and if Fate deemed it, she would be admitted by the Principality, Raphael. A great Celestial whose roots could be traced to the beginning of the Primordial Era.

Waiting here for such an extended amount of time was not a loss for the Silver Queen for the Archive was vast and filled with endless opportunities even for higher dimensional immortals like her, and although she was at the periphery, she had gained a great amount of benefit and she could feel her Will loosening as there was visible growth of her soul, being this close to the presence of a Principality and standing in front of the Archive was a gateway to touch the essence of Light itself.

The shape of the Archive could not be perceived even by her vast spirit as an eighth-dimensional immortal, all she could see was a gigantic sphere of light greater than a million universes put together, and only occasionally, around every five million years or so would there be slight movements inside that sphere of light that was almost as if something incredibly massive was swimming inside of it.

At the periphery of the Archive were numerous landscapes created in the likeness of those who waited for admittance into the Archive, and in the case of Ghribba, it was a tranquil ocean with three silver moons overhead, this was the image that had greeted her when her sapience emerged many minor eras ago.

It was a memory she thought was lost to her, but the Archive had resurrected that Memory for her once more, and if she would be leaving this place in the future, she was permitted to take this Memory with her. Anything that Light touched could never be forgotten, and it was by his grace that what was once lost to her had been returned.

One of the benefits of staying near the Archive was gifts like these, and Ghribba luxuriated in this particular gift, shamelessly taking the form of her birth which resembled a massive glowing jellyfish that glittered as if filled with countless stars.

She was the only one of her race who was not attracted to the deep, and from the first moment that she saw the endless lights of the stars in the skies and she reached for them, Ghribba had never looked back.

At the distance, she could see dozens of Memories of different higher-dimensional immortals who were waiting for the chance to enter the Archives; some of them had been here long before she arrived, and some she knew would never leave. The gifts of the Principality required a strong Will, and sometimes even higher-dimensional immortals would falter before this obstacle.

Nevertheless being at this place was a chance to leave the struggles of reality behind and slowly increase your personal power base, and after a while, it was possible to forget that reality outside this place even existed. There were rumors of certain Memories and immortals who had been here since the beginning of the Supreme Era and had forgotten that there was a life outside of this place.

There was a danger to the Archive that Ghribba was becoming aware of, but the problem was that she found out she did not care, even when news came in from her subordinate that the Frozen Road had been destroyed by an unknown party, Ghribba simply spent a brief moment analyzing what that would mean for her and her realm before returning back to the serenity of this memory, and the lights of the Celestial Archive.

As an eighth-dimensional immortal, she did not require the aid of the Frozen Road to roam through reality, and although the lack of this road would severely hamper the commercial activities of her realm, the primary reason she had focused on building that realm was to get to the Archives, and now that this dream had been achieved, she did not care about the difficulty that would plague the inhabitants of Aerovah.

She even began to faintly sense the opportunity that could arise if the Frozen Road no longer existed, for one, she would be able to…

The light of the Archive that had been shining bright suddenly went red, and Ghribba felt a great sense of disquietness seize her soul as well as panicked screams and cries from her realm.

A painful twinge cut through her soul as he felt the life of her youngest spawn disappears. It did not take a few moments more before the life of more of her spawns began to rapidly vanish, every death plunging into her soul like a burning blade and Chribba’s color transformed into a blazing red as if she was bleeding when the connection to the last of her spawns vanished.

Her body shivered as she took a humanoid form, it was if a beautiful woman that seemed to be crafted out of blue water that swirled hypnotically, ignoring everything around her, she turned and left the Archive, disregarding a growing pressure that was emerging from its center, a part of her understood that whatever calamity had just befallen Aerovah seemed to be linked to the Celestials, and she was glad, they would aid her in her vengeance.

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