The Primordial Record

Chapter 1284 I Am A Sword?

Chapter 1284 I Am A Sword?

With the present size of Rowan, the beings he had summoned could wrap their senses around his body, but it was difficult, especially for the summoned golden giant who looked around him in confusion, the events around him seemed to be happening extremely quickly and he did not have the time to sit down and think about everything that was transpiring, but his gaze inevitably fell on the white-haired man.

He felt his chest seize as if a hand was gripping his heart and squeezing it. The power emerging from the white-haired man was weak, similar to the children of the golden giants, but there was something about it that was extremely strange. It was perfect and… complete.

These were the only words the golden giant could describe what he was feeling from this… mortal? Like a flawless crystal with no hint of imperfection, it seemed that nothing could penetrate through the barrier created by the sheer perfection of this man’s powers, and it might be weak but it was inexorable.

The golden giant finally understood the vision it had been chasing since the moment of his birth, the reason he did not have a name, it was all because of an ephemeral vision it was chasing.

It was a vision of the sheer perfection of a technique and the supreme Will that was needed to achieve such a thing.

He muttered aloud, “I am a sword?”

“It’s not that simplistic, and please I hope that is not the name you would pick out of all the names in existence, being called Staff is bad enough,” Staff spoke to the golden giant, her eyes looking at him with fascination, and she raised her hand and pointed at her right palm with the ring finger of her left hand,

“In my father’s palm was a technique he had been struggling with all through his life. When I saw it, I did not understand what it was, until much later when I knew that it was his battle against Fate. His blood was bound to be at the Earth god level for all eternity, but my father, how could such a thing hold him back…”

“Do we have time for this right now?” Andar interrupted Staff, “I know your father is talented, but in this battle, he would not be able to make any difference. I could not pull enough of my Magus Tower through the vortex, I still need more time to do that, but we should begin or we would not be able to hold that thing back.”

Staff looked at Andar and groaned in exasperation before snapping her fingers and the space around them rippled, “Don’t you understand? We were never needed for this fight, it was never our own. We are simply a move that was made to draw attention, touching time has always been your greatest weakness, so you cannot see that we are not present in this present time, but a couple of moments in the past. Our time is coming, and we should ready when it arrives, for now, we only need to prepare.

None of them can see us, not vet.

Andar eyes glowed silver for a moment as he analyzed the space and time that surrounded them, it was crafted with such perfection that even after becoming a fifth-dimensional immortal he could not see through it at a glance. He looked down with a bit of annoyance in his eyes as he muttered,

“Even till this moment, with all the powers we have gathered, why is it not enough?” “Because unlike that monster, we need more than a million years to catch up with him. I know you want to be there for him, but you should understand, that our purpose can never be to fight by his side, but to be used in surgical strikes.”

“I don’t believe that,” Andar whispered, “We… I should be able to do more.”

Staff heard him and shook her head, “Can we?” she pointed towards her father, “A million years, and I can’t even fathom half the things that he was capable of, and yet he says I can be better than him. Ha, what a joke. All I know is that we have our work cut out for us, and I don’t know yet how it is possible, but one day we will fight by their side, but that day is not today.”

Something white and incredibly massive erupted from the Eye of Time with so much force that its entire realm was tilted downwards, that end slamming towards the earth, which was now taking the form of massive green eyes of the realm because, since the moment. Rowan flipped the earth and the sky, this change seemed to have become permanent.

The new earth shot out red lightning snakes to bind the Eye of Time, but they could not find purchase, and yet their efforts delayed it from rising, it was unknown if Gothran Inul knew that this would happen, but for the moment in addition to the burden of holding back Nemesis, the Wills of Doom Star also latched onto it.

The white figure crossed space in an instant and appeared in front of Rowan, and although the figure of Rowan was the size of a universe, it still towered over him, its size almost twice that of a living dimension, and it seemed to be testing the telekinetic barrier surrounding Rowan with a fixation that was almost fanatical.

Its features could not be clearly seen as it was covered in white fog, with only hints of too many limbs and numerous glowing eyes peering through the fog. Hundreds of arms came for Rowan but then they paused and a frightening chuckle escaped from the white fog,

“No, this would be too easy, finish your moves child, I shall be waiting. I have slept for so long, that the thought of eating a half-completed meal vexes me. Hmm, I like the flavor of this language I speak, you call it Medan?”

The voice of the titan was deep and strange, its language was what everyone here spoke because it belonged to Trion, their Homeworld, but his voice was strange even for them, emerging from a time that was ancient beyond reasoning.

That voice was enough to shake the golden giant from its reverie from staring at the white-haired man, and he stared upwards and he staggered back in shock, and for the first time in his life he cursed aloud,

“What the fuck is that thing?!”

Standing beside Rowan’s foot, Staff rolled her eyes, as she turned towards Andar, “Is that such a bad thing that we are not strong enough? Do you really want us, fighting that? Can that thing not eat the Supreme Magus for breakfast?”

Andar sighed and looked at the white creature covered in fog, “Is that an Old One?”

“I think so, but somehow I think this one is even worse. I think we all had a wrong idea about what Old Ones are, or those that roam outside are simply pale imitations. That is the real thing.”

“Then we better get ready,” Andar said, “Else we would not be able to make a difference when the time comes.”

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