The Primordial Record

Chapter 1274: The Limit of Infinity (7)

Chapter 1274: The Limit of Infinity (7)

Rowan’s life as an Archangel was equally as stressful, placed in charge of a million Angels and sent to watch over a series of developing universes that had been rescued from the ravages of demons.

He spent tens of millions of years alongside cohorts of Archangels, and over that time he patrolled through tens of thousands of universes, fought countless battles, even fell in love with a mortal woman, and for the same day every century, he visited the same universe, found the one planet in the multitude of galaxies that it contained and sat at the top of the mountain where he laid her to rest, his four wings spread wide open and his light bathing the entire planet as the glowing shadows of his wings were imprinted on the sky, from horizon to horizon.

Her name was Tera, and despite the fleeting nature of her mortal life, she still took the heart of a living dimension, even if he was wearing the form of an Archangel.

At that moment Rowan recognized a change in himself that he could not understand, a Celestial was never meant to fall in love, and he should not have been able to, but something strange happened, a sensation across time that should not be possible, because for the first time in a long time, he really felt this.

Perhaps it was for this reason that he was blindsided. Celestials do not fall in love, they had the capability for it, but their mindset had been programmed to follow only the Will of Light, their service to it was everything, and for the lesser Angels, going against that Will was harder than a one-armed man swimming across the ocean.

The blinding light that fell on the planet should have turned it to ash, but the Archangel’s wings held them back. News of his centennial sojourn into this universe had become known to the enemies of the Celestials and Archangels, not among the most powerful of Angels but still influential enough to warrant attention.

Enemies of Celestials surrounded the planet, and Rowan was besieged by enemies more powerful than him and in greater numbers, but in an act of sheer will that went beyond anything that he could have pulled off naturally, he survived, and not just survived, but he slaughtered all of them, but his injuries were too heavy and he passed away.

A century later, a Sovereign took over an entire universal sector, an area that controlled thirty thousand universes…. Coincidentally inside that area was Doom Star, and it drew Rowan’s attention. The hierarchy of Celestials was too strict and if Rowan was going to reach the top as an Angel, he may have to spend many eternities in order to do so, that was an extremely risky prospect, as he did not know how long he could stay under the radar.

Building a profound celestial array in secret, Rowan used it as a springboard to launch himself into Doom Star, his Sovereign body was twisted into a ray of light, and before he could break into the core of the realm, the World Stele appeared and he was sent back in time, into Doom Star’s past.


Inside the universe of his birth, Rowan opened his eyes. In real-time, less than four days had passed after he sent the Reflection outside the universe, and inside his dimension was a second blue book and a vast amount of information.

Rowan might not have learned much about the Celestial as he might have liked but he was a bit surprised that he was able to fall in love in this incarnation of his life that he sent into the future.

His experiment with Reflections might be going according to plan, but Rowan was getting worried that there might be an aspect of it that he was not fully understanding. The vision of the desert and the presence searching for him was something that Rowan could deal with, he was already used to the madness and horror of reality, but the fact that he could fall in love scared him.

The vulnerability he felt at that moment was profound because the act of falling in love signified a full release of all barriers he had in his… soul? That was something he had lost long ago, was it possible that his Will of Soul was having a resurgence? Plus what was that weird feeling that this sensation was being carried across time?

Perhaps dabbling with the future may have consequences that when someone like him might not have complete control over, but Rowan was not discouraged, as he had expected that understanding the nature of the future was something that would take time to understand, and such things would always come with its danger, the question was if he was capable of handling that danger.

Rowan sighed, as he reviewed what a portion of his consciousness pillars had reviewed about the desert. He had information from only two sources and it had easily given him the answers to this quandary.

The desert he was sent to was most likely the Great Desert, a place that connected all the universes in existence and was the area where all the Will of every universe were housed.

The Third Prince had come here to hunt Fourth and he had crossed this desert where he had seen countless shades of powerful creatures who had existed across all Time from the past to the present. This Great Desert seemed like a graveyard of the powerful.

Swallowing the Will of this universe had given him access to this place and he had the option of placing his Will into this place for safekeeping, but there was no way Rowan was going to ever do such a thing, and he had long closed the chapter to that place and kept it behind him, but the creation of the Reflections had began to recreate his connection with this place.

The presence that had been hunting for him inside that desert was a strange addition that had not come up in any of the memories that he had of the Great Desert.

If that place had a Will, then it would be this presence, but what kind of presence could rule over a place like that?

Placing that line of thought aside, Rowan focused on the next set of experiments he had been focused on, which was bringing Vraegar with the Reflection to see what would happen.

Of all his children, the little dragon was hardy enough to survive this experiment and part of Rowan’s consciousness zoomed over to check the status of that dragon even as another part of himself began to refine the next refinement of the Reflection creation methodology.

Vraegar at this point had reached the limit of his growth inside his dimension, and he was sleeping on a pile of treasure that could spread across a galaxy, and his present size was greater than multiple stars stacked together.

Rowan watched his son shiver in his sleep and squeezed his wings around himself as if he were cold, and he sighed in disappointment when he noticed that Vraegar had been unable to bring anything back from the future, even with his connection with the dragon.

The only consolation he had was that the dragon was not hurt.

Rowan pushed all concerns he had aside as he focused on summoning the third Reflection.

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