The Primordial Record

Chapter 1271: The Limit of Infinity (4)

Chapter 1271: The Limit of Infinity (4)

Rowan understood that he had a powerful weapon, but this weapon would be useless if not aimed properly and not used effectively and efficiently then the great advantage he had would be lost. There was no certainty in life, but if he managed to screw up this opportunity he had with carelessness or an ill-advised plan, then he would not rest in peace even in death, with the weight of his stupidity choking his corpse.

Every time he used this power, he must never leave any traces behind, everyone who was aware of this power would have to die at the end of every journey, it did not matter if they were to be his children, Rowan could leave no traces behind because there was no one he could ever trust with this knowledge, of all his powers, Rowan believed that this one was among the riskiest he held.

Even the future the Primordial Record saw was only an extremely accurate simulation that could be considered as close to the vision of the future as could ever be possibly created, but it was not a true vision of the future.

With this in mind, Rowan readied his powerful weapon, sought his target, and aimed for it, that target would be an Eternal Realm.

With everything that he learned about them, inside an Eternal Realm could lie the solution to one of his biggest problems, which would be ascending to the fourth dimension.

At the end of the day, if he did not swallow the Great Darkness, he must still eat something, and no matter where he took that meal from, it would be detected. Was there anywhere in reality where he could devour a fourth dimension and still be outside the influence of the major powers in reality?

The solution to his problem would lie inside an Eternal Realm, and not just any Eternal Realm, one that would serve as his launching board to pursue the rest of his plans.

This idea was born from two things he had seen outside the universe and he saw the Frozen Road, and he knew that this would be linked to his destination because of the second factor which was the second Singularity, The World Stele.

Every Singularity had a destined owner, one that they selected based on their potential. The World Stele once had an owner, and he was dead, his remains were bound to a decaying Eternal Realm.

With the aid of the World Stele, Rowan learned a great deal about Thenos and the fate that had befallen him, and anytime he peered outside the universe and onto the frozen road, he could see the see weeping heads of his mothers, and the decision to make this Eternal Realm his first sojourn into manipulating the future was firmed.

He would be creating his Reflection and sending it to the Eternal Realm of Thenos, now known to all as Doom Star


On the fateful day that Rowan made his decision, he went alone into a desolate corner of the universe, devoid of stars and life, and then he closed his eyes as he sat cross-legged. He began creating his first Reflection.

As indicated by the name, creating a Reflection signified creating a shadow of himself, and because it was a shadow, he could mold its form in the way he desired, ensuring that the debacle that was experienced by the Eye of Time in the creation of its Reflection did not affect his own.

When the Eye of Time had created its Reflections, it had simply patterned them after Erohim and not itself because a Reflection of an Eye of a Primordial would be countless times more powerful and also quite easy to detect, and so Rowan was lucky that the Reflections he fought was not an exact copy of the Eye.

Also, the Eye created Reflections for the purpose of carrying the weight of its existence, but the reason Rowan was creating his Reflection was to allow him to view the future, so he could not skimp on its creation and use a lesser copy, he would have to use his entire dimension as the framework for the creation.

The process of creating a Reflection was a journey in the discovery of one inner self in a way that few would ever embark upon.

If his Reflections were to become tangible entities with thoughts of their own that were exactly the same as his own, then Rowan would have to understand himself to his core. There needs to be no subterfuge in his heart or any denial of his nature, else the Reflection he would create would be skewed, and the purpose for its creation would become worthless for Rowan would not trust a Reflection that was not an exact copy of his mindset to follow the plans he needed it to follow and make the right decisions that Rowan would inevitably make when the time came for it.

Rowan sat in this place for centuries as he rediscovered himself anew. This was a process that could not be rushed, even with his mind that had transcended the galactic level, the depths of his being were vast, and dredging up every single facet of it was rigorous.

When he thought he was done, everything about himself was known, Rowan chose to repeat this process, and he did this three more times until he was sure that he had everything of himself.

Without hesitation when he knew that he had gone above and beyond to satisfy all the conditions needed, he began to create his first Reflection.

Rowan adjusted his state to the peak, and then he began to chant in the unknown language of the Primordials.

Words were the closest pathway to connect with reality, and the language that was used matters, as the degree of control over reality was tied to the sort of language that was used, and the language of the Primordials was as close to the language of reality as could be created.

The words should have no right to be uttered from the throats of anything and indeed, even though Rowan seemed to be speaking with his mouth, the sound was emerging from his entire body. It was as if every single cell in his body was chanting.

A subtle ripple emerged from his body that made reality around him transform. That ripple changed his surroundings in a manner that made it take the form of a mirror, and suddenly Rowan was surrounded by millions of Reflections of himself in every direction.

All of them sat cross-legged as he did, and they were his exact reflections except for an eerie detail, they were all staring at him with eyes that were nothing but a pool of darkness. Rowan continued chanting and unexpectedly the millions of reflections staring at him began to chant alongside him, and the already powerful sounds of the Primordial language were magnified to such an extent that it transcended words and became something primal, a deep droning melody that harkened to the beginning of everything.

Suddenly one of the reflections screamed as light erupted from its eyes and mouth and it collapsed into nothing, and soon this trend continued.

Rowan was pruning the reflections, to create one that would serve his needs was a race of survival, and only the best would be left in the end to assume the mantle of his Reflection.

As time went on, the chanting that should have been less powerful as time went on and the number of reflections dropped from the millions into the thousands instead went in the opposite direction and became deeper and more powerful. The power in this mirror-like space had reached ridiculous levels and it kept rising.

Rowan was creating an unparalleled Reflection, one that was countless times greater than what the Eye of Time had done, and the cost in essence and Aether was incalculable, there was enough essence poured into this process to light up a hundred universes, but Rowan kept pouring more, and even with the heretical regenerative properties of his dimension with the accelerated rate of time inside of it, his face still began to go pale.

Rowan’s voice was still steady despite all of these, even though the strain he was under was great, for whatever trials the reflections in this mirror-like space were undergoing, he was experiencing it in a more profound manner, because he was not leaving anything to chance and was sharing all the senses of the reflections, including the ones that had failed.

If there was any promising reflection that had promise but could not survive the process, he might choose to save that Reflection. Rowan had always believed that sometimes ingenuity could be stronger than sheer strength.

The creation process continued for decades, Rowan’s shadow was truly vast, and even with what could be regarded as a near-infinite source of energy he needed all of this time to create a Reflection that was worthy of his name.

Finally, there was only one left, and it was the exact copy of Rowan, except for the eyes that were nothing but a window into the void.

Rowan watched his Reflection for a brief moment, a slight look of curiosity in his eyes, he was tired, drained in a way that he had not thought possible, but he knew that it was not over, he

was nearly halfway to his goal.

Unlike the Eye of Time, he created a complete Reflection, but similar to the Eye of Time, he had to take another step further and edit the memories of this Reflection, to keep the things he needed inside of it while removing all his deeper secrets that could never see the light of


It was a good thing that the core of his consciousness was so powerful that despite all of this editing to the memories of the reflection the core of who he was would never change. Rowan’s chanting had never ceased in all this time, and he slowly brought his right hand and gestured and the last Reflection rippled out of space and sat directly in front of him. With the same hand that he made the gesture with, Rowan pushed it into the head of the Reflection, his hand easily sinking through the skin and bone as if a hand were sinking into a

pool of water.

Rowan began to pick memories from the Reflection as he began to strip and block, various abilities that were inside the Reflections, accessing them could trigger the remembrance of certain memories that could clash with the directives that Rowan would be giving this


As this process was ongoing, Rowan began to feel an increasing sense of disquietness, something was about to happen, and he raised his alertness while leaving no outward

indicators that he had received any signs.

Suddenly Rowan found himself in the desert.

The change was drastic with no warning signs, and Rowan did not stop his actions as if he was not aware that he had just been transported into another space.

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