The Physicist Wife Who Overturned The World

Chapter 1180 - 1180 Drinking Old Man

1180 Drinking Old Man

Xue Fanxin did as Tang Man said and went to the library to look for a suitable spirit technique for her.

The library was on the east side of the original freshman canteen. Wouldn’t that be near the Special Class and the Heaven Class?

If she went to that place, she would definitely bump into the people from the Special and Heaven Classes. At that time, it would be inevitable that there would be a bunch of messy things.

But she had no choice. She had to go to the library, so no matter what happened in front of her, she had to go.

Every new student who had just entered the Five Elements Academy could choose a suitable spirit art from the first floor of the library.

If they were from a large family, the family already had a suitable spirit art to cultivate, so there was naturally no need to come to the library to look for one.

However, more than half of the disciples recruited by the Five Elements Academy were from ordinary families. Coming to the Five Elements Academy had already made them bankrupt. How could they have any spirit arts to learn?

If she was not wrong, this elder should have been very heavily injured and poisoned. He needed this medicinal wine to suppress his injuries and control the poison.

However, the more he drank this wine, the more serious his injuries would be and the stronger the poison in his body. In the end, he would only die.

Since the old man had chosen to drink this wine, he should know his situation. That was why his body vaguely emitted an aura of despair.

Seeing this, Xue Fanxin felt a little sympathetic. She took out two jars of wine she had brewed herself from her space and gently placed them on the ground before leaving.

The moment Xue Fanxin turned around and left, the old man opened his eyes and looked at Xue Fanxin’s back suspiciously. Then, he picked up the wine on the ground and looked at it. What he saw immediately shocked him. He suddenly sat up and sniffed the wine in his hand a few times. After confirming that the taste was correct, he started drinking.

With just one sip, he was even more shocked. He looked at the door of the library again, but Xue Fanxin had long entered the library, so the old man could not see her at all.

This girl had actually given him two jars of spirit wine that contained the power of life.

After drinking these two jars of wine, he could live for at least another year.

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