The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 79 - Shut Up And Die...


Creating Task...

Used 1 Slot

Status: Working 0%


[Working 50% ..]

[Status: Completed]

[Saving to Database ...]

[Data Saved!]

After that, a yellow ball appears on the map, indicating that the system has successfully marked the target.

Better safe than sorry at the end. 

Desmond didn't go straight into his house; he followed the coachman as he slowly got ready to chant his spell.

Meanwhile, the coachman did not know that Desmond was following him. He carried the heavy pouch as hard as he could by dragging it.

* srrt* * srrt *

Since the coachman was an ordinary citizen, not a swordsman like Desmond nor his guard, he tried to use his full strength to pull the pouch so that the fireflies on the grass flew towards him.

"Shit ... shit ..." This forced him to drop the pouch and wave his hand to chase away the fireflies that were glaring at him.

* thump *

* groan *

Instantly he heard a groan from the pouch, making him curious.

"Eh ?! There's something in this pouch. " He wanted to touch the pouch and open it but then remembered Desmond's words.

"but…. The young master said that…. "He looked around and found no one, just a few pouchs scattered around him.

"Hehe ... how could this young master know if I saw the contents, there are lots of pouches here after all."

He then slowly opened the pouch, but the pouch seemed to be tightly tied.

"Shit… again and again…."

After several attempts, the coachman was finally able to open the pouch.

"Finally !!" he swipes his sweat on his forehead while opened the pouch wide only to see a child demon.

"A slave !!" The coachman shouted loudly, but before his shout woke the others, he suddenly felt something in his throat.

"What ---"

* pop *

Blood came out every time he spoke; the coachman then forced his eyes to look at the object stuck in his throat.

*cough* *cough*

His eyes could not believe what he saw this time; an iron suddenly pierced his throat into a hole, making some blood leak out every time he coughed.

A few seconds later, his consciousness slowly faded, as he immediately felt his gaze slowly towards the sky before finally lying on the ground, looking at a headless body.

While losing consciousness, he faintly saw a black shadow approaching his body.

"Young mas ... you ..."

Before finishing his words, his consciousness had already disappeared.




* thump *

The coachman's body fell to the ground, blood continuing to flow from his neck.

Desmond, who was in the dark, slowly appeared, approaching the pouch containing demons.

"Well, I expected this to happen, but not this fast."

 He then tied the pouch back and threw it into the other pouchs.

"Indeed, the human heart is full of greed."

Right after saying this, he smelled an unpleasant smell. Seeing the direction the smell came from the pile of blood pouches he left a few days ago, Desmond stiffened…

"Stinky, I forgot to sort this out ..."

He then aimed his hand at the pouches. A hand appeared from the ground, tidying the pouches together.

Instantly, after the pouches were collected, a large hole was formed underneath. Make all the pouch's fall into the hole in the ground.

Desmond came closer and saw the pouches condition is fine; no blood spurted.

"Custom Spell: Freeze."

The ice suddenly appeared around the earthen hole wall, slowly the ice then closed until finally, it was equal to the ground.

"Nice, now I just have to cover it."

He looked at the coachman's body and the detached head of the coachman.

"Well, it's a free point anyway."

Directing his hand, a hand made of earth appeared, took the coachman's head and body, and placed it in front of Desmond.

[Mass of Unique Energy Found!]

[Did Host want to absorb it Y / N?]


[Please touch the source. Absorb time will depend on how much energy contains in the source]

Desmond touched a part of the coachman's body, and a notification appeared.

[Begin Absorbing…. | Time left: 55 sec]

"Ah, this sensation ... I haven't felt it for a long time."

[Absorb Complete]

[Status Updated!]



Name: Desmond

Gender: Male

Age: 7 years

Race: Human (95%)

Class: 1st Swordsman

Occupation: None

Unique Energy: 32.67 -> 32.78

Strength: 16.00 (27.49)

Agility: 20.4

Stamina: 6.35


"At least there are a few additions."

Desmond then directed his hand to the coachman's corpse, causing the corpse to be engulfed by the ground.

"Good luck, grow it into a beautiful plant."

After that, he went from the backyard and into his room through the kitchen's back door.




In the morning, Desmond's maids woke up as usual. One of them today had the task of cleaning the front yard; she saw a horse-carriage without a coach when she got out.

The maid then reported this to the other maids; after looking for the coachman and still not finding him, they asked the guards.

"EH? Wasn't it yesterday— "Before the guard spoke, his fellow guard closed his mouth.

"Sorry, yesterday I brought the horse carriage and forgot to return it again."

The maid was suspicious of the guard's behavior, but she chooses to ignore that.

"Quickly clean up before young master woke up,"

The maids didn't care for any vague reasons; they just carried out their duties and reported anything strange.

"Hehe…. Okay, forgive me one more time. "The guard then saw the maid leave with a snort.

After the maid left, then he opened his friend's mouth. His friend seemed angry because his face was flushed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!" he wanted to beat up his friend, but if he did, it would damage the Desmond family's reputation.

This was the main gate to Desmond's house, so almost everyone heard and saw their conversation.

Seeing his angry friend, he did not care and only informed the young master's word to him.

Upon hearing this, his friend nodded and wondered where the coachman had gone, but he heard the maid calling him.

"Go, get that horse carriage, and finish your 'work.'"

This time his friend gave a different tone when he said work, and he really understood it.


[Written by DragonKnov || Published by NovelFull]

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