The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 58 - Helmfirth

Suddenly, the mirror on Desmond's knees shone and revealed a well-dressed Clementine.

"So, what's up, little Desmond?" Clementine asked with a smile. 

Clementine looked like a noble with neat clothes and trinkets on her face, coupled with a very luxurious background.

"I want you to inform or spread the word to the public that I was attacked by my pet when I wanted to feed it." 

Desmond raised the glass so that it was level with his body, exposing his condition with only one hand.

"What are you ... oh my god, what happened to you?" At first, she just wanted to play around with Desmond but immediately became worried. "Tell me, what happened to you?" She emphasized; her gaze became severe; it was like a mother who saw her child had been injured.

Desmond answered without expression, "I told you, I want you to spread that a wild beast attacked me." 

On hearing the answer, Clementine's expression conflicted, and then she let out a sigh.

"Fine…so do you need help? Have you contacted your mother? Do you need me to go over there to give you medicine? "

Seeing Clementine's behaviors, Desmond was confused. "Why do you care so much?"

Instantly, Clementine snapped at him, "Of course! You are my future son-in-law. How can my son-in-law be a disabled person?" 

Hearing this, Desmond rolled his eyes.

"I see; thank you for your attention, and also, I need your help to find the right medicine to heal this wound," Desmond also added, "Add this as my debt to you; thank you." 

Desmond immediately deactivated his spell, not waiting for Clementine's further reply, and he snapped his fingers three times to call out the maid.

"Yes, young master?"

Seeing the servant was neither Laura nor Annie, there was a hint of disappointment in Desmond's eyes, but he was also happy that it wasn't a junior maid who was dealing with something this complicated.

"Send a letter to my parents and tell them about my condition; if necessary, use a Pegasus to send it because I need this before the next three years." 

Desmond said that because he understood that using magic was impossible for him because he did not know where his parents were, and also, he had not yet reached 1st wizard. 

As for the message 'as soon as possible,' during this year, even when Alice left, Desmond's parents had not returned home.

At first, he suspected that they had dumped Alice and him and started a new family, but all doubts disappeared when Desmond heard the information between Krox and Grimm last night.

"Yes, young master!"

After completing all the complicated matters, Desmond could now enjoy his meal calmly while thinking of another way besides asking for help from the 2nd wizard or his parents to heal his hand. 




In the afternoon, the town square.

A bird flew around the town square for hours, making the merchants in the square confused. They thought the bird was looking for food, so the merchants started to put food on their boxes.

Seeing people who misunderstood what the bird meant, the bird then came down and did what the merchants said while also observing the surroundings. After all, the food was gone, and it still could not find what it was looking for, then the bird left.

The bird crossed the outer and inner city borders and finally flew south, out of Capital City, North Kingdom.

Passing through several forests and villages, the bird finally saw a city with large buildings floating in the air.

The building is the North Academy, and the city visited by this bird is Helmfirth. This city was first built when the human empire was not yet divided; you could say this city is another first-generation city.

Although the city's age is quite old, the buildings here are more luxurious than the North Kingdom's capital city, which was only recently built after Edward became king.

Lined with tall and robust fortresses, it is said that this city once resisted attacks from beast raids.

This city only has one building floating in the air, namely the North Academy.

When viewed from the outside, the North academy was huge, and it was floating very high in the air, but strangely, this North Academy building didn't block the sunlight from entering, and it also seemed like it didn't need any power to fly.

North Academy is not the first building or the first invention floating in the air; the Imperial Empire has also implemented it in several important buildings. It's just that this application entered the North Kingdom too late.

After seeing the incredible sight, the bird did not immediately enter but landed in a nearby forest.

The bird then transformed into a burly human who had once intercepted Desmond when he wanted to escape. The human then walked on the streets leading to the city gate of Helmfirth.

Once there, the burly man showed his identity and touched a rock that identified him as a North Kingdom citizen. After several procedures, the man was allowed to enter but had to pay several gold coins.

Unlike the Capital City North Kingdom, Helmfirth is a place where crime and justice are equal. Many people are corrupt, and there have been several robberies in this city. Therefore, this city is very suitable for their organization. 

But when Weston announced that he would build an academy in the city, many people protested, but he gave reasons that people could not deny.

Namely 'To implement and promote justice in that city.' Even with the students' risk of being threatened, Weston said this was another test for the students. He said that not everyone should be protected, let alone aspiring wizards who would defend the country.

Therefore, after North Academy's establishment, it was confirmed that crime decreased, but it still existed.

After the burly man paid the guards, he headed straight for the tavern, where the ordinary people gathered and had fun at night.

It was late in the afternoon, and things were getting busy in the tavern; when people saw the burly man, they all gave way. The burly man then walked straight into the back door of the bar.

Opening the door, the burly man saw his boss, Krox, who was in 'activity' with many women. The room was filled with perfume, which made the passion of the people inside increase.

When Krox saw his subordinate coming, he stopped his activities and ordered the women to leave.

"Did you find out the identity of that person?" Krox said while getting dressed; he sat on the sofa, calling one of the girls to sit with him.

"Sorry, master, I lost track of it." Brock immediately looked down 

Hearing this, Krox's hand accidentally squeezed the woman's shoulder beside him so hard it made her scream in pain.

"I see, surely you can't possibly bring empty information here? Is not it?" The squeeze got stronger until he unconsciously crushed her hip.

Brock, who saw this, became frightened; he saw the woman trying hard to get out of the boss's grasp but finally died with eyes bleeding out.

"Yes ... boss, I saw him enter the clothing shop owned by the former nobleman Albin."

"Hooh, looks like Grimm has a new job; well, you can go." 

After Brock left, Krox stood up, causing the woman's corpse to fall to the floor. He glanced at the woman, and a shadow mouth appeared from the underground, swallowing the entire woman's body.

[Written by DragonKnov || Published on NovelFull] 

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