The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 186 - Beasts Attack

* howl *

Just as they were staring at each other, the sound of howling wolves could be heard throughout the village. This made Ray and Vaurz's expressions stiffen.

Luckily this is afternoon, where the sun was still up, shining brightly, making the villagers not panic, just being on their guard.

"Prepare to fight," Ray ordered as he immediately glanced sideways as if his gaze could penetrate the village bamboo walls.

"Yes, leader." The rest members of the Corps of Teleknight replied in unison.

As they unsheathed their swords, Vaurz, who feels an uneasiness from before, realizes where it comes from. It made his pupils shrunken, and he gripped his swords tightly.

"This is bad," he muttered while looking at the situation on the other mercenaries.


"Big sis!" Raina shouts out in worry, trying to grab Veronica's collar, who is suddenly rushed towards the direction where the wolf's howling was.

This caused the rest of the Steel Legion to be startled. Even though they have been trained in the life and death battle, still without a leader who is their moral support, they are mentally the same as other women, feeling unease and can't calm down.

This is shown how important Veronica's position in their hearts. Altouht they felt fear, after all, they were still professional mercenaries.

"What should we do now?" One of the female members asked Raina; although her eyes were confident and brave, she failed to hide her trembling hands. 

Hearing this voice, Raina turned around. Her eyes glanced between her leader who was far away with her friends. "Prepare your spells, ladies." With a complicated expression, she resolved and drew her sword.

Unlike the mercenary Corps of Teleknights, which was full of swordsmen, only Raina and Veronica were the main attackers in the Mercenary Steel Legion, while the rest were 1st mid-class witch.


Meanwhile, on a wooden bench near the village square.

"Sir, what are your orders?" the captain stood in front and asked. His eyes filled with enthusiasm for protecting the villagers while gazing at his Guardian.

Even with this situation, Vesta was still relaxed. He replied, "Gather all the villagers in the villager square and leave a few soldiers to protect them," by opening one eye.

"The rest go to the front gate, keep the dogs from entering." With his strength as someone at the peak of the swordsman class, it would be easy for him to deal with all threats.

But if he did this, what the point of having subordinates? As for his daughter, Vesta isn't worried because he believes in the protective spell of his horse carriage.

"Yes, sir." The captain obeyed and hurriedly carried on Vesta's orders with a bitter smile, afraid that his negligence would result in casualties.

After the captain left, just then Vesta, who had looked relaxed, suddenly straightened his seat. Unlike his nonchalant behavior before, he glanced at the mercenaries and found that they were already heading to the battlefield. "Good, at least they still have a sense of humanity."

While stretching his body, Vesta stood and gazed forward. "Even though I said that at least i need to watch them." Like Ray, his eyes narrowed to the forest as if he can see through the bamboo walls.

Vesta added," And also, it seemed this howl is a  bit louder than usual." After he strecthed, he bent his knee forward while the tip of his toe tapped the paving ground beneath him and...

* swoosh *

Along with a sudden gush of wind, his body became hazy and then disappeared, leaving only dust in his previous position.


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At the village's front gate, spotted the royal soldiers were in a fierce battle with several Dire Wolves. On the other hand, the reinforcements that had just arrived immediately moved to help their comrades.

"The situation?" the captain who just arrived asked one of the soldiers who previously have a duty became the gatekeeper who now resting, replaced by another soldier.

"As you can see, captain." The soldier pointed forward where there were about fifty Dire Wolves with several goblins mixed up.

Surprisingly, these goblins weren't what they had imagined; they were standing behind, acting as if they were the commander of the Dire Wolves.

The captain was surprised to see this sight; he narrowed his eyes and looked at the goblins, "Weird, have there been any casualties?" He returned his gaze to the soldier while gulped.

Seeing the captain's worried expression, the soldier replied honestly, "For now, there is none .captain." Only he and his two friends guarded this gate; even so, they could survive for a while, which miracle to them.

The captain let out a sigh of relief at this. But at the same time, he also wondered how these soldiers could survive.

Seeing the captain's suspicious gaze, the soldier understands and interrupts before the captain. "Ah, I just remembered, captain, when the wolves appeared, a shadow crossed in front of us that pushback that beasts them back, giving time for us to prepare our positions and weapons."

"I see." The captain nodded in response with a twitching expression. Even though they have three 3rd class swordsmen, it didn't mean that this would lighten their load.

After hearing the details, the captain frowned and tap his shoulder. "Good job." As they spoke, several Dire Wolves had already been eliminated, "But this will be a bit troublesome." If it weren't for the goblins, it might have been faster, the captain thought.

The captain added, "You three, go back to the villager square, gather the villagers and protect them." Although this sounded a bit cruel because the soldiers were just taking a break, for him, the safety of the villagers was the main thing.

"Yes, captain." And it also seemed like the soldiers weren't complaining, which made the captain feel at ease. "Soldiers, wait for my cue!" as the captain arrived, he shouted, drawing all the attention of the soldiers who currently fighting.

* grumble * * grumble *

The soldiers gathered, forming a circle formation, with their captain in the center with the shield facing out.

"HA!" all the soldiers shouted, emitting war cries, making the Dire Wolves who were being manipulated by the goblins also retreat, regrouping and staring at these humans fiercely.

As the soldiers gathered around the captain, another group arrived from within the village.

"Looks like we're not late." Ray came with his silver hair fluttering, along with the luxurious armor he wore and the one-handed sword he was holding.

Accompanied by a gentle and calm voice, the mercenaries of the Corps of Teleknights also followed behind him while watching this formation and stared at their enemies excitedly.

[Written by DragonKnov || Published by NovelFull] 

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