The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 116 - Preparation(1)

At Clementine's house, a little girl was walking in the corridor to her room. Her expression was sullen while clutching her lower shirt, "Hump, I just want to take something I left behind."

Arriving at the door, the girl became hesitant. She stretched out her hand to pull the door, but then she pulled back her hand, silently looking at her door.

At the same time, from a distance, a maid was carrying food; when she saw this little girl, her expression softened and approached her, "Young lady, what's wrong?"

The girl was surprised and stepped back, she then turned around and saw that it was her maid, she became relieved and answered with embarrassment, "no ... th."

Seeing the girl's expression, the maid could not bear to hug her; she just smiled to hold back her feelings.

The maid then came forward, making the girl widen her eyes. She wanted to take the maid's hand, "My lady, Lady Diana is waiting at the door." But the maid is little faster. She knocked on the door and then glanced at the little girl, "I hope you get along, young lady." 

After that, the maid left Diana, who was standing at the door, stamping her feet many times. 

"Come here, my daughter." Diana was still silent when she heard her mother's voice. She waited a few more moments and heard no other voice than her mother.

Diana opened the door and peeked inside. There she saw her mother was lowering her head, staring at the mirror she was holding.

Diana sneaks inside, trying hard not to make a sound. She then wanted to approach her mother, but suddenly her mother turned around and smiled weakly.

"What are you doing? Come here. I have something to talk about. " Diana saw her mother kept her head down while still staring at the mirror she was holding.

This made Diana frown even more; she approached her mother and then saw that the mirror had returned to being an ordinary mirror. "What's wrong, mom?" she glanced at her mother and found her face twitching.

"Is this about Desmond?" Diana is curious, and she trying to acquire more information by relying on Desmond's topic to her mother. And when she said the word 'Desmond,' her mother's expression became depressed.

Diana saw her mother staring at her, "Yes, my daughter." Her mother's reply was brief, but she could detect sadness in her tone.

Diana became annoyed. She holds her mother's hands while looking directly at her mother, "Say, mom did that boy talked to you  with harsh words ?!"

Clementine was dumbfounded by her daughter's attitude; she saw her daughter's eyes contained pure anger. 

She then smiled and spoke softly while holding her daughter's cheek, "No, it's just ..." She stopped and turned her eyes away, and her tone became doubtful. 

When Diana wanted to comfort her mother, she was suddenly startled when her mother got up from the chair.

"Ahhh, why I  said something like that ?!" Clementine shouted, slapping her cheeks with both hands.

Initially, she only wanted to give Desmond a lesson to not become arrogant and too proud of himself.

But as she acted like that, she didn't expect that Desmond would fight her instead of accepting the lesson.

From then appeared her bad memories in the past. While slowly recalling her bitter past, her expression also subconsciously changed according to her memories.

Her uncontrollable expression finally appeared while looking at Desmond, and Desmond thought that she was looking at him like that. 

She was still conscious, and until finally, she remembered one incident where she was almost raped by those vile nobles.

Her expression turned to disgust, and in that instant, she looked at Desmond. The Desmond in her eyes gradually turned into that disgusting noble, making her even angrier.

But Desmond's next words made her realize that she was hallucinating. She only heard Desmond say 'friendship' and 'end' before she finally cut her connection with Desmond out of shame of herself.

After she realized her actions, this made her dazed. She didn't know what to do. Every adult has their own pride that makes children trust and admire them.

If Clementine begged for forgiveness, it was tantamount to throwing off her pride and bowing down in front of a child. That was impossible for her to do, even though Desmond was the child she knew after so many years. 

Diana saw her mother, who kept slapping her face unconsciously. She could not stand seeing this, and tears finally fell. "Sob ... sob ... please ... stop, mom ..."

Clementine, who was on a rampage, suddenly woke up when she heard her daughter's cry. She saw a hand was holding cheeks, and she suddenly felt pain on her cheeks "Ouch ...."

Clementine then glanced at her daughter and found her sobbing, covering her face.

Seeing this, Clementine immediately ran to hug her daughter, stroking her hair. "Ck ... Ck ... please forgive mom ... mom just -" her words stopped; she was confused about how to explain this line to her daughter. 

Clementine did not continue her words; she smiled wryly as she continued stroking her daughter's hair. "Yosh ... yosh .."

After a few minutes of waiting, she managed to calm her daughter. She released her hug and saw her daughter looking at herself with reddish eyes, " tell me what happened?"

Hearing this, Clementine smiled faintly and finally told what happened to her between Desmond. She gave a summary and only the main points of this event.

After she finished telling the story, she saw that her daughter was suddenly holding her cheek with both hands, "So mother made a mistake with that stupid child, and that foolish child took it seriously. So why don't you apologize? "

Clementine's face twitched at her daughter's straightforward and honest answer. She looked at her daughter and suddenly had the idea, "My love, what if you represent the apology from mother?" she was holding her daughter's shoulders with both hands; there was also something flashed in her eyes.

"OK." Her daughter's reply surprised Clementine. She thought her daughter would refuse, and she tried hard to convince her daughter. "I don't want to make mom suffer again."

Hearing the answer from her daughter, her gaze turned to love, "Thank you, my little princess." She immediately hugged her daughter and rubbed her cheek against her daughter's cheek.

"Stop, mother ..." Diana muttered. Her face flushed red, and she tried to push her mother with all her might, but to no avail.

After that, Clementine directed her daughter to sit in front of the mirror. She then chanted a spell, and the mirror held by her daughter shone...




Meanwhile, at Desmond's house.

"Young master ...." The voice of the maid was heard, along with the sound of knocking on the door.

"Come in," Desmond answered and saw the maid enter carrying lots of parchments.

"That's a lot too ..." the maid was not precisely 'carrying' as the parchments floated behind, creating several lines.

Desmond was a little startled, he thought that his maids could do telekinesis, but his eyes caught that wind was holding up each parchment, making it seem as if it were floating.

"Put it in front of my closet."

Desmond stretches out his hand to the one of parchment book, a wind suddenly formed to form a hand. The wind then brought the parchment book to Desmond and placed it on the table.

The maid who saw this was shocking because every maid who entered Desmond's room was always different; it did not rule out that every maid would have the same expression every time she saw this and don't know about his new ability.

Desmond noticed the look the maid had on him and smiled, "Ask the other maids." Even though Desmond was smiling, the maid could feel that Desmond was bothered by her gaze.

"Excuse me, young master ..." After the maid came out, Desmond found that the book he was holding was coincidentally the book that contained a list of the families that were in this kingdom.

"Vesta, Grimm, Andre, Clark, and finally the royal family." Desmond frowns when he saw the name." Why isn't my family included? "Apart from the Desmond family, the Noel and Weston families are also not in this parchment book.

Desmond twisted his mind and finally reached a conclusion, "Maybe it's just the scale of this city?" In his opinion, Weston and Noel were born and have families outside the capital city, but if this assumption is valid, why are his families still not included?

"The agreement ..." Desmond muttered. He remembers that his family had to depend on this kingdom, which meant that the agreement was not approved by the king and was only an agreement between Weston and his family.

Desmond became serious when he thought about this, "Which means that my family only belongs to the category of ordinary citizens. Therefore only Clementines are polite to me."

Desmond remembers that although the king indirectly introduced himself during the party, no one approached him to greet or get acquainted.

If it weren't for Clementine dragging him into the battle, perhaps Desmond and Alice's existence at that time could have been said to have been ignored and unnoticed.

"Ordinary citizens ..." Desmond knows very well the differences between ordinary families and those that have been recognized in this book. " This might be a little more dangerous than I thought. " 

Not only do well-known families have their own networks and strengths, but those families will also get the first advantage in the event of an auction.

"But why does Gibson keep coming to the auction?" Desmond remembers that Gibson insisted on getting the elf he bought; If he does not have a lot of money, maybe he's in jail now.

Desmond finally arrived at the Vesta family page. He narrowed his eyes and found a name that looked familiar to him. " I see, so that is the reason why she is so brave and knows everything. "

  [Written by DragonKnov || Published by NovelFull] 

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