The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 842 Emham Forest Operation (3)

Angry at the realization that his son is not inside the Cluster Domain, Ugrok came out with a steaming body, and his eyes flash with murderous intent. It was the worry that Dyrmir might be hurt that drives him to the utmost limit.

In this world, Dyrmir is the only one he has, losing him will mean losing his entire world.


Stomping roughly as Ugrok went over to stand in front of Prof. K, the ground beneath him cracked underneath his weight. A monstrous sight that even alerts Mistin’s senses of the danger coming out of Ugrok’s presence.

Mistin, a suppressed eighth-rank realm Awakened felt threatened by Ugrok.

“What in the world is that thing? Where is he even came from? I’ve come here expecting a teleportation formation, not facing this weird monster!” Mistin thought out loud, he quickly held his purple sword in front of him.

Yet despite the monstrosity in front of him, Mistin needs to go through Ugrok.

Even though that is the case, he couldn’t help but gulp harshly when he saw Ugrok’s body start to swell and his thick red aura, a mix of his own energy and force started to be amplified by the second.

Ugrok’s bloodline starts to articulate, the anger makes his blood boil and flow faster.

Not intending to let Ugrok reaches the peak of his power before starting the fight, Mistin’s eyes glowed as he quickly launch a deadly spell, “Great Spell, Fivefold Maleficient Tendrils!”, he chanted out loud.

In an instant, a few thorny vines burst from the ground and latched themselves onto Ugrok.

Each of the thorns covering the entire vine is purple in color, dripping with unimaginable poison that could kill a normal human a hundred times over with a single drop. A Poison Elementalist is very deadly to the teeth.

Despite that fact, Ugrok breaks free with his raw strength and charged forward.




Breaking the thorny vines in the process with relative ease, the ground trembled a little with each wide step he takes. Straining with all his might, he lifted his club up in the air and then brought it down with a powerful swing. The muscles in his arms rippled as he struck Mistin with his raw strength.

Mistin tries to block the swing with his sword, but that was a mistake on his part.



Underneath the sheer strength of a berserk Cyclopes, Mistin was brought to one knee as his arms struggled to keep the huge club from crushing him completely. It was completely shocking to feel the strength Ugrok is exerting.

Looking over his shoulders to watch the fight, Prof. K was also surprised by this scene.

‘Judging from his aura, that man should be in the eighth-rank realm before the suppression. But despite that, Ugrok is still able to overwhelm him in terms of strength’ Prof. K thought in disbelief, a frown appeared on his face. ‘Are Cyclopes should be this strong? If so, how come they are not one of the surviving high-rank Supernatural races?’

Similarly to Prof. K, Mistin was also shocked as he was pushed to one knee. 

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| But at the sight of the wounds Ugrok suffered from the thorny vines earlier, Mistin frowned as he finds that it was only bleeding, ‘Does this creature has immunity against poison? Why is he not poisoned by my attack earlier?’

Gritting his teeth, the shock turns into anger as Mistin doesn’t want to accept this.

Even though he might not be the strongest out of the 25 Golden Crest Families’ heads, he still has the pride that wouldn’t let himself be trampled like this. In an instant, his body burst with spirit energy before he summoned his spirit.



“Don’t underestimate me you brute!!” Mistin roared, his body surging with power.

In an instant, a purple spirit that takes an astral ghost-like form appeared behind Mistin before his body got covered by purple linen, turning him mummy-like with a hood that covered his head.

Clearly, this is Mistin’s Gladiator Form, his power is soaring through the roof.

Maybe, if not for the First Breath suppression, the entire Emham Forest would be flattened by his power. But in response to him, the red aura around Ugrok’s body started to sizzle and become thicker.

Rex would’ve been very much surprised if he saw that Ugrok also has the Red Force.

Albeit not as strong as Rex due to haven’t been trained through Ethos, it’s still an impressive feat. Then again, Ugrok has all the time in the world and is probably always training inside the Cluster Domain with Dyrmir.

Not showing any mercy, Ugrok moved unnaturally quickly and appeared behind Mistin.

Upon realizing that Ugrok is standing behind him, Mistin’s purple eyes widened in shock before he sensed a concentration of energy from the back. Ugrok condenses his red aura to the tip of his club, glazing it with immense power.

It was then, he swung down once again with full force, “Earth Shatter…”



“Kaahhkk!!” Mistin got slammed to the ground underneath the powerful club, and a mouthful of blood exploded from his mouth. Even the armor from his Gladiator Form is not enough to tank the full brunt of Ugrok’s attack.

On top of that, a web-like crack spreads far around the area and toppled the trees around.

It was a powerful strike filled with power.

Knowing that the fight is not over until the other side is not breathing anymore, Ugrok wanted to finish Mistin off, beating him with the club repeatedly, a couple of battle cries come from the side which pulls his attention away.

Dozens of Awakened suddenly leaped into action, attacking Ugrok at the same time.

Unlike the ones that were wearing a similar outfit as Mistin, these Awakened have different outfits showing that they were coming from different guilds and were sent here to do exactly the same thing as Mistin.

“We’ll distract this monster, your guild should focus on the teleportation formation!”

“Okay! Leave it to us!”


Not pulling any punches to the people that are not a part of Rex’s side, Ugrok let out a fierce battle cry and started to attack them with his vicious club, sending them flying away and tanking their spells with his thick skin.

It seems the Awakened that came are not as strong as the ones Mistin brought.

Since most of the powerful Awakened were sent to the Great Barricade in preparation for the upcoming danger in front of them, the Awakened that are left inside Ratmawati City are not that strong.

Even now, most of them could barely activate their elemental aura.

Because of that, these Awakened could only hope to stall Ugrok and buy some time while the others tries to deal with Prof. K, there’s nothing more they could do except for that. Beating Ugrok is simply impossible.

If even Mistin lost in a one-on-one fight, then there’s no chance for them.

As the people managed to be teleported, Prof. K quickly instructed them with a shout as the situation requires them to move quickly. One death means it’s all over for Prof. K and Giana, “Quick! Go inside that hole! Someone will guide you inside, just go! Now!”

Upon hearing this, the teleported people were stunned for a moment.

Confusion surrounds them as these people just got here. But one of them reacted first when he saw the fight in front of him that looks vicious and bloody, and he was also the one that ran inside the Cluster Domain before the others soon followed.

Quickly turning around, Prof. K’s body burst with green smoke.

Moving his body nimbly to dodge a few strikes from multiple Awakened that managed to reach him, the green smoke coming out of him burst even stronger. In an instant, the green smoke enclouded the entire place like a smokescreen.

Prof. K’s silhouette disappeared inside it like a ghost.

Deciding to focus on the task, the Awakened ignored Prof. K and searched for the advanced teleportation formation inside the green smoke, “Split into two teams. One protects the other while the other search for the teleportation formation!” One of them shouted.

“Cover your nose with your elements, the green smoke is poisonous!” Another said.

In response, all Awakened covers their nose to not get poisoned.

Scanning the entire place in search of the teleportation formation, one of the Awakened saw a flickering light to his left. Upon seeing this, he went over with the intention to destroy the formation and accomplish their tasks.

Just as he took a step to approach it, a stinging sensation suddenly invades his throat.

Albeit he doesn’t understand what just happened, his body reacted in a couple of seconds and he instantly lost consciousness, Prof. K penetrated his hand through the Awakened’s neck completely and kills him.

Like a ghost, he then disappeared again before repeating the same process.

None of the Awakened were able to react as their numbers started to decrease one by one mysteriously, yet that triumph doesn’t last long as more and more Awakened jumped into the green smoke.

It didn’t take long before Prof. K’s position was located by the Awakened.

‘Krggh… there are so many of them!’ Prof. K exclaimed inside his head.

Prof. K tries to defend himself but he was being attacked from all sides. Despite being an eighth-rank realm entity before, the suppression makes the gap closer between him and the seventh-rank or even sixth-rank realm Awakened.

Due to that, he was soon overwhelmed by the numbers.

“Great Spell, Wind Lance!”


From the back, Prof. K got penetrated completely in his stomach by a wind lance.

“Great Water Spell, Sinking Puddle!”

Not stopping at that, the momentary loss of focus was taken advantage of by the Awakened as a puddle of water appeared underneath him, and sunk his feet into it. Following that, another Awakened arrived in front of him with a clenched fist.

Covered with diamond, the Awakened then punch Prof. K in the stomach.


It was a merciless series of attacks, and even before his body landed on the ground from being propelled away by the punch that broke his ribs, the ground exploded with gushing fire, burning his black robe and skin.

Struggling to recover from that attack, Prof. K glances to the side.

But his eyes quickly widened when some of the Awakened is nearing the people that were trying to get inside the Cluster Domain. Since the portal hole is small, they need to go in 3 to 4 people at a time.

‘No… I need to do something. If one of them dies, it’s all over for humanity!’

Just as he was desperately trying to stand up, struggling to fight back the pain he suffered, hoping for a miracle to come through, the Awakened that was about to attack the people got suddenly impaled from the back.


Prof. K widened his eyes when he saw this before a figure landed right beside him.

“No matter what you said, I won’t stay on the sideline. Even if I’m not an Awakened anymore, I still am a former ninth-rank realm Awakened” Giana suddenly came, she was holding a sword that she took from the Awakened she killed earlier.

Earlier, Prof. K told her that she was not stable and should sit this one out.

Yet it seems he would need her help, and she also couldn’t sit on the sideline for this one.

Knowing the stake of humanity on their shoulders, and the assistance needed to defeat the Executor, Giana couldn’t sit still when she saw that the situation is getting worse and worse by the second.

“Seems like I was wrong. You are not human anymore, you should be able to help” 

Just as Prof. K said that a couple of figures landed beside him too.

A loud thudding sound can be heard as Ugrok came back first, he was riddled with wounds since Mistin decided to join in the fight again. Following that, Liliya and Dyrmir also managed to come back after trying to take out the strong Awakened.

Now the five of them stand in a circle, covering each others’ backs.


Slowly, the green smoke dissipated and expose the Awakened surrounding the place.

Clasping their weapons tightly in their hands, the Awakened crowd the five and went into their battle stances. It’s not looking good for them, yet there was no other choice, this is literally do-or-die.

It’s either the operation is successful or they died.

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