The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 835 Blatant Fun

It was already at the streak of dawn, Prof. K and Liliya are currently in Emham Forest.

Unknown to the both of them, the Emham Forest is the silent witness of the rise in power of a prominent entity the two knew, this is the place where Rex first transformed and realize that he was not a human anymore.

On top of that, this place is also the place where Rex beats Wesley Atkins flawlessly.

Clearly, Emham Forest is one of the most memorable places that Rex has ever been. Not only was it the place where he first transformed, but somewhere in this place also lies the Cluster Domain that he has used for a secret shelter a couple of times already.

Rex owed the Cluster Domain a lot thanks to that, it’s a great place.

As of this moment, Prof. K and Liliya are currently scouring throughout the forest in search of the Cluster Domain.  It’s rather hard to find based on Rex’s description alone, the forest is not that big but there are definitely small and secluded corners that are hard to find.

Due to their weakened state thanks to the First Breath, the search takes even longer.

Liliya was barely around the seventh-rank realm before the First Breath happened, and now her power has been reduced greatly to the point that she almost felt like a normal human. Slow and powerless.

It was also her that was tasked to search for the Cluster Domain first.

Earlier, Prof. K needs to contact and notify Beah City regarding the teleportation formation.

Since the First Breath disturbed their plan, he feared that Beah City wasn’t able to finish the formation. But it seems he was wrong, with the help of the other cities, the advanced teleportation formation was finished in time.

Now, the two could focus on finishing their part and searching for the Cluster Domain.

Under the intensive effort of the two running throughout the forest, Liliya eventually, after taking a turn, finds two huge boulders on top of a broken tree. At the sight of this, she squinted her eyes and strides closer.

“I think this is it, but where is the hole…?” she thought out loud.

Getting closer to the place, Liliya circles around and found the hole in between the boulders.

Because of the angle she was coming from, she couldn’t see the hole earlier and needed to circle around to find it. Liliya smiled when she eventually finds it and shouted to the side, “Prof. K! I think I found the Cluster Domain!”

Taking a form of a green mist, Prof. K quickly came when he heard that.

Striding closer to get a better look, he nodded his head as it should be the Cluster Domain.

Just from the fact that the hole looks ordinary and is completely black, located in between two huge boulders should surely be the Cluster Domain. It perfectly matches the description Rex gave him, and now he could get to work.

Frowning for a second, Prof. K shakes his head a couple of times, seemingly troubled.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Want me to do this for you?” Liliya asked.

Although Prof. K didn’t give her a clear answer whether he has been turned into a Werewolf by Rex or not, she could already tell that he was disturbed by the Storm Moon, and thus she believed that he was already a Werewolf.

Since the Storm Moon lasted throughout the night weirdly, it was clearly affecting him.

Prof. K reaches out his hand to take a pouch from inside his robe while shaking his head, he was panting yet he doesn’t want to stop, “No, I need to do this. The quicker I get this done, the better”

If he stayed too long inside the human territory, then King John might find him.

Even though he believes that King John wouldn’t attack him, Prof. K still doesn’t know what to expect knowing that King John is already been corrupted by the Executor. On top of that, he also doesn’t know how to face King John regarding what had happened to him.

Due to that, he wanted to leave the human territory and avoid confrontation.

Reaching out to take a piece of big rolled parchment from the pouch, Prof. K laid it on the ground and inspected it. As he initially thought, the parchment is an advanced formation blueprint that he needed to draw using any energy.

It’s very sophisticated, the combination of runes is something he has never seen before.

But as the two were about to start, the ground suddenly trembled.


Fearing that it might be anyone sent by King John or worse the Executor, Prof. K and Liliya quickly grabbed the parchment and jumped back. But instead, the two were surprised when they found a muscular leg coming out of the Cluster Domain.

Coming out of the hole was a huge creature, two times the height of Prof. K.

Possessing reddish thick skin, vicious tusks, and a bulky yet muscular body, the creature looks indomitable and dangerous. Moreover, Liliya doesn’t know what kind of Supernatural this creature is, she has never seen anything that matches its appearance.

“What is that, Prof. K? Is it an Ogre? But it has one eye” Liliya exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, Prof. K also frowns as even he who has done numerous researches about Supernatural Creatures is confused for a moment. But he quickly realized what the creature is, “A Cyclop… a primordial Supernatural Creature” he whispered in disbelief.

It’s been said that the Cyclops went extinct, yet one of them is standing in front of him now.


Glaring at the usurpers that seemed to be doing something in front of its home, the Cyclop roared menacingly and opens its mouth. Like a dragon, it breathes fire and shoots it directly at Prof. K and Liliya.

Maneuvering over like an eel, Liliya puts a mark on herself and Prof. K’s body.

Due to her extreme training in completing the tasks given by Prof. K alongside the other green team, she now is able to engrave a mark without needing to touch the target, her reach has gotten longer.

In an instant, both of their bodies become slightly stronger.

“I’m sorry Prof. K, my power is also suppressed right now so it’s not much” Liliya apologized.

But Prof. K shakes his head as if that is not a problem, “No need to apologize, we are not going to fight the Cyclop. I need to talk to it and convince it that we are sent here by Rex” he replied, and turned serious.

Just then, Prof. K’s eyes darted to the side seeing a flash of lightning.

Finding that another creature way smaller than the Cyclop reaches Liliya’s back, Prof. K widened his eyes, ‘I don’t know what that thing is, and it’s fast! It must be around the sixth-rank realm before the suppression’ he thought and tries to reach out his hand to Liliya.

Although his movement was quick, the creature is quicker and swat Liliya away with a kick.


Not stopping at that as if the creature was a trained warrior that does not stop until all of its enemies were defeated, the creature flick the axe in its hand and fixed its eyes on Prof. K, a malicious conviction can be seen in its two eyes as lightning swirled around its body.

Seeing this, Prof. K quickly raised his hands and shouted, “Wait!!”

Upon hearing this, the creature stopped while still in its battle stance, ready to attack.

The Cyclop standing near the hole frowned when he caught a sniff of the scent coming from Prof. K, it was different and certainly familiar, “Who are you? Ugrok, don’t know you. And your scent is familiar to Ugrok”

“I’m sent here by Rex! I’m here on behalf of Rex!” Prof. K quickly replied.

Even though he was confident in his skills, there was no need to fight the Cyclops. Moreover, it was only briefly but when he dodged the fire breath earlier, Prof. K realized that the fire actually sucked in his green smoke.

It was clear that he might be hurt if he fought against the Cyclop.

Compared to the smaller creature beside him, the Cyclop is clearly stronger. Even standing there undisturbed, the Cyclop already excludes a powerful aura. Considering that it’s a primordial Supernatural, being strong is natural for it.

“Rex…? Ugrok is sorry. Ugrok doesn’t know” the Cyclop instantly changed its attitude.

Just the mentioning of Rex’s name alone is capable of changing the Cyclop’s attitude instantly, and it was clear now that the Cyclop knows about Rex and is probably living inside the Cluster Domain.

Glancing over his shoulders, Prof. K finds Liliya coming back, evidently hurt.

“Are you okay?” Prof. K asked in worry.

But Liliya smiled and raises her thumb, she felt the right side of her body numb from receiving that hard kick from the smaller Cyclop, “Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, Prof. K” she replied meekly.


Taking a step forward, the Cyclop reaches out its hand toward Prof. K.

“Ugrok name is Ugrok, what is your name?” Ugrok asked.

Reaching out to shake Upgrok’s hand, Prof. K then replied, “You can call me Prof. K or K only”

“My name is Liliya, I’m Rex’s friend” Liliya also said when she finds Ugrok looking at her, the fact that she was talking to a Supernatural like this has never crossed her mind. Usually, meeting a Supernatural always ended in a fight.

Nodding his head, Ugrok then glanced at the other Cyclop, “Ugrok wants you to apologize”

“Dyrmir apologizes for attacking, Dyrmir was sick of losing against Ugrok, and Dyrmir wanted to win” Dyrmir apologized, he then walks forward and tap Liliya on the back with a light chuckle.

Although he meant it lightly, Liliya almost got staggered forward because of that tap.

Chuckling lightly as this is not a progression that the two are expecting, Prof. K then turns his face towards Ugrok and decided to ask, “Rex told us to create an advanced teleportation formation and also link the Cluster Domain to him, can you help us do that?”

“Hmmm…?” Ugrok ponders and takes the parchment from Prof. K’s hand.

Not expecting much from a Cyclop that couldn’t even talk properly, Prof. K was surprised when Ugrok uses his energy to envelop the parchment before he managed to extract the advanced teleportation formation precisely.

It was almost as if he could copy the formation in the form of energy.

Hovering the copy of the formation to the side, Ugrok expanded it to the appropriate size before engraving it to the ground. Prof. K and Liliya were surprised to find that Ugrok managed to create the advanced formation in less than five seconds.

“How in the world…?” Prof. K mutters in disbelief, it seems he underestimates Ugrok.

After doing that, Ugrok shifted his gaze to Prof. K again, “Does K have the elemental stones? K needs them for the Cluster Domain, Ugrok will help” he asked, seemingly asking for the elemental stones to connect the Cluster Domain.

Upon hearing this, Prof. K raised the pouch and nodded his head, “I- It’s inside here”

Just like that, Ugrok turns around and enters the Cluster Domain.

Looking at this, Prof. K glanced at Liliya with a wry smile while raising the pouch, “I’m going to do something inside with Ugrok, can you keep a look out here? Make sure nobody got too close to this place, okay?”

“Yes, Prof. K. I’ll do as you say” Liliya replied with a slight bow.

Prof. K then went inside the Cluster Domain with a small hesitation and vanishes completely.

Now Liliya is alone with Dyrmir right beside her, he seems to be bored and kicking rocks. ‘I think I’ll need to mark the perimeter first, planting a couple of red marks would be good to make sure nobody got close’

Devising a brief plan, Liliya then intends to do that.

But before she could go anywhere, Dyrmir suddenly grabbed her hand out of nowhere.

Glancing back towards Dyrmir with clear confusion in her eyes, Dyrmir suddenly smiled brightly while raising the axe in his other hand, “Does Liliya wants to fight with Dyrmir? It’s going to be fun, Dyrmir will beat Liliya and have fun!”

“H-Huh…? Beat me and have fun?” Liliya mutters, she was at a loss for words.

It’s either Dyrmir doesn’t know normal etiquette or he’s simply that blatant. Knowing that Dyrmir would only follow her, she could only smile wryly, “O-Okay, I guess…”

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