The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 828 Test Of Acknowledgment (3)

Seeing the newcomer, Rex kept his composure to look at Montana.

‘Necrotic Musician…? System, what kind of ability is that?’ Rex asked with a frown on his face, the melody of the music alert his senses, and a feeling of unease crawled and grip his heart with icy fingers.

Just before the System could answer, a wave of greenish note slammed to his body.


Despite feeling a strong force hitting his body, nothing happened. It was almost like a dream, but it was too real to be a dream, something is definitely wrong yet he couldn’t quite his finger on it.

<The user has been inflicted with Fatal Hymn>

<All wounds have been stopped from regenerating until the Fatal Hymn is dispelled>

“What?!” Rex exclaimed, he was not prepared for this.

Not stopping at that, the music played by Montana took a drastic change and is now even more radical and complex, her hand that holds the bow moved quickly as she draws on the strings like a mad woman, swirling her death energy around her.π“žπ‘½πΏxt.π‘π‘Άπ“œ

Green energy created by the music notes started scratching the ground around her violently.

Rex didn’t sit idly and quickly create a barrier using his red force to protect himself, he doesn’t know what’s Montana going to do but something is definitely coming, his senses are screaming at him right now.


It was then, the green energy concentrated and shot forward.

Planting his feet firmly into the ground to prepare against the incoming necrotic energy, Rex felt nothing but a breeze when the green necrotic energy went past his red force without making contact with it.

Like a ghost going through a wall, the necrotic energy is untouched.

“Arrhgkk!” Rex grunted and covered his ears when the green necrotic energy hits him. It was only for a moment, but he suddenly saw a double of his body in a sharp green color. And weirdly enough, the green double didn’t come back.

<Anti-Soul passive skill has been breached!>

<The user is inflicted with Soul Hymn, disconnecting the user’s soul from the body>

At the sight of the warning messages from the System, Rex was surprised as any attacks that aimed at the soul shouldn’t take effect on him. Even Queen Catsha, back when they were fighting was unable to breach the Anti-Soul passive skill.

Yet Montana, a summoned Undead was able to do just that.

Moreover, he also doesn’t know what the System means by his soul being disconnected.

<Soul attacks fuel with the Pure Death Energy gave an absolute effect that can’t be blocked through normal means, the connection of Pure Death Energy is directly connected to the Netherworld. Thus, the Anti-Soul is incapacitated>

‘What about the Soul Hymn?! What does that do?’ Rex asked again.

But before he could gain the answer he suddenly sensed an attack coming from the back, he look over his shoulder and finds Varianus already standing and swinging two necrotic blades, oozing with green energy right at him.

Due to his inhuman reflex, he was able to leap in time and dodge the attack.

Just as he was in mid-air looking down, his eyes widened finding the green double of his body stayed on where he was standing earlier. And when Varianus’ blades connected to it, Rex saw the skin on his chest being ripped open, and blood splurted out.


‘The attack that landed on it connects with me?!’ Rex exclaimed inside his head.

Glancing to the side to look at Montana who is still playing her violin beautifully, he gritted his teeth as his eyes glowed with sharp red color, fueled with murderous intent, ‘She could basically guarantee every hit with that ability, she’s too strong!’

Knowing which one to aim first, Rex immediately commences his plan.



In a blink of an eye, Rex started sprinting through the distance between them with lightning sparking all over him and managed to reach Montana’s back. A sudden increase in his speed can be seen, he already activated his Berserker’s Curse skill since the Fatal Hymn has blocked his regenerative ability already.

No use holding back, he needs to make Montana stop playing her violin.

Rex uses his Executor Slash skill as his claws were struck with red energy, fueled with his kingly energy. Like a crazed monster, he started attacking Montana with the intention to stopped her from playing her necrotic music.

But Montana dodged his attack without even looking at him.

It was almost as if she had an eye on the back of her head. Also, her movement was like a blur, and it was quite hard to reach that kind of speed considering the First Breath suppressed their powers.

Even though that’s the case, Rex kept increasing his speed and attack Montana relentlessly.

Both of them started sprinting everywhere playing run and catch, and their speed only increases as even Montana uses her necrotic energy to increase her speed finding that Rex is catching up to her.

Just then, Varianus stepped in the way, his six arms already grew back again.

Stepping into Rex’s path, Varianus summoned six different necrotic weapons that he held in each hand. Channeling his energy, he swung them all in a horizontal manner and sent six green energy slashes at Rex.

Despite his attempt, Rex parried them with a swing of his claws rather easily.

Before Varianus had a chance to react, Rex lunged toward him fiercely and dug his razor-sharp claws into his neck. With one swift motion, he grabbed Varianus’ spine and ripped it out of his body, killing him instantly. He didn’t have a fighting chance.

Under the enhancement and also the Storm Moon’s energy, he’s unstoppable.

Rex is way stronger now than when he was against Elder Tilrith earlier as he was not in his Werewolf form and not using his Berserker’s Curse skill. It’s a completely different game, and even Elder Tilrith realized that.

“Seems like he was also not taking it seriously against me…” Elder Tilrith mused to herself.

Scanning Montana’s stats earlier, she has devastatingly low Endurance and Strength stats. Judging from her stats alone, she would die if she got hit by one attack from Rex, and it becomes clear what her game plan was.

Garnering the Storm Moon energy, Rex activates his Executor Slash once again.

‘If Dark Moon gives corrosive property to the Executor Slash and Blood Moon gave piercing power and sheer strength, then the Storm Moon should make my attack faster’ Rex thought, he’s already bent in taking Montana down.

Upon assuming that, a devious smile appeared on his face.

Having the Storm Moon right above their heads is also one of the things that makes Rex confident, there’s no way that with so much increase in power, he couldn’t beat these Supernatural Elders.

Rex swipes his claws at Montana and finds a gushing force that makes his swipe even faster.

It was so fast that his arm turns into a blur and even Montana’s long black hair got hit a bit as she seemed to also be surprised by the sudden increase in movement. But as he was infatuated with this attack, a force struck Rex from the side.

Staggering a couple of steps to the side, Rex recovered and finds Varianus smiling wickedly.

“Hmmm?! I ripped his spine out, how is he alive?” Rex muttered to himself, he clearly remembered killing Varianus half a minute ago. Moreover, he also saw that Varianus’ stats have increased quite a bit. He has gotten stronger.

Rex is in a pickle right now, his wounds are still bleeding profusely.

Not only were the wounds he suffered from the blow earlier are quite deep, but the attack he suffered from Elder Tilrith penetrated through him. If he had known about this, then he would’ve played it safer against Elder Tilrith.

“Can you see now, Royal Black Prince? Redemption is coming to take your life”

From the back of both Varianus and Montana, Elder Noskear announced with a creepy smile on her face. Her voice is endearing like a monster, and she was standing inside the protection of a barrier.

Due to summoning Montana and Varianus, she seemed drained, but still excited.

“My brethren that died will all be in peace when I kill you and turn you into my puppet, the Netherworld will rejoice, and your sacrifice will be appreciated” Elder Noskear added, certain of her victory.

But as she said that, a chuckle suddenly penetrated her ears.

It wasn’t long before that chuckle became a cackle as Rex let out an uproarious laugh, as if what Elder Noskear said earlier is something hilarious and is not meant to be taken seriously. His lack of distress even made Elder Noskear doubt whether the situation Rex is in was even dire for him in the first place.

“Kill me? Do you really think this much is capable of killing me?” Rex asked in hubris.

Upon hearing this Elder Noskear’s expression darkens, she was furious as to how Rex is looking down at her right now. “Your fallen brethren also thought the same thing, but where are they now…? In Nirvanaworld, suffering, and regretting their foolishness to stand against me”


Elder Noskear gritted her teeth that even makes a boney sound, her patience is tested again.

“I’ve come here in peace, I didn’t even slaughter your army even though I can. But instead of testing me, you are aiming to kill me. A bad faith. So Elder Noskear, I’m sure you’re aware of this. If you try to kill someone, then you have to be prepared to be killed too…” Rex said hauntingly as his energy climbs higher and higher.

Thanks to the anger as well as the Storm Moon, his power broke through to the next realm.

<Storm Moon Blessing!>

<The user has been bestowed with Storm Dive>

<Storm Dive>

By utilizing the powers of the Storm Moon, the user can access the Storm Moon dimension which runs on slowed times for up to three seconds, allowing the user to move rapidly from one spot to another at a quick pace.

Upon seeing the notifications, a smile appeared on Rex’s face as his eyes suddenly changed.

Instead of having the usual scarlet color, a deep blue energy swallowed his eyes. A shocking sight for the Storm Prince who is watching this from the side, he frowns when he felt the disturbance in the moonlight energy around him.

“What’s wrong, Storm Prince?” Elder Enima asked, sensing the tension coming from him.

Storm Prince kept silent for a brief moment with his eyes squinted, and when he saw the deep blue color enveloping Rex’s eyes, he couldn’t keep his composure, “In each full moon, Werewolves become stronger because of the increase in moonlight energy. It’s a general increase of our strength”

“But no Werewolves could harness the true essence of the full moon without King Mark. How did he able to use the Storm Moon without being accepted by the Storm Moon…?” he added in disbelief.

Rex didn’t waste any time and cast the Storm Dive skill.

“Get ready, Elder Noskear. I’m coming to kill you now…” Rex said before he dashes forward.

Upon seeing this, Montana and Varianus stepped on the way seeing that Rex was aiming for Elder Noskear behind them. But when Rex reaches them, his body suddenly morphed under the suppression of the Storm Moon energy.

Varianus tries to catch him yet he grabbed nothing but air.

Similarly, Montana tries casting her necrotic music notes to grab Rex but wasn’t able to reach him. In a few seconds, the two of them realized that they were attacking an afterimage, and his actual body has already gone past them.

Even his presence stopped in front of them for three seconds before reappearing behind.

It was not only Varianus and Montana that was surprised, but Elder Noskear was also shocked when she realized that the scent of Rex was coming from behind her. Not even she could sense what happened.

Maybe due to her underestimated Rex, but at this point, she was caught off guard.

“Now, do your Redemption can catch up to me again…?” Rex said, standing towering behind Elder Noskear with a mocking smirk on his face.

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