The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 826 Test Of Acknowledgment (1)


Losing her composure against the calm and mocking demeanor that Rex has, Elder Tilrith reaches out both hands to her front and summoned a long whip, she takes it out from the burning embers of hell itself. 

A sharp sound can be heard as the whip sliced the air and hits the ground.

It was the original weapon for the Archdemon of Lust, and the whip quickly burned with purgatory purple flames that increases the temperature around them instantly to a scorching degree.

Normal humans would find their skin bubbling under this temperature.

Rex, on the other hand, looks at this with a calm gaze before smiling while getting to his battle stance, his body also started to emit horrifying kingly energy and also steaming red force that increases his physical attributes by a notch.

Out of his powers, his red force is not suppressed at the very least.

Something that he finds out from the System earlier, the red force he has is still in full power.

“Here I come, Royal Black Prince!”


Seeing that Elder Tilrith sprinted at him, Rex also did the same.

Both of their bodies were cloaked with their own respective powers as they ran straight at each other, the friction between their powers and the air created a long zooming sound, and the ground underneath their feet cracked with each stomp.


Upon clashing against each other, a strong shockwave exploded, sinking the ground around.

Clenching their bodies stronger in preparation for the fight, Rex swung his fist powerfully and managed to land the first hit on the face, forcing Elder Tilrith’s face to turn to the side in response to the force behind his punch.

Although he managed to do that, the burning whip suddenly wrapped around his neck.

Rex attempted to quickly slide his fingers between the whip and his neck to avoid being strangled but was surprised when he got pulled off of his feet. In the same second, Elder Tilrith landed a strong punch to his face with the force addition of being jerked toward her.

It was the start of their fight, and immediately after that, the real battle begins.

Smiling widely as his battle intent is riled up, Rex and Elder Tilrith were locked in a fistfight.

Neither one of them flinched or even attempted to dodge the blows from the other. Rex’s remarkable ability to withstand blunt force was on full display, while Elder Tilrith’s armored skin took most of the impact from the blow she received.

In the midst of the fight, Rex realizes something, ‘Hmm… I need more spells’

Despite the fact that he has always been able to rely on his Werewolf skills in a physical battle, he now realizes that he doesn’t have any spells that could help give him more power to his bare punches.

Most of them are long-range attacks, and the closed-ranged ones can’t be used right now.

‘System, recommend me a lightning and light spell to help me right now!’

<Analyzing skills to recommend…>

Upon waiting only a moment, there are two spells that were recommended by the System and Rex didn’t waste a single time and instantly learn both spells. As the surge of information enters his brain, his eyes flashed fiercely.

Rex dodges a wide swing from Elder Tilrith by ducking down a little.

Firming his center of gravity onto his right leg which was planted firmly on the ground, a wave of black lightning seemed to surge through the veins in his arm, and it was at that moment he used one of his newly acquired spells.

“Great Spell, Sharp Lightning!”



Out of nowhere, the speed of the punch increased drastically in a sudden manner.

Elder Tilrith got punched right on her abdomen and got sent flying into the air, she also realized that the punch has gotten stronger, yet that is still not enough to penetrate through her strong armor.

Casting the Flash skill, the black lightning made his movement even faster.

Reappearing right behind Elder Tilrith who is still got pushed by the force of the punch earlier, Rex raised his leg above his head before lunar light gathers at the sole of his foot, gleaming with blinding radiance.

“Great Spell, Lunar Insandecent Axe!”

Just like that, Rex did an axe kick aiming at the top of Elder Tilrith’s head.

Elder Tilrith was blinded by the brilliant lunar light that heats her demonic eyes, yet she was fast enough to block the axe kick by covering her head with both arms. But the force still slammed her back to the ground.


‘My lunar element is weak. But with the help of Force Beam, I could make up for the power’

Compared to this black lightning element that has already reached the ninth-rank realm, his lunar is still sitting at the eighth-rank. If not for the First Breath, the blinding effect would probably be ineffective against Elder Tilrith.

But it does now, and only need to make up for the lack of strength with his Force Beam.

Landing a distance away from Elder Tilrith who is still on both of her feet, Rex smiled mockingly as he finds that it was too easy to fight an Elder in a situation like this. “What’s the matter? Is it too much for your old bones? Is fighting me under the Storm Moon too hard for you?”

Upon hearing this, Elder Tilrith peeked through her arms with her demonic purple eyes.

A crack can be seen in the armor around her body, the attack clearly hurts her.

“Do not celebrate prematurely, Royal Black Prince. I have yet to show you my true power. After so many millennia asleep, I am a bit stiff, but I think I’m fine now…” Elder Tilrith said, she then straightens her body.

Following her remark, Rex suddenly saw something sizzling on top of her demonic energy.

‘Hmmm… is that what I think it is?’ Rex thought.

But sensing that the energy inside of him is reacting to the steaming reddish energy that is slowly coming out of Elder Tilrith’s body, he knows for certain that his guess is really true now. ‘She also has red force…’

“Come, let’s continue our fight…” Elder Tilrith said, her eyes gleaming fiercely.


Under the increased strength caused by the red force that strengthens her body, Elder Tilrith dashed forward and created an explosion with her movement, breaking the sound barrier which is quite hard in the current state of the world.

Moving faster than human comprehension is easy before the First Breath, but not after.

Just this alone shows that Elder Tilrith has gotten way stronger than before, and she was now really going with full strength. In response to this, Rex crosses his arms in front of him to block the incoming Elder Tilrith.

Swirling her burning whip above her, she then swung it right at Rex.


“Haarggh!” Rex groaned when his arms got whipped, the sound it made was like lightning.

Wincing and glancing at his arms to examine them as he staggers a few paces back, he finds that they have been severely burned by the attack. The force of the attack is also no laughing matter, and Rex immediately activates his Extreme Sense skill in response.

Due to his innate strength, the Extreme Sense drawback is basically non-existent.

Rex will be fine as long as he’s not using the Extreme sense when he was severely injured to the point of near death, so he used it instantly and immediately gets ready for another follow-up attack from Elder Tilrith.

Just then, he abruptly stopped and his eyes widened seeing a purple petal leaf.

Sensing the demonic energy inside the purple petal leaf he leaped back to avoid it, yet he was surprised to sense that there are many purple petal leaves, falling down from the sky like leaves blown by the wind.

Despite his attempt to avoid them, one of them hits him right on the shoulder.


Immediately after he got hit on the shoulder by the purple petal leaf, a pulse of demonic energy travels through his entire body, and that causes a sharp sting inside his head before his breathing started to slow down.

During that moment of being caught off guard, Elder Tilrith didn’t stay idle.

Sprouting and flapping her wings, she flew up high into the air before her dense demonic energy flowed into the whip in her hand. It was then she smiled diabolically and pulled the whip back.

“Kiss of the Demoness…”


Out of nowhere, her whip turns stiff and shoots straight at Rex in a blink of an eye.


“Rarggh!” Rex sensed the incoming attack despite his dazed state and raised his arm to block, yet he was surprised when the stiff whip penetrates through his arm and also his chest like an unstoppable drill.

It slammed him to the ground before Elder Tilrith threw him away to hit more purple leaves.

Gritting his teeth, Rex elbowed the whip and breaks free before he quickly chanted.

“Blitzing Cry!”


A shockwave of black lightning exploded from him, pushing the purple petal leaves away.

Managing to gain a couple of seconds to get himself together and recover, he suddenly heard a sweet chuckle penetrating his ears, Elder Tilrith’s chuckles sweetly. “You’re strong, Royal Black Prince. I’m interested. Why don’t we continue this fight somewhere else? Maybe my bed chamber?”

“Werewolf cross with Demon will definitely produce quite a terrifying monster…” she added.


“Eurghh!” Rex grunted again, he got hit by the whip on the back and it was very painful.

Looking around the place in search of Elder Tilrith, he finds that he couldn’t keep his focus, his senses are all over the place. In the next few seconds, more whips hit him from all directions without him being able to defend himself.




Also, he was hit by more and more purple petal leaves in his dazed state.

‘It’s draining my will to fight, and also hinder my ability to focus. Amanir! I need your help, control the spell and protect me!’ Rex shouted inside his head, he then cast the Seven Legendary Lunar Armaments spell.


Just like that, seven weapons made of lunar light appeared around him.

In addition, Rex also endowed them with his red force to guarantee their durabilities against Elder Tilrith’s whip which is most certainly equivalent to a ninth-rank realm weapon like the Amuerus Katana. As a result, the strikes of Elder Tilrith were successfully blocked.

Each of the lunar weapons flew in a circle above Rex, guarding him like a vigilant protector.

Since it’s also not controlled by him but Amanir, it doesn’t matter if he couldn’t focus.

Thanks to that, Rex could focus and expels the demonic energy inside of him and slowly regained back his fazed mind. At that moment, he commend Elder Tilrith’s ability as it was quite strong. Recovering from that state, he then glances to the side and finds Elder Tilrith flying above him.

‘Is that how you’re going to play this…?’ Rex thought with a wicked smile.

Just like Flunra that has countless battle experiences, Elder Tilrith probably has a lot too and she reckons that she was not going to win against Rex fighting a raw fist-fight like earlier even though also has access to the red force.

Due to that, she decided to use more of her demonic prowess.

But Rex spent most of his life fighting, and he has a great talent even before all of this.

Glaring at Elder Tilrith who was flying above him and looking down at him arrogantly, the devious smile on his face grows even wider, ‘I know what you’re weak against, and don’t think you can guide this fight to your advantage!’


Elder Tilrith dodged a black lightning strike from above, she flapped her wings away.

After managing to dodge that black lightning strike, she gazes down to look at Rex once more but finds that he was gone. ‘Where did he go?! I can’t sense him anywhere, his presence completely disappeared’

Darting her eyes around the place in search of Rex, she suddenly felt the sky starts to pour.

Looking skywards in response as she can feel a bad omen coming from above, her demonic eyes widened when she saw another black lighting strike come crashing down swiftly. And inside that black lighting strike, she saw a pair of murderous eyes.

“Raargghh!! Exalted Spell, Spirit Amalgamation!!”



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