The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 824 Barging Into The Godking Summit


In a thunderous and pompous fashing, the Royal Black Prince arrived outside of Dead Man’s Creek. Flaunting powers despite the suppressing power of the current world, fearless at the fact that he has stepped into foreign territory.

Legions of Supernaturals army can be seen guarding outside, armed to the teeth.

Shapeshifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, and Undead were fixing their eyes at the sight of the Royal Black Prince, the indomitable confidence they had after managing to quicken the First Breath disappeared in an instant.

At the sight of the Royal Black Prince, trauma strikes their minds.

Werewolves and Demons, in particular, were the ones influenced the most, the fight between them and the Silverstar Pack is notorious in their territory, the biggest defeat in their history after the Supernatural Emergence.

Despite most of them didn’t participate, the fear from those who returned is palpable.

Out of the thousands and thousands of Demons and Werewolves that were tasked to take out the Royal Black Prince on that eventful night, there was only a handful that came back, showing the destructive capability of the fight.

Moreover, the ones that came back weren’t especially stronger than the rest.

It was more of luck that they managed to come back from that fight, their peers can tell the terror the survivors were subject to through the story of the fight, the fact that the Royal Black Prince takes on King Baralt and Queen Catsha at the same time and won terrifies them.

Even though this time is different, their bodies trembled out of fear.

Knowing that the First Breath has swept the whole entire world, and some of the Elders have awakened and fully functioning, the appearance of the Royal Black Prince here surely makes them unsettled.

If they knew, the Royal Black Prince definitely knew about the situation.

Yet despite the obvious fact that the Elders were having a meeting right now, here he is, the Royal Black Prince came voluntarily without being forced, and that alone puts them at the edge and their bodies stiffens.

Straightening his back, Rex swept his gaze at the legions of Supernaturals.

Rex finds that his entire vision has been filled with Supernaturals, clad in armor and ready for a battle. But on top of their battle-ready appearance, he can see right through them without much difficulty.

Aside from their appearances, he could see the enormous bleak aura coming from them.

From his vantage point, the legions of Supernaturals in front of him emit a dreary atmosphere that was caused by the gatherings of bleak aura which formed into a cloud, the aura that could only be seen by Rex. A cloud that blankets them in fear and anguish.

Shadowing them like an unspeakable veil that can only be felt, not touched.

It was absolutely overwhelming, yet the sight is somewhat charming if Rex has to describe it.

Despite the fact that most of them were scared at his arrival, there are some that are more hardened than the others, stepping forward with their weapons in hand. ‘I don’t want to kill them, so let’s take it lightly’

Knowing that killing them will defeat his purpose here, Rex decides to take another route.

Pondering for a few seconds, he then navigate to his inventory tab before his eyes landed on a stacked item numbering in the thousands. ‘System, can you take them out and arranged them in a straight line on both sides of me? 

<Yes, that’s possible to do.>

‘Well alright then, let’s give them a show of their lives!’ Rex thought excitedly.

Just when the brave Supernaturals has taken a couple of steps forward, adamant in stopping Rex here and blocking him from nearing the Elders that were in an important meeting right now, a bright blue light blinded their eyes.

Not only those who are coming closer but all of them got blinded by a blue light.

Once the bright blue light that had been blocking their vision started to dim, the Supernaturals were able to see again. However, their breaths were stuck in their throats when they set their sights on what was in front of them.

Compared to earlier, there wasn’t only Rex that was standing in front of them.

Lining both of Rex’s sides were a long line of Supernatural cadavers that had been slain in the failed mission to wipe out the Silverstar Pack. These bodies seemed to go on forever, forming a log line to the side like a snake.

It was displayed clearly to the legions of Supernaturals to see with their bare eyes.

A grim reminder of their ultimate defeat and also a testament to Rex’s power during that day, the power that completely wiped the planned trap with an absolute force that couldn’t be stopped or slowed.

Seeing that even the brave one stutters in their tracks, a grin appears on Rex’s face.

Reaching deep within himself, Rex draws the suppressed arcane lightning mana and musters enough to cast one of his favorite black lightning spells, the Black Field Orko, resulting in the ground around him turning jet black.

Feeling that it was not enough, he decided to take it up a mile to scare these Supernaturals.



Out of nowhere, hundreds if not thousands of black lightning tentacles jutted from the ground in a stiff manner, impaled all of the corpses, and raised them high to the sky, helping the Supernaturals on the back to see clearly.

Just this alone evokes a scared yelp from the Supernaturals.

It was nothing for Rex as he has no remorse for killing these Supernaturals that tries to kill him first. But for the present Supernaturals, this is a stuff of nightmare, the corpses of their fallen brothers are used again.

Even with the absence of life, they are still of use to the Royal Black Prince.

“Maybe all of you think of me as evil, but I am not” Rex suddenly declared, his voice is thunderously reaching every corner of the entire place. “If you are looking for a respite from war and conflict, victims that suffered from the crossfire, civilians that are simply strayed from purpose, then join me. I stand for neutrality, a safe haven for those devoid of hate for any race. I promise you will be safe with me”

Rex then stopped for a second to let his words sink into these Supernaturals.

After he thought that he had given enough time, he then activate his Alpha Bearing skill, rendering all of the Supernaturals in his presence weaker, trembling in their armor before he said, “But for now, I am going to meet your leaders, and I suggest to make way for me…”

Upon hearing this, the legions of Supernaturals unconscious made way for Rex.

Despite their defiance of not wanting to let Rex steps inside and honor their duty to the Elders of their race and kingdom, their bodies were simply too weak and unable to defy Rex’s command.

It was as if their minds were influenced by Rex’s power and charm.

Just like that, he walk past the legions of Supernaturals under their gazes and went straight to the Symposium of Upper Divinities. Queen Shanaela told him about the place, she was close to the Queen of Vampires so she knew about the Godking Summit.

Out of everything, this is what Rex needed, and he wouldn’t waste this chance.

‘Let’s see how this plays out. But no matter what, I’m going to be on top, and there’s nothing to worry about regarding these Elders. I have prepared enough, and it’s time for a proper introduction’ Rex thought as he retracted back his black lightning spell.

Each of the Supernaturals jolted when they heard the corpses fall to the ground once again.

Seeing that almost all of them were surprised just shows how tense the situation with the presence of the Royal Black Prince is, they don’t know what to expect yet they could feel that it will be something impeccable.

Meanwhile, inside the Symposium of Upper Divinities.

Despite the disturbance in the world’s energy right now, the Elders can sense the upcoming of a powerful figure, striding slowly through Dead Man’s Creek and heading straight towards where they were right now.

“Are there other strong Supernatural Races around here?” Elder Noskear asked.

Upon hearing this, Elder Tilrith shook her head as there were no high-rank Supernatural races aside from them. Of course, there were the Sirens, but they were mainly in the ocean and will not come out.

Just then, Elder Nolacula darkens, his bloody eyes gazing at the Origin’s Cutlass in his hand.

Even Solomon who was standing behind him could already tell the person who was coming inside, there were only a couple of people that could make the Origin Cutlass respond like this.

It was either the Origin or one more person that has a relationship with the Chosen One.

“Royal Black Prince… it’s the Royal Black Prince, he’s the one coming here”

Realizing the entity that disturb the peace of this heated meeting, the other Elders has their expressions darkened, they couldn’t believe that one of the items that was talked about in the meeting came here himself.

Earlier, they were just discussing the Royal Black Prince, and now he’s here.

A brief moment later, the sound of footsteps from the entrance can be heard as the Elders are sitting in their high seats with grim expressions on their faces. Other than the Elders themselves, the others were absolutely terrified by the situation.

Tension is reaching sky-high to the point of a palpable choking sensation can be felt.

“I heard that there was a meeting being held today that involves the powerhouses of the Supernaturals, yet I’m confused…” A confident voice came from the side, the pair of animalistic red eyes glowed inside the dark corner of the gate.

Stepping out of the darkness, Rex showed himself and also his confident grin.

“After what I’ve done to help the First Breath, why am I not invited?” Rex added and stop in his tracks, looking straight at the current Elders that were also looking at him, full of unfriendliness and hostility.

Out of the Elders that were present, there were many mixed feelings among them.

Rancaladra thought that he deserved to be here knowing that he has adequate power behind him, while some like the Storm Prince and Elder Noskear have absolutely denial of his presence here.

For them, he was not worthy to be here, he was not a real Supernatural.

Supernatural Races is a term that is more complex than those who were not humans, this term also represents races that exist alongside the ancient humans. Regardless of what kind of being Rex was, he’s not a Supernatural for them.

In the records of ancient times or personal experience, a mix between the two doesn’t exist.

Elder Nolacula, Elder Enima, and Elder Tilrith also have thoughts about that.

Disregarding the unfriendly gaze that he was getting, surely unwelcoming for him to be here, Rex walks around them without much worry, “I also happen to know that you all are probably worried about the Executor. But I’m here to tell you that if you want to get him, you need to get through me”

“Alas, the Executor is my prey, not yours” he added, arrogance inside his tone.

Just then, Rex halted right in front of the high seat that belongs to the Supreme One and gave it a fleeting glance before he plopped himself down in it with no sign of hesitation as if he genuinely believed that he deserved that seat.

Upon seeing this, all of the Elders have their eyes completely wide.

Most of them were surprised by the audacity that this young and new Royal Black Prince has. But for the Storm Prince and Elder Nolacula, this act is more surprising to them compared to the other Elders.

‘H-How is he able to sit there unharmed?!’ is the remark inside both of their heads.

Ignoring their surprised gazes, Rex then puts his legs on the roundtable and crosses them without any shame before he puts on an innocent smile, “Well then, here I am with a declaration. Who’s going to go at it first?” he asked.

Seeing that the Elders were still at a loss for words, he then raises both arms in confusion.

“I expected you lots to have some pride and are not going to accept being treated like this, right? So who’s going to test me first?” he added with brazen words that instantly puts the Elder at the limit of their tolerance. But it didn’t stop there, “Or should I say… who wants to be humiliated first…?”

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