The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 434 No Other Choice


A powerful shockwave spanning through the entire canyon was created from the collision.

Rex got headbutted by the charging wild cat that is burning its life force just for this one attack, it realizes that it won’t be able to win against the combination of Rex and Devo.

This makes the wild cat risk everything by burning its life force to attack.

Although Rex heard this from Devo, he had never encountered such a beast so he deducted that this kind of attack can only be used by the seventh rank mutated animal or above.

“Haaahhk!!”, Rex spat a mouthful of blood as he got sent crashing away.

Even though Devo tries to lessen the impact by using himself as a shield, the wild cat attack is very powerful that it caught Rex off guard.

The shockwave ripped the ground out of its crust,

It was so powerful that even the entire river’s water burst like a tidal wave just from getting hit by the shockwave, and the descendants who are already very far away still got blown away.

Some of the weaker descendants got blown away after the shockwave passed through them.

The stronger Awakened like Dray and Evelyn started to make shields to help the other weaker ones, but even with the combination of their mana the shockwave still blasted them all away.

A web-like crack beneath the collision between Rex and the wild cat was created,

It kept getting bigger and bigger from the impact, the carcasses around are swept by the shockwave as the entire canyon shook by the force of the collision.


Rex crashed outside of the canyon about a dozen of miles away,

The blood gushing out of his mouth because his ribs are broken decorates Rex’s entire black armor, every time he breathes it feels like a stab through his lungs.

‘Damn!’, Rex thought as he rigidly breathed.

Not even something close to this ever crossed his mind during his fight against the wild cat, he thought that he can beat the wild cat knowing that he reaches the seventh rank already.

But how wrong he is as he realizes the gap between mid and early seventh rank is this wide.

Although the system shows that the wild cat’s stats are not that high considering Rex can use his Lunar blessing that raises his sats by 200%, the wild cat’s last attack surprises him to his core.

That attack almost caved his chest in and destroyed his Spirit Core,

[If not for you activating your skill at the last moment, you might’ve got injured very badly and will not recover soon], Devo said inside Rex’s head.

In the nick of the moment, Rex activates his berserker’s curse skill.

When he’s in a dire situation and needs to sustain an attack, the berserker’s skill is a handy skill that enhances his physical body although with the side effect of negating his healing ability.

But this is a perfect skill to sustain a one-time powerful attack like this one,

The red moon symbol on his forehead disappears as the wounds he sustain slowly regenerate again, Rex then lies on the ground for a moment while the wounds closed up.

Rex didn’t need to hurry as that attack will definitely weaken the wild cat,

It might be a possibility if that mutated wild cat is in its dying state right now from exerting its life force, so Rex just focuses on regenerating his wounds first.

‘That’s dangerous, I should’ve been more careful’, Rex thought while closing his eyes.

<The user sustained heavy injuries!>

<Does the user want to enhance the regenerating ability by sleeping?>

Reading this, Rex then asks, ‘Can I adjust how long I’m asleep?’

<Yes, the system can wake up the user at any designated time>

After the confirmation from the system, Rex then relaxed his broken and pained body as he sets the time on the system, ‘Just let me sleep for 5 minutes’

Just right after he thought of that, Rex’s consciousness was forced to go to the dreamland.

While Rex is sleeping,

The combination of mana from the entire descendants that comes here helps them shield from the shockwave, but the air from the shockwave still goes through their mana barrier.

Inside the mana barrier,

Evelyn looks at the collision while fighting against the force from the shockwave, her eyes widen when she saw Rex spurting out blood from his mouth,

Out of her times beside Rex,

There has never been a case where he’s injured so badly like this, he usually only sustains a few scratches that will heal but this collision looks brutal.

‘Rex!’, she screamed inside her head in worry.

Rex almost manages to dodge the charging wild cat as he’s already halfway merging with the lightning strike, but the wild cat is a tad bit faster than him.

But it’s not just Rex that got hurt, the wild cat also got sent crashing the other way.

Its huge body destroyed everything on its path before stopping a couple of miles away, the crash shook the entire canyon before huge rubbles buried the wild cat.

Just from the looks of it, the wild cat will not get out of this unscathed.

Their collision broke the sky as the thunderclouds dispersed, and after the shockwave receded Evelyn immediately dashes toward Rex’s direction.

Dray also saw her rushing immediately before he goes after her,

After following the trail of damage that was caused by Rex screeching on the ground, Evelyn finally saw Rex lying in a crater with a pool of blood.

She widen her eyes in horror when she saw Rex’s eyes are closed,

Unconsciously, Evelyn shed a tear as she jumped down to the huge crater before holding Rex’s head, “Rex? W-Wake up!”, she exclaimed with a trembling voice.

“Please! Wake up!”, she shakes Rex’s body to no avail.

Even after waiting a moment, Rex didn’t answer as his eyes are still closed.

The realization dawned on Evelyn as the single tear turns into flowing tears in an instant, she was utterly shocked when she saw Rex is unmoving like this.

Added with the nasty wound on Rex’s chest, Evelyn thought the worst.

Dray also arrives at the place not long after,

He saw Evelyn holding Rex with a trembling body, she wanted to touch the nasty wound on Rex’s chest but she can’t muster herself to touch it.

Evelyn is devastated and she refused to believe what she’s seeing right now,

Although reluctant, Dray kneels beside Evelyn before he touches the nasty wound covered with blood on Rex’s chest but he then immediately frowns.

Dray tries to feel Rex’s chest a couple of times before he realized something,

The wound that was supposed to be the cause of this pool of blood is getting smaller, it’s clear that the wound is regenerating at a rapid pace.

Realizing that Rex is not dead,

Dray glance at Evelyn wryly but he doesn’t really know how to tell Evelyn as she’s already crying and weeping, it’ll be awkward if she knew that Rex is not dead.

But then suddenly, “Huh?”

A familiar voice seeped into Evelyn’s ears as her crying stop.

Evelyn looks down to her lap and saw Rex is already looking at her, there was a confused look on his face as he looks at Evelyn’s crying face weirdly.

There’s an awkward slight pause between them,

“R-Rex?!”, Evelyn exclaimed in surprise before she can’t help but hugs him.

Rex who just woke up from his sleep becomes even more confused as Evelyn hugs him tightly, Evelyn’s distinctive scent penetrates Rex’s nose.

He then looks at Dray in confusion while being hugged by Evelyn,

But then he realized why she’s acting this way, he certainly looks bad, “Don’t worry, I’m okay”

“You scared me! Don’t do that, I thought you were dead!”, Evelyn wept while hugging Rex.

Hearing this, Rex can only hug Evelyn back while rubbing her back, “I’m sorry if I scared you, I’m not going to die that easily, don’t worry”

But while Rex is rubbing Evelyn’s back,


A shadow appeared blocking the golden drowning sunlight, this makes Rex’s eyes widen as he immediately throws Evelyn toward Dray.

Rex then crossed his arms in front of him as the wild cat slammed on him,


The wild cat swings its claws downwards as Rex can only block the attack with his arms, but this proves to be not enough as Rex’s arms got scratched by the steel black claws.

With a flash of his eyes, dozens of sky-black lightning thorns exploded from his body.

This caught the wild cat off guard as it got stabbed by the sky black lightning thorns before leaping away, it landed a couple of dozen feet away.

Rex stands up abruptly while gritting his teeth, “You damn cat!”, he cursed angrily.

Although the wild cat makes the first move, it can be seen clearly that the wild cat is weakened heavily with blood decorating its brown furs and also the Amuerus Katana still on its neck.

It will get weaker by the second thanks to the blood leaking out of its wounds,

On the other side where the wild cat came from, the descendants also can be seen as it seems they tried to intercept the wild cat.

But the wild cat is a seventh rank Awakened, their powers are not enough.

Mustering his sky black lightning mana, Rex points to the sky before he angrily chants wanting to finish this fight by using his only Ultimate Spell.


Just like what happened before, an enormous amount of mana gathers in the sky.

A couple of runic patterns made of sky black lightning appear above Rex’s finger, the runic patterns create a circle made of mana as it slowly gets smaller.

Feeling the enormous mana, the wild cat attacks not wanting Rex to finish the spell.

But when it was about to hit Rex, a lightning strike hits him as before he got teleported to a couple of feet behind the wild cat dodging its attack easily.

When the wild cat looks to its back, Rex already finished his spell.

“Ultimate Spell! Sky Imprisonment!”


Four dragon sky black lightning strikes descend down from the sky biting each of the wild cat’s limbs in just a fraction of a second, the wild cat roared painfully.

The Sky Imprisonment throbs as it injects black lightning into the wild cat’s body stunning it.

The wild cat can’t break free from this one as this is an absolute spell, it doesn’t matter how much it struggles to break free,

Rex’s ultimate spell won’t budge even with its seventh rank power,

Only those who have 2 times Rex’s intelligence can break free from this spell, and the wild cat can’t even beat Rex’s intelligence much less two times his intelligence.


After imprisoning the wild cat, Rex falls to his knees weakly.

It’s tolling to use the Ultimate Spell in his state, his wounds are already regenerating a bit but it’s not healed completely as the pain is still there.

“We should help!”, Evelyn said from the side.

Hearing this, Dray was also about to agree but Rex stopped them, “It’s alright”

“This wild cat can’t break free from my spell no matter how much it tried, the battle is over so let me finish this”, he added before approaching the wild cat slowly.

Rex then grabs the Amuerus Katana still in the wild cat’s neck,

While he’s doing this, the wild cat is glaring at him angrily still trying to break free to no avail, “You caught me off guard, but it’s not enough”, he said before slowly pushing the katana deeper.


The wild cat started growling in pain, it stares at Rex with bloodlust.

It started behaving in a frenzied manner as the katana went deeper and deeper.

But then suddenly Rex felt a stabbing pain in his chest, he grabs his chest out of pain letting go of the katana and the wild cat saw this happening.

The wild cat takes advantage of this gap as it uses its remaining strength,

The wild cat conjures an earth spike from the ground just behind Dray with its last breath.

Rex sensed the disturbance in mana as he turns around, he then saw an earth spike spinning on the ground just behind Dray and he will be too late to try to save Dray.

“Watch out!”, Evelyn shouted as he pushed Dray to the side.

Dray who is oblivious to the spike materializing behind him got shoved to the side by Evelyn, but unknown to Evelyn, there’s also another spike behind her.



Rex appears beside Evelyn before he punches the earth spike shattering it.

,m With his very fast reflex, Rex manages to intercept the earth spike before it can launch at Evelyn, “It almost ended badly”, he mutters in relief.

But then suddenly, “Rex…?”, a light voice can be heard from Rex’s back.

Hearing this, Rex turns around before his eyes widen in surprise when he saw Evelyn looking at him with blood decorating her hands.

There’s a slight confusion in Evelyn’s expression when she saw her own blood in her hands.

“EVELYN!!”, Rex shouted as he saw the earth spike stab Evelyn’s chest.

An earth spike came out of nowhere that Rex didn’t sense even with his sensitive senses, this earth spike pierce through the middle of Evelyn’s chest cleanly as she coughs a mouthful of blood.

Upon seeing this, Rex glared at the wild cat angrily as his eyes unconsciously turns red.

The wild cat didn’t look at Rex with the same expression as before, but it looks at Rex with a smirk instead as if it was mocking him.

Knowing that it can’t kill Rex, the wild cat decided to bring the others with it.

In a fit of anger, Rex dashes at the wild cat with his red animalistic eyes before he holds the katana with both hands and ripped the wild cat’s neck.

Rex didn’t stop there, he grabs the wild cat’s head before ripping it off of its body.


<Killed a Mid Seventh Rank Mutated Animal, Obtained 700,000,000 Exp>

The system notification appears in front of Rex’s vision giving him a very huge exp, but he ignores the notification as he ran towards Evelyn.

In a last-ditch effort, the wild cat stabs Evelyn using an earth spike through her chest.

Blood spurted out of Evelyn’s mouth as she looked down to only find an earth spike stabbing through her chest, the realization surprises her as she falls to the ground weakly.


Rex catches Evelyn’s falling body as he looks at the earth spike stabbing her chest.

“Why the fuck did I do that?”, he cursed himself with an immense amount of guilt.

If he had killed the wild cat sooner instead of getting dazed by the pain, then Evelyn wouldn’t be stabbed like this from a last-ditch effort of the wild cat.

Hearing this, Evelyn wanted to say something but the blood in her mouth prevents her.

Without wasting any time, Rex opens the system’s shop intending to buy a healing elixir.

Rex quickly filters the shop to find a healing elixir to heal Evelyn’s wound, but when he was about to buy the sixth rank elixir a notification from the system appears.

<Evelyn Luc’s unfinished Spirit Core has been destroyed! She will die in 2 minutes>

Since Rex’s hands are holding Evelyn, the system scanned Evelyn’s body and gave Rex more pressure as only 2 minutes are left before Evelyn died.

It gives Rex more pressure as he holds Evelyn’s head,

Upon reading this, Rex search for an item that can help Evelyn but his hand stopped when he saw the price for the item to heal Evelyn’s destroyed Spirit Core.

Because of buying transferral crystal, Rex was left with a bit over 12,000 gold.

The price of the item to heal a Spirit Core spiked compared to the sixth rank healing elixir, it costs 15,000 gold to buy the item because a destroyed Spirit Core is a fatal injury.

It makes Rex’s hand stop as he didn’t know what to do,

Reading this, Rex looks at Dray and shouted, “Do you bring anything that can help her?!”

“I-I don’t bring any elixirs on me, I-I thought the canyon will be relatively safe…”, Dray replied stutteringly under Rex’s fierce glare.

But this makes Rex’s heart clenched as he looks at Evelyn’s weak state,

Just a moment ago Evelyn is the one crying thinking that Rex might actually die, but now the situation is reversed as Rex becomes the one holding Evelyn who is about to die.

The difference between the situation is that Evelyn will really die!

‘System, is there any way I can help her?’, Rex asks desperately.

<One identified method will be able to save Evelyn Luc without spending gold>

Without wasting any other second, Rex immediately demands, ‘Tell me how right now! I don’t care what it is so just tell me!’

But then, Rex widens his eyes as he read another notification from the system.

As the clock started ticking while Rex is thinking of other methods to save Evelyn, the pressure started to dawn on him as Rex can feel Evelyn’s body is starting to become weaker.

‘I don’t have any other choice, that is the only way’, Rex thought.

But he then suddenly remembered the incident during the banquet with Evelyn,


During the banquet,

Rex glance at Evelyn who is hugging his arm with a bright expression, he then asks, “If I were to ask your permission to turn you into a Werewolf, Are you willing?”

“Why do you ask that? Do you want to bite me or something?”, Evelyn replied.

“Never mind…”


Rex looks at Evelyn in hesitation,

But seeing that the life in Evelyn’s eyes is starting to fade, Rex shakes his head while steeling his will,  ‘I’m sorry Evelyn, you can be mad at me later’

‘Adhara… forgive me but I have no other choice. I can’t let her die like this’

After thinking of that,

Rex glanced at Dray before swiftly knocking him unconscious with a swing of his hand.

Rex kneels beside the dying Evelyn, he really seems to be hesitating but he then finally mutters, “System…. let’s do it’

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