The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 429 You're Just A Human

‘I’ll never get used to this’, Duncan exclaimed inside his head.

Just after stepping out of the VIP room he was in, Duncan was greeted by the scent of blood and dead Awakened that are scattered on the other end of the second floor.

He then looks down before his eyes widen even more,

Fancy tables, glasses, everything inside the interior of the bar was painted in blood.

Many Awakened are lying in the middle of the first floor dead, all of them have one big hole in their bodies that must’ve killed them.

‘That’s the seventh rank Awakened’, he thought seeing the headless corpse in the middle.

But then, Duncan glance at Rex who is already holding four crystal in his hand, and realize that there is not one scratch on his body.

Only the bloodied katana is the only thing showing that Rex has just been in a fight.

If not for the katana, Rex looks terrifyingly normal.

This just shows to Duncan that Rex takes out these powerful Awakened including one Awakened from the Wind Knight easily, it didn’t even seem like a struggle for him.

It’s only a drag since they’re just in a meeting before and was forced to end it.

“Duncan, What are you doing there? Let’s go”, Rex said.

Hearing this, Duncan snapped out of his daze before he raises his eyebrows, “Oh, right…”, he mutters before approaching Rex hurriedly.

After Duncan joins them, Rex gave each of them a crystal.

With a nod from Rex, all of them crushed the crystal simultaneously as they all got teleported out of the bar leaving the massacre that Rex did.

Just a few minutes later,


The door of the bar was broken down as someone kicked it down,

A very muscular woman wearing a crop black t-shirt added with a fur coat as an extra layer barge into the bar, but her expression darkens when she saw the corpses inside the bar.

Her eyes then landed on the headless corpse in the middle,

The woman’s expression becomes even more hideous as she realized who the headless corpse is, she gritted her teeth in anger before touching her earpiece, “Brandon’s team is dead”

“I’m way too late, they got massacred by Rex”, she added.

Just from the sky black lightning mana residue, the woman instantly knows that this was all Rex’s doing as no other Lightning Elementalists are their enemies except for Rex.

Soon, a group of Awakened also arrived at the place.

“Indira, What should we do?”, another woman that just arrived asks.

The woman stops beside Indira while looking at the corpses scattered all around the bar, her eyes then glance back at Indira waiting for her to answer.

After clenching her jaws for a moment, Indira finally replied, “Clean up this mess”

“Make sure to clean this up before the FAA arrives, and also compensate the owner of the bar to make sure he won’t bring us trouble later on”, she added before walking away.

As Indira left the place,

Other Awakened got inside the bar and started cleaning the inside of the bar.

The woman that talked with Indira before was at a loss for words, it’s not for the corpses but for the damage caused inside the bar, “It’s so minimal…”, she mumbles.

Although some tables and chairs are broken,

That was it, that was all that are broken from the fight between Rex and Brandon’s team.

A seventh rank Awakened fighting should at least cause a commotion far greater that can even shake grounds, but the damage inside the bar is almost as if the ones fighting are the third rank Awakened instead.

“Why didn’t the boss just stop this, fighting him will just weaken us”, the woman sighs.


Rex and the others got teleported into Rex’s room after crushing the crystals.

The crystals that they crushed are not the crystal the Awakened before are holding, but it’s the transferral crystal Rex bought from the system.

Since he got 15,000 gold from the sudden quest, he can afford it now.

“How did they know we’re there?”, Evelyn mutters in confusion.

Hearing this, Duncan also frowns, “I don’t think it’s your men’s fault lady Evelyn, so it’s purely accidental that they manage to interrupt our meetings”

Rex frowned as he thought for a moment,

“You two are being followed, they can’t possibly follow me. I will know if they’re following me”, Rex said from the side.

With his senses on full alert,

Rex doubt that the Atkins Family Awakened can sneak up on him especially when they got bodied by him easily before, Evelyn is with him so she’s also out of the box.

The only explanation is that Ducan and Maurice are being followed,

After saying that, Rex then added, “What are you going to do? This university is surrounded by the Atkins Family, you might get caught after leaving the university premises”

“There’s no choice then, I’ll give you guys a crystal to go back straight to your territory”

But right after Rex said that Duncan shakes his head, “There’s no need”

Rex looks at Duncan in confusion be he finally explained, “You may not know this but Stevanus has issued a family rank challenge to Wesley, and during that moment the Atkins Family can’t pick on other families listed in the 25 Golden Crest”

“It’s a rule that is honored by all other 25 families, which is why I dare to go out like this knowing that I might offend the Atkins Family”

Hearing this, Rex was surprised to find that Wesley is under such pressure, ‘Reed Family is challenging the Atkins Family? Is it because of the Great Spellbooks?’

‘Now that I think about it, let’s try contacting Stevanus’, Rex thought.

Duncan and Maurice left after saying that,

That left only Rex and Evelyn who saw them leave, “Rex, You’re doing all of this because you are forced to, right? Not for some other motives?”, she suddenly said from the side.

“I thought you trusted me”, Rex replied while taking the swords on his back off.

Rex’s entire body turns a little bit red from the after effect of using the Extreme State skill, he will be weakened for half a day upon using that skill.

It weakens him so much that the swords on his back felt heavy,

He put the swords on the side before he sits on the sofa tiredly and looks at Evelyn.

Rex then added, “Why are you doubting my motives for trying to wipe the Atkins Family?”, but upon seeing Evelyn’s expression Rex realized what she meant by that.

“Is that what this is about? you’re doubting me because I’m not a human?”

Evelyn’s expression turns guilty as she bit her lips, but she then immediately replied, “You know that’s not what I meant, don’t get this the wrong way”

Before Evelyn can explain herself further,

Rex already intervenes her as he said, “I told you that my intention is to rescue Rosie first, but Wesley is getting in the way of that. I tried to make peace with them but they didn’t listen”

“You’ve seen the blood mirror, so you knew that Rosie’s time is not long”, he added.

When Evelyn was about to defend herself, Rex stopped her again by holding up his hand, “It’s getting late, I got things to do tomorrow. You should leave”

Evelyn saw the cold look on Rex’s face as she realized that she just said something wrong.

Knowing Rex, he will not listen when he’s in this kind of state so Evelyn can only sigh, “I will be going now, good night”, she bids her goodbye and left.

After Evelyn left,

Rex leans his head on the sofa taking deep breaths a couple of times before he suddenly said, “You can come out now, I know you’re listening”

Out of nowhere, Adhara walks out of the hallway while looking at the door.

She then glance at Rex, “How did it go?”

“Got a few useful things out of it, but the Atkins Family interrupted us”, Rex said while looking up at the ceiling, he’s breathing steadily trying to organize his mind.

But after saying that, Rex glance at Adhara and mutters, “Can you come here for a sec?”

Hearing this, Adhara approached Rex before she sat right beside him.

Out of nowhere, Rex positioned his body as he lay on Adhara’s lap while closing his eyes, his body wanted him to rest after exerting by using the Extreme State.

“Where’s Kyran?”, Rex asks remembering Kyran is dealing with Lisa.

Adhara started combing Rex’s hair back before she replied, “Stuart brought him to the university’s warehouse, he’s been there ever since”

“That woman deserved it, but thanks to her I think Kyran learned his lesson now”, Rex added.

The silence of the night coupled with the moonlight shining through the window gives comfort to the soul, Adhara’s lap also acts as a squishy cushion that is comfortable to the head.

It went on for several minutes as the both of them were covered in comforting silence.

Rex’s body slowly becomes relaxed as his hair still getting combed by Adhara’s slender fingers, he can’t help but fell asleep after a couple more minutes under the comfort.

While combing Rex’s hair back, Adhara looks at the door in thought.

“That’s right… At the end of the day, you’re just a human”, Adhara mutters as she looks at the door, the feeling of gladness replaced her worry at this time.

But she then shakes her head and focuses back on the sleeping Rex.


The next day,

Rex opened his eyes and finds he was still on the sofa lying on Adhara’s lap, she looks down when she realized that Rex woke up, “You sleep like a baby”

“Why didn’t you wake me up so we can sleep on the bed”, Rex said while sitting up.

Hearing this, Adhara chuckles as she stands up and stretches her body, “I don’t have the heart to wake you up, you look really cute when sleeping”

“Say I’m cute one more time and I’ll throw you out of the window” Rex replied rolling his eyes.

Not once in his entire life, someone has called him cute, Adhara was the first and this somehow hurts his ego as a man.

Adhara laughs upon hearing this as she said, “But you are though”

“Shut up and call Stuart for me”, Rex replied before heading back to his room to take a shower and changed clothes since he’s sweaty from yesterday night.

A moment later,

Rex already changed his clothes and looks fresh after taking a shower,

He already talked with Stuart about the warehouse where Kyran is in, Stuart said that the warehouse is underground that can be accessed from a lift near the principal’s office.

Stuart gave him the key for the lift before Rex nodded his head,

Kyran can’t be found in his room even until morning so he should be still in there, but Rex also notices that Ryze is also not in his room, ‘Where is Ryze? I didn’t saw him since yesterday’

But his train of thoughts was stopped when he saw Adhara coming out of the room.

“Are you going somewhere?”, Rex asks after seeing that Adhara is not wearing her training clothes, but instead a casual outfit.


Adhara glanced at Rex before she realized what he meant, “Oh you mean this? I’m meeting someone, but don’t worry I’m not going out of the university”

“Who are you meeting with?”, Rex asks again.

Instead of answering, Adhara only gave him a cheeky smile and said, “I’m going to be late, so I’ll see you later okay. Make sure Kyran doesn’t overdo it”

“You’re purposely not answering to pay me back aren’t you?”, Rex asks with a sigh.

But Adhara didn’t reply as she just walks out of the room while waving her hands.

A moment later,

Rex arrives at the warehouse Stuart talked about, the lift makes a dinging sound after arriving at the underground floor before the lift door opened.

Just after the door opened, the scent of blood penetrates Rex’s nose.

In front of him is Kyran standing in the middle surrounded by stacked chairs, tables, and other valuable items that must be the rewards for the students that finished the university’s quest.

Students should be off-limit here, but that doesn’t apply to Rex and Kyran.

Although the thing here will spark the thief inside any student in order to get stronger, Kyran and Rex didn’t bat an eye that is why they can go here.

The items from the system shop are way better than inside this warehouse.

Aside from Kyran,

Rex saw a woman hanged to the ceiling by her hands using a rope, her feet didn’t even touch the ground as her body is filled with gruesome wounds.

It was a gory scene but compared to the Vampire Kyran tortured,

This scene in front of him is not that gory, in fact, Rex can see that Kyran is going easy on her since even though she betrayed him, he still once loved her.

“You’re not done yet?”, Rex suddenly asks from behind.

Hearing this, Kyran glance to the back slightly before looking back at the bloodied woman, “I-I’m not finished yet…”, he mumbles with a tone filled with anger.

Rex then walks closer walking past Kyran and stops in front of the hanged woman.

He then lifts her chin up and saw the very weak eyes looking back at him asking for help, “Did you ask her what did Ari promised to give her?”

“100 fucking high-grade elemental stones, 100!”, Kyran shouted from the back.

The thought of the price to betray himself is a mere 100 high-grade elemental stones makes Kyran’s blood boils, he can’t believe that Lisa would betray him for such a cheap amount.

It’s utterly shocking that even Rex finds it unbelievable,

‘Just for 100 high-grade elemental stones, what a bad choice’, Rex thought with a sigh.

After shaking his head, Rex takes a chair from the side before sitting on it, “Do you want to kill Ari? I can give it to you if you want it”

“What about Edward?”, Kyran asks back.

Since Edward also hates Ari who sold his family to Hans, he too wanted to kill Ari but Rex then replied nonchalantly, “You don’t need to worry about Edward, you can take the kill”

Hearing this, Kyran nodded his head in determination.

“Alright, end that woman because I need you to reach the sixth rank as soon as possible. Absorb all of this and when you’re done quickly find me because I need you to do something”, Rex commanded after taking out the 500 High-Grade Dark Stones from the inventory.

The dark stones piled up in front of Kyran formed a powerful ray of dark mana,

Just standing beside this pile of high-grade dark stones attracts Kyran’s dark element so much that it started forcing Kyran to absorb them.

But Kyran tensed his body suppressing the dark element,

Kyran didn’t refute as he nodded his head, “I’ll make sure to absorb this by the end of today”

“Good”, Rex said before tapping Kyran’s head.

Rex then looks back at the elevator on the back before he mutters, “Now that I’m finished here, let’s give Hans the truth shall we?”

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