The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 426 Maroon Hoodie In The Train Station

Room 505, Evelyn’s Room.

Evelyn and Rex walk out of her room side by side, they saw a group of men that should be from the Luc Family gathered in front of them.

They’re all are powerful Awakened ranging from the fifth rank to the sixth rank,

With a nod from Evelyn, the group of the Luc Family Awakened escort Kyran who has a brutal look on his face as he was holding back his bloodlust that is directed at one woman.


“I’m still wondering, does your father not know about this?”, Rex asks from the side.

Hearing this, Evelyn smiles sweetly before she said, “I’ve already proven my skills to my father, and he trusts me in doing what I can do best”

“And what’s that?”, Rex looks at Evelyn with an expectant smile.

Evelyn replies that an expectant smile as she takes out her phone and shows it to Rex, “This!”, she said making Rex looks at her phone screen with a frown.

“The thing you wanted, I already gathered it”, she added.

Rex smiles upon seeing this as he can’t help but say, “I want to give you 20 or even 30% of the taking but I’m quite sure you would reject me, but still I must ask if you want it”

“Keeping our ties a secret from the other families is way better and also…”, Evelyn replied.

She then leans closer to Rex before she hugs Rex’s muscular arm which doesn’t even surprise Rex anymore at this point, “You know what I want more than that 30% take of the business”

Rex raises one of his eyebrows questioningly,

“If you manage to pull this off, then I want you to make one day time for me”, she added.

Hearing this, Rex thought for a moment before he finally said, “Adhara would not be happy about that, ask anything else aside from that”

“I won’t bring you anywhere suspicious, just be my butler for a day!”, Evelyn pleaded.

After Evelyn persuades Rex a couple more times, he then finally sighs, “Alright, but remember to not do anything funny. And also you need to wait until I take Rosie back, only then I can make time for you”

“It’s a deal!”, Evelyn said with the brightest smile.

The bright smile on Evelyn’s face somehow also sparks a smile on Rex’s face, but he then shakes his head, ‘What am I smiling for, am I crazy?’

Meanwhile, a moment later.

At the nearest train station from Faraday University,

A woman wearing a maroon hoodie jacket is standing by the side waiting for the next train, there’s a bag on the ground beside her and she seems to be typing on her phone while she leans on a concrete pillar.

There are only a few people that are in the train station as it’s already night,

About eight people are waiting for the next train that is separated far apart since the train station is very long, even if one of them played a video on their phone with max volume the others might not be able to hear it.

Minutes passes as they all waited for the train to arrive,

The woman wearing a maroon hoodie that is typing on her phone started to tap her phone roughly, she was trying to pour out the emotions she was currently feeling right now.

“Ari, Where are you?! Just answer me!”, the woman in a maroon hoodie mutters.

But as the minute passes by, another woman wearing office attire glance to the side and finds the woman wearing a maroon hoodie’s body trembling.

It can be seen visibly, especially under the lamplight,

The woman in office attire frowned even harder when she saw the woman in a maroon hoodie glancing left and right as if she is scared of something.

She tries to call someone a couple of times but seems to didn’t get picked up.

With light steps, the woman in the office attires approaches the woman in a maroon hoodie.

“Excuse me, miss… Are you okay?”, the woman in the office attires asks.

Upon feeling a tap on her shoulder, the woman in a maroon hoodie jumped in surprise as she crouch on the ground in fear, “Please don’t kill me!”

This makes the woman in office attire frown in confusion,

But soon the woman in a maroon hoodie then realizes that the one that taps her is not who she expected, she then stands up and tidies her clothes.

If Rex was here, then he will recognize this woman as Lisa.

“Are you okay? Do I need to call for the security guards?”, the woman in the office attire asks.

Hearing this, Lisa glanced at the woman before she nodded her head repeatedly, “Yes! Will you help me call the security guards? I think I’m in danger!”

“A-Alright, the security guards should be right there”, the woman replied.

But then suddenly, from the darkness beyond the fence of the train station.

Lisa widen her eyes as her face turns pale in fear, she saw a figure cloaked in darkness appears out of nowhere showing only its glowing azure eyes.

It’s like the embodiment of darkness itself,

The appearance of the figure makes Lisa’s body stiff, she even almost falls stumbling on her bag.

Just like a fiendish grip that is making her entire body hard to move, she points at the figure with trembling hands, “K-K-Kyran… S-Someone help!”

Looking at this, the woman in the office attires looks back.

Then she frowns when she found nothing where Lisa is pointing, she then glances back at Lisa and finds that she’s already a couple of steps away still trembling.

“Miss!? Did you see the one following you?”, the woman asks in concern.

But she didn’t get any reply as Lisa is already unable to mutter any words, all she can do is steps back slowly with utter fear etched on her face.

Seeing this, the woman then takes her phone.

“What? Did my phone die?”, the woman mutters as her phone screen is black.

She tries to turn the phone on but it didn’t work, the screen didn’t budge from the blackness but then suddenly the woman looks up in confusion.

Blip! Blip!

The lights on the train station started to blink out of nowhere,

All of the people that are waiting for the next train saw this weird phenomenon happening, and some of the scared ones already went closer to any person that they were closest with.

Even when this is all happening, Lisa is rooted on her spot.

From this alone, the woman in office attires already deducted that this is an Awakened’s doing.

Since this place is in the heart of Ratmawati City, a Supernatural attacking a train station like this is close to impossible so there’s only one explanation, an Awakened.

This forces the woman to snap out of her daze,

She then looks at the trembling Lisa before she grabs her arm and drags her to where the guards should be, “Stay calm miss! I’ll help you”

While being dragged by the woman, Lisa can hear whispers in her ears.

“Is it fun playing with me…?”

“Toying with me as if I’m a dog, giving me treats whenever I did good”

“You must be really having a lot of fun making fun of me…”

Hearing the voices whispering to her ears makes Lisa’s body shake uncontrollably, even physical pain can be felt in her heart as if her heart is gripped by something.

The impending doom from beyond the darkness, Lisa can feel it closing by the second.

Lisa can only look around apologizing to the darkness, “I’m sorry…”

“I didn’t mean to… I’m sorry”, Lisa kept repeating these words while being dragged, and this prompted the woman to pick up her pace as they started jogging.

It doesn’t take long before they both take a turn,

The woman wearing office attires widen her eyes happily when she saw two guards standing just by the entrance of the train station, with hurried steps she approach the guards.

“Sir! This woman seems to be followed by someone!”, the woman said.

She then added, “It seems the one following her is an Awakened, so please help her and call for the FAA so they can deal with this crime”

But the guards didn’t turn towards her as they stood idly,

The woman was confused, she then pulls one of the guards’ shoulders before she gasp covering her mouth using her hands as she steps back a couple of steps.

It caught her off guard when she saw the guards’ eyes are black,

Although they didn’t respond like a living person, it’s clear that they’re still alive but for some reason, they can’t hear, feel, or even see the woman and Lisa.

They can only stand on their spot, almost in a dream-like state.

When the woman turns to check on Lisa,

The woman jumped when she saw a figure standing behind her, the figure’s body is covered with smokey darkness making his entire body can’t be seen except for the azure blue eyes.

“Who are you!”, the woman shouted fiercely.

But the figure only stares at her dead in the eyes without even saying anything, it was eerie that makes the woman’s skin crawl, “This place is covered with CCTVs! Don’t do anything reckless”

Ignoring the woman,

The figure’s eyes landed on Lisa who is already on the ground feeling her legs go limp.

Lisa’s mouth is quivering so much while apologizing whisperingly, she already knows who the figure is although the figure’s entire body can’t be seen.

But although she knows who it is, she’s convinced that the one in front of her is not who she knew.

“Kyran… I’m sorry! I-I really did love you, no… I still love you”, Lisa mutters desperately.

Hearing this, Kyran approached Lisa slowly as the fear gripped her in place.

When he arrived in front of Lisa, the woman ran and hugged Lisa out of nowhere while glaring at Kyran with fearless eyes, “I’m warning you! I will definitely report this to the FAA!”

“Attacking innocent civilians… shouldn’t you be ashamed of yourself as an Awakened?!”

This made Kyran stop in his tracks as he was a bit annoyed by the woman, “She’s not a civilian, and she’s also not innocent”, Kyran finally replied from beyond the darkness.

“You don’t want to get involved in this”, he added warningly.

But even though Kyran already warns her, the woman still won’t back down, “Still, Awakened should work with each other not fight like this. Anything can be resolved peacefully”

“Move…”, Kyran instructed with a cold tone.

The woman shook her head, “No! I won’t move until you promised to not hurt her!”

“You have no idea what she has done, don’t meddle in between us. Just move aside while I’m asking kindly”, Kyran added but instead of moving the woman stood up and spread her arms in front of Lisa.

She tries to block Kyran even though she is nothing but a normal human.

Kyran was at a loss for words upon seeing this stubborn woman blocking his way to Lisa, his eyes then glisten fiercely as he’s starting to get annoyed.

Just when the woman blinked,

She suddenly widen her eyes when she saw Kyran is already standing right in front of her, Kyran’s cold azure eyes are looking directly into the woman’s eyes.

His movement was too fast for a normal human to see,

It’s just like fighting a ghost that can’t be tracked by the eyes, Kyran can just go past the woman and take Lisa but he didn’t do it.

After realizing Kyran is already in front of her,

The woman wanted to move but she stopped, she then lowered her gaze before she saw that Kyran’s hand is already on her neck touching it lightly.

“You threatened me to report this to the FAA…”, Kyran mutters.

He then continues, “But do your stubborn mind consider that I can just kill you right here and puts your corpse away? No one will know, you will just disappear and never to be found”

“Have you thought about that first before risking your life like this?”

These whispers coming from Kyran’s mouth shock the woman as she realizes what she just put herself into, she realizes that Kyran can just kill her right here right now.

No one can stop him just by the show of his power right now,

If he really wanted to, Kyran can even kill her before she can even realize that she has been killed.

But just when the woman gulps harshly, Kyran retracts back his hand.

The woman can finally breathe easily after Kyran retracts back his hand,

Kyran then saw an id card holder strapped on the woman’s neck, he saw the name before he then said, “So miss Mina, don’t be naive and think for yourself first”

“You’re lucky today, you guess it right. I can’t kill civilians”, he added.

After saying that, Kyran grabs the back of Lisa’s neck by pinching it with his hand before both of them disappear into the darkness leaving Mina who stands frozen in place.

The moment Kyran left, the surroundings turns normal again.

Mina then looks around and finds that everything went back to the way it was, not a single trace of Kyran’s appearance can be seen, “Kyran…”, she mumbles.

“Is there anything I can help you with, Ma’am?”, a voice snaps her out of her daze.

Upon hearing this, Mina glance to her side and finds the two guards are normal again.

They’re looking at her who is standing idly in confusion, their eyes are not black and lifeless again as they really turn back to normal.

With a shake of her head, Mina then replied, “C-Can I see the CCTV footage?”



Rex and Evelyn are currently outside of the university in the nearest bar, they’re inside one of the VIP rooms with another man from the Luc Family.

A dead corpse can also be seen just by the door,

Just from the aura of the corpse alone, the corpse is certainly an Awakened.

The man puts a big brown envelope on the table,

“Lady Evelyn, this is all the information we gathered from 31 offices”, the man said.

Hearing this, Evelyn nodded her head before Rex takes the envelope.

Without wasting any time, Rex opens the envelope and takes out its content before the man explained, “All of the offices’ locations are already marked on the map, and we nickname these offices using the number 1 until 31. Each of the Awakened guarding these offices is also identified to the best of our abilities”

Rex takes out the content and finds the map the man was talking about.

There are 31 dots marked on the map just like what the man said, but one of them is marked red instead of black like the others.

‘This must be the main office’, Rex thought while nodding his head.

Aside from that, a bunch of papers is also inside the envelope consisting of all the Awakened guarding each of the offices’ information including their power, name, and even photo.

Overall, it’s very useful information that Rex can use.

But then suddenly, “The best of your abilities? Does that mean it’s not perfect?”, Evelyn asks.

She’s squinting her eyes sharply while looking at the man in front of her,

The man started sweating upon receiving the inspecting gaze from Evelyn, so he hurriedly replied, “Offices near the main office are guarded heavily, our dolls are not able to reach there”

Hearing this, Evelyn sighs before she waves her hand signaling the man to leave.

After the man left,

“Dolls? What did he mean by dolls?”, Rex asks.

Evelyn takes a sip of a glass of gin in front of her before she leans back on the sofa, “You don’t need to know that, but if you become a part of the Luc Family then I can tell you”

“A part of the Luc Family? Aren’t we allies already?”, Rex said with a frown.

But soon Evelyn’s answer makes him shake his head, “If you marry me then you will be a part of our family, ally and family is two different things don’t you think?”

“Fine, I’ll not ask further”, Rex replied with a sigh.

This makes Evelyn chuckle before she suddenly said, “Although I trust my men’s work, if I were you I will make sure the content is true by confirming with other parties”

“Although I’m very touched if you trust me wholeheartedly, it’s better to be sure”

Rex looks at Evelyn for a moment, the pause makes Evelyn’s heart thump faster before he finally said, “Don’t worry, I already arranged that”

Hearing this, Evelyn tilts her head in confusion before the door to the room was opened.

Two-person walks inside the VIP room, one is a man in his twenties while the other is a middle-aged man that is recognized instantly by Evelyn.

“Oh… I wonder whose it is but turns out it’s the Platchi Family”, Evelyn mutters.

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