The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 357 - Rex Is Legendary

'Fuck you Edward', Rex cursed inside his head.

If not for hanging around with Edward for quite a while, he will not be this soft to kids but since he's been a friend of Edward for a long time, his traits also got into Rex's mind.

Edward is always soft on kids, he's willing to sacrifice everything to save them.

The fact that Edward took the girl away during the military shows his soft side, if not for Rex and Kyle he might have just been arrested by the military for a long time.

After agreeing to bring Leo, the woman then also said, "If he's coming, I'm coming"

Rex glanced at the woman and saw her determined look, he cursed Edward more in his head before he finally said, "Just keep close to me and follow my orders exactly"


Meanwhile, Faraday University.

While walking towards the university entrance, Edward taps his ears a couple of times.

'Who's badmouthing me? My ears are ringing', he thought.

Edward came back with Rex's parents and Adhara's father, he's guiding them into the university making the students glance at them in confusion.

Aside from students, there is no one allowed to enter the university ground.

So looking at three people that are old enough to become one of the lecturers, and also a normal human at that makes them confused.

But seeing Edward is leading them, the students didn't really do anything.

"Mrs. Greene, Why do you look so pale?", Edward asks with a bright smile, he can see that Mrs. Greene is holding onto Robert's hand tightly while walking stiffly.

Even her face looks pale, 

With a trembling voice, Mrs. Greene then said, "The students here..."

"They're all Awakened, right? I just feel that us being here are not proper", she added.

Hearing this, Edward frowns as he looks at Robert, and also Russ who has a wry smile on their faces as they feel uncomfortable with so many Awakened around.

They felt lesser compared to these students, and no one can blame them.

Although sector 3 is where other ordinary Awakened lived thus making this sector the highest Awakened count compared to other sectors, it's still only a fraction of the population.

Meeting an Awakened is not a daily thing for normal people, some even saw only a couple a year.

But sector 3E is the most advanced part of sector 3 which is crowded with Awakened, and of course, Rex's parents and Adhara's father are not used to getting surrounded by Awakened.

Especially Adhara's father who came from outside of Ratmawati City,

Since it's urgent, Edward pays a teleportation array to bring Russ here.

"You don't need to feel like that, you're going to be surprised to know that it should've been the other way around", Edward replied with a cheeky smile.

This makes Rex's parents and Adhara's father frown in confusion,

When Mrs. Greene was about to ask Edward what he means by that, a guy wearing the lecturer outfit approached them and stopped in front of Edward.

Edward turns to the lecturer calmly as the lecturer asks, "Who are they? Why did you bring them here?"

"There must be some kind of a mistake, we'll leave immediately", Robert steps up and replied hurriedly, he doesn't want any trouble especially since they're surrounded by Awakened.

But when they were about to leave, Edward suddenly said, "There's nothing to worry about"

"Sir, these three people are Rex and Adhara's parents", Edward introduced with a bright smile, he even steps to the side a bit as a courtesy for the parents.

Upon hearing this, the lecturers' eyes widen in surprise as he bowed instantly.

Although the lecturer's movement is fast, Rex and Adhara's parents can somewhat see the paleness in the lecturer's expression as he said, "I'm sorry for not recognizing"

"What is your visit agenda for today? I can arrange people to take you around", he added.

The super fast change in situation was surreal for the parents, they look at the lecturers with a blank expression before Edward snapped them out of their daze.

"It's okay, I'll be the one to take them around", Edward said rejecting the lecturer's offer.

After saying that, Edward then lead them inside the Faraday University building heading to Rex's room with wide strides.

The parents are still shocked by what they just experienced,

"Did an Awakened just bow to us? I'm not dreaming right, dear?", Mrs. Greene mutters as she looks at Robert in disbelief.

Robert is also shocked, "I-I think he did bow to us, normal people"

While they're discussing the surprising scene they just experienced before, Russ walks to Edward's side before he asks, "Why did that lecturer bow to us?"

"In this university, Rex's name is legendary", Edward replied softly.

He then turns his head towards Russ before he added, "Since your daughter is Rex's girlfriend, no one in this university dare to say anything to you even if you're just a normal human"

"What is that?!", Mrs. Greene exclaimed while pointing at a red crystal.

The red crystal makes their vision reddish, Edward explained the crystal while they make their way to Rex's room where Adhara is in.

Mrs. Green did this a couple of times along the way,

After a moment, they arrived at Rex's room before the parents gasp to see that the room is very different than the rooms they saw along the way.

This one is secluded and the doors are way bigger than the others.

Edward knocks on the door before Stuart opened the door, his eyes then landed on the parents before he bowed slightly after opening the door wide, "Sires, Ma'am, Welcome to Rex's room"

"Thank you...", Robert replied softly before Edward signaled for them to get inside.

Upon entering the room, the parents gasp as they saw the insides are way bigger than they thought, it's almost as big as their house!

It's shocking to see such a magnificent room belongs to Rex,

Stuart closed the door lightly before he steps aside, while Edward looks at the parents with a smile as he said, "This is where Rex lived, and he's living here with Adhara"

"What?! That rascal didn't even tell me!", Russ said roughly.

He then glances at Robert and Mrs. Greene who are also looking at him making Edward who is on the side worried, but unlike what Edward expected they all suddenly laugh heartily.

'I thought they will fight for a second', Edward thought wryly.

While they're laughing, one of the doors on the right is opened as Adhara walks out.

Adhara already heard their laughs as her eyes landed on Russ, her eyes spark before she ran towards Russ and gives him a big hug, "Dad!"

"Oh, you've grown quite well Adhara", Russ joked as he pats Adhara's back.

After hugging Russ until she's satisfied, she then glances to her side as her eyes land on Mrs. Greene and Robert, "M-Mother, Father...", Adhara mutters lightly with a blush.

The redness of her face can't be hidden as it was exposed clearly,

Even Russ was surprised to find her daughter calls another man and woman, Mother and Father.

"My beautiful Adhara, How've you been?", Mrs. Greene greeted sweetly.

Robert also smiles from the side making Adhara even more embarrassed as she replied lowering her gaze to the ground, "I've been great..."

Adhara, Edward, and the parents talk for a moment as they sat on the new sofa.

Because of Rex kicking Ari before to test the Ring of Tetuka, some of the sofas are destroyed but Stuart already replaced them with new ones.

Their conversations started to shift after they did all the pleasantries,

"Are you sure you bring us here just to make us look around? or Did this have something do like last time?", Russ asks with a serious expression.

The last time they're called, Rex is hiding them to keep them safe.

From how he's summoned using a teleportation formation hurriedly like this, Russ suspected that it's not just some simple tour of the university.

Adhara's expression turns stiff but Edward hurriedly replied, "Of course, it's nothing like that"

"Rex wanted to give you guys a tour of the university, it'll be great for the three of you to know how we're living in the university", Edward added with a smile.

Hearing this, Russ squints his eyes while looking at Edward.

He then looks around before he replied, "If that's the case, where is he?"

"Rex is not here right now, he just got a sudden mission from the university so sadly he can't be here to take you around. That is why you guys will stay here for the moment", Edward lied, Rex doesn't want them to know.

It's going to make them worry if they knew that one of the 25 Families might make a move.

But this still doesn't convince Russ, he's still looking at Edward suspiciously but Adhara then added from the side, "Truthfully, I told Rex I want to spend some quality time you guys. The university doesn't allow students to go out easily but thankfully Rex can sort it out and bring you here instead"

"Oh, Honey... I'll visit often if you're lonely", Mrs. Greene replied sweetly.

Russ also sigh upon hearing this as he didn't pursue the matters anymore, this made Edward sigh in relief since he was about to run out of excuses.

A moment later,

Edward was about to leave to pick up Kyran after going to the toilet,

'Thankfully the Atkins didn't intercept me, but why didn't they?', he thought with a frown.

While walking in the hallway thinking, he found Adhara is talking with her father but he can't find Robert and Mrs. Greene anywhere making his heart skip a beat for a second.

He snaps his head towards Stuart and asks, "Where did they go?!"

"They're outside, you don't need to worry", Stuart replied with a weird expression.

Looking at this, Edward hurriedly walks out of the room with wide steps, 'The Reed Family has access to the university, I can't let my guard down', he thought.

Edward looks around before his eyes stopped at a crowd of students,

He approached the crowd of students slowly before his eyes found that Mrs. Greene and Robert are in the middle, they were brimming with happiness as they answered the students' questions.

"Yes, We are Rex's parents!", Mrs. Greene declared proudly.

Hearing this, the students become excited as they realized Mrs. Greene and Robert are none other than Rex's parents.

All of them started to become excited,

"What does Rex usually do at home? Does he really likes to train?"

Mrs. Greene smiles as she replied with immense pride, "Well he's in the military for the most part, but when he did have his leave he really likes to workout"

"What kind of food did he like?"

"Grilled Chicken Breast that I cooked, he really likes that one", Mrs. Greene replied nodding her head.

Robert on the other hand is also asked by the students, "Rex rarely talks but deep inside he's a good boy, he just needs comfort and attention just like any other kids"

Edward looks at this as he shakes his head, 'The contrast between them and Rex..."

Back to Rex,

Rex leads Leo and the woman as they headed towards the direction where the battle took place.

Along the way, Leo and the woman saw that Rex killed every Undead that he meet without breaking a sweat as if they were nothing but bugs.

His silver sword cuts through the Undead like butter, it's very terrifying.

If any of those Undead broke into their city, the Undead will definitely take hundreds if not thousands of life easily but these Undead are nothing to Rex.


'There are more Undead here, we must be getting close', Rex thought.

But after hacking another Colossus Skeleton, Rex looks around the place before he caught a scent as he said, "You two, cover your nose and stay quiet"

Leo and the woman was confused but they obeyed Rex's order,

Without asking for their permission, Rex carry the both of them with his arms and dash into a direction, 'It should be the place, I can smell the smell of death reeking from this direction'

After dashing for about a minute, Rex arrives at an open space amidst the forest.

There is a river flowing in the middle of the open space, 

Just from looking at the place, Rex is sure the battle takes place here since the green grass is tainted with red and many of the trees and grounds around here are destroyed.

The battle scars can be seen clearly, even the river water is reddish.

But Rex frowned when realized something, 'The corpse, there are none here', he thought.

If this place is really the battlefield then Undead and Humans corpses should be scattered here, but even after scanning the place, Rex didn't find any single corpse.

Rex puts down Leo and the woman as he inspected the place,

The open space in the middle of the forest spans about two acres, it's so big and the more Rex investigated the more he's sure that there's a battle happening here.

While he's inspecting the place,


"Hmm?", Rex senses something is approaching him before he dodges it.


A huge black saber flashes past Rex before stabbing the ground powerfully, the ground trembles for a moment after the saber stabs the ground.

Rex glance at the saber before he looks at his front,

Amidst the tree in front of him, Rex saw an Undead with shiny black greyish full-plate armor staring at him with its white terrifying eyes. It holds a human corpse on its left hand by the head.

The undead's face is a skull and its mouth is wrapped by a red cloth.

Powerful Death Energy swirls around this Undead with blood decorating his armor, without even thinking much Rex knows that the blood is human blood.

The Undead stretches his arm to his front before the saber tremble,


Just like a telekinesis ability, the saber that stabbed the ground got pulled by the Undead and went back to the Undead's hand.

"Are you eager to be killed, Humans?", the Undead spoke.

Seeing this, Leo and the woman instantly went to Rex's back.

Just from the presence of the undead alone, this one is way stronger than the Colossus Skeleton.

Rex's expression darkened upon hearing this as his aura started leaking badly, he slowly raises his gaze to meet with the Undead's eyes with terrifying bloodlust.


A wave of energy pushes the Undead back which surprises the Undead.

Upon seeing Rex's expression, the Undead flinched for a bit.

It can feel the raging bloodlust inside Rex's body as it started to doubt what it's seeing, "Humans?", he mutters in disbelief seeing Rex's expression that makes him looks more of a monster than itself.

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