The Geared Immortal

Chapter 881 - The Grand Scale Of Things (1)

Chapter 881


The lump of metal slowly became a shiny ball as Shin Jiao put it on the table. He carefully attached the wires to the lump of metal and then turned on the contraption connected to it.

As the machine was turned on, the screen also lighted up and much data began to show on the screen. The still dumbfounded Phil Mason looks at the screen and quickly rushed beside Shin Jiao. He could see the changes in the data on the screen and felt like his scalp began to tingle in excitement.

"Haha… That is it! That is what I am talking about! This is what I have envisioned. How… How were you able to do it? Master Shin, you have to tell me this in detail…" Phil Mason suddenly grabbed Shin Jiao and dragged him to the side while he grabs a pen and a paper on the side.

Shin Jiao could not help but shake his head. This old man is surely passionate about machines and technology that he did not know he has almost created the first sustainable energy core just like the one he discovered on earth.

Although this lump of metal is still far from the real thing, it is already considered too advance in this age. With this lump of metal as a source of energy, it could already power a whole city for a year's time. This is such a breakthrough towards a clean and sustainable energy source.

Shin Jiao began to describe and taught the old man about the proper glyphs and their meaning when making the power core. As he explained, the old man did not stop writing while his eyes are glowing. Shin Jiao also noticed that many researchers began to congregate around them while listening to his words. They even wrote down many of his words as they listen carefully.

After an hour of talking and giving instructions and examples, Shin Jiao finished his 'lecture'.

He now knew that the technological progress of the research institute inside the ship is going to a grand scale of things to come.

He knew that this would be the start of a new age for this kingdom and its people. The age of darkness would be done away and the age of technology is slowly emerging.

After finishing what he needed to do, Shin Jiao went around the ship and checked everything. He then spent time with Im Ao and Im Jae who did not let him leave their quarters.

When Im Ao is already sleeping, Shin Jiao walks out of the room and then saw Im Jae standing shyly while looking at him.

"What is wrong?" Shin Jiao asked with a hint of confusion in his expression.

However, as someone who already has experienced with women, he knew what the young woman is thinking. Shin Jiao is around 30-years-old and Im Jae is 20, so the age difference between the two is around 10 years plus Shin Jiao has a lot of experience than her, so he could somewhat read her expression which made him feel a bit helpless.

He knew that she seems to like him for some unknown reason. At first, she is like any typical woman who is shy and did not want to express her feelings, but ever since that night that they talked, she seems to be expressing her feelings more and more.

If Shin Jiao rejected her, she would be hurt and would be a little angry at him. But if he did not take a stand and let this thing continue, then it would cause more troublesome matter to arise. And he did not want that to happen.

But the problem is… he already did reject her. But Im Jae seems to be oblivious to this.

"Im Jae… you…"

"No… please… don't say anything. I… I just wanted to do this. So please, don't chase me away…" she said with tears brimming in her eyes.

Shin Jiao could not help but take in a long breathe. He could not help but take a whip of Im Jae's scent. He suddenly remembers Qin Lou and Susan Tang. His last night with Qin Lou suddenly lingers to his mind as a slight smile appears on his face.

He just shook his head and did not say anything.

"Look… I will not treat you more than a little sister. That is my boundary. More than that I could not reciprocate your feelings…" Shin Jiao said as he walks beside Im Jae.

She already knew this and just nodded her head.

"Then… Can… Can I hug you?" she said with a hint of hesitation.

Shin Jiao could not help but showed a slight hesitation. But then took her in his strong arms.

Im Jae could not help but close her eyes and savor the feeling of being hug by the man that she likes. Even though this is a hug without malice, she could not help but feel contented.

After a while, Shin Jiao left and Im Jae showed a smile on her face. Though she could not have him, yet being his sister is already good enough for her. She has already accepted the fact this time.

She then turns around and enter the room of Im Ao and decided to sleep beside her brother with a smile on her beautiful face.

Shin Jiao stood on the flying ship's deck and looks at the stars in the sky.

"The sky is really nice today…" a familiar feminine voice interrupted him.

Nariz Gumal walks beside him and also glances at the sky.

"When I was younger and was still with my brother, we would look at the sky and think of what our future would hold. Both of us wanted to leave the immortal land and travel the stars… However, it seems that we have lost that chance…" she said with a hint of melancholy.

"When I got married to that man… I thought that my life is already complete and I could not want more… but when I lost my brother because of that man. I truly wished that I could turn back time and change my decision back then. I was blinded because of my ignorance. I was tricked into believing that he was true to me. While escaping I really thought that no man is truly good…" she added with a slight chuckle.

Shin Jiao raised one of his brows and slightly turn to her.

Sensing his action, Nariz Gumal covered her mouth and giggled.

"Well, I guess you are a bit different… Hihi…"

"Thank you for helping me…"

"I did not do it for you…"

"It's all the same. If we get out of here, can… can I come to your village? I know that you are the one leading that mysterious village name Ji. From when I learned of the technology in this place, I already have that thought."

"If one as powerful and great as you are will join us, then I will be honored Miss Gumal…" Shin Jiao bowed politely.

"Haha… Out there I might be powerful. But I know of your true strength. Though you are only in the 79th level, with your gears, you can defeat even a late-stage Lord level, right?"

Shin Jiao did not answer and just showed a faint smile.

"Once we are able to find a path out of this dimension, I will try and create a gateway to this place. That way you can visit here and continue looking for your brother." Shin Jiao promised.

Upon hearing this, the expression of Nariz Gumal changes, and then she bowed her head towards Shin Jiao. She then left and went back to the laboratory.

Shin Jiao muses about the things that have happened so far and his next plan. He still has a lot of things to do and a lot of things to prepare.

Although time is not in his hand as he only has one year to stay here before the Heaven and Earth Opening, he still needed to prepare everything. In fact, this dimension has many good things in it. The ecosystem of the land is really big. If he is not wrong, the size of this dimension is half the size of the earth.

While Shin Jiao is planning what to do next, he noticed a group of large carriages being carried by two Windfalls each.

The caravan stopped at the boundary of the flying ship and from inside alighted some people wearing elegant clothes. The women wore gowns while the men wore noble robes. From what Shin Jiao could see these people have some standing in the society and they did not come from the town but from the city.

One of the mage guards walked beside Shin Jiao and reported.

"Master Shin, that is the brother of the Viscount. He has been visiting us lately and wanted to meet you. It seems that your return has been reported to him." the mage guard said.

Shin Jiao thanked him and the guard went back to his post.

"The Viscount Brother, eh… What does this person want from me?" Shin Jiao muttered as he felt a bit curious.

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