The Geared Immortal

Chapter 877 - A Hopeless Battle (2)

Chapter 877


General Grable Brittlerock is a 38th level warrior with great accomplishment in the dwarven kingdom. He was for a time a loyal subordinate of the king and a trusted ally. However, one day he discovered that his wife has a secret. And he was torn between his loyalty to the kingdom and his love for his wife and his family.

As a general, he knew that the king is trying to find the other remnants of the Mineros family at all cost. No one in the kingdom knew that the once Mineros family has already changed their surname to Diggingsons.

And his wife is part of the Diggingsons family.

At last, his love for his wife won against his loyalty to his kingdom. For how could he live without his love? He would rather die and be a traitor than lose the woman that he has spent his whole life with.

Hence the general decided to pull the root of the problem and that is the prejudice of the king towards the Mineros or the Diggingsons.

And the plan to unearth the king from his throne began.

For many years they tried many things, until one day they were approached by a goblin.

Offering a solution, the goblin gave them the weapon and the means to subdue the king. It was a well-thought-off plan even though they discovered that this plan came from the Scavengers, they still accepted it.

A condition was given that the Scavengers can take half of the loot, and they would let the dwarves alone from then on.

But who would have known that the Scavengers have some tricks of their own? Grable tried so hard to create an antidote of his own from what the goblins have given them. But now he discovered that it was all a trap.

The Scavengers are going to swallow them whole. He knew that if those Scavengers would succeed, then the whole of the dwarven kingdom would become their slaves.

Regret, frustration, guilt, and realization have dawned on him. He now knew that he has been used by both sides. He has been used by his wife and her family, he has been used by the enemy, and he was the greatest fool of all.

But he also knew that he would not go down without a fight. If they have used them, then he could only fight back and take what is meant to be his.

If the Mineros or Diggingsons wanted to get the throne back, then he would just take the throne from them. If Scavengers wanted the kingdom, then he would just take the kingdom from them. If the king wanted his life, then he would just take the life of the king from him.

With a glint of determination in his eyes, General Grable Brittlerock strode through the corridor with his men behind him.

Their goal is to find Loom to the cure from her, and after that, he would get his revenge from those that used him.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao is currently following a group of small green beings wearing black hoods. What he is following are goblins.

They are very sneaky and have sharp senses, and on their back, they are carrying some flasks that contain some unknown liquid.

As he follows sneakily from the roofs, he found them going through a passageway underground.

Not long later, they soon arrive in a large chamber with many dwarves inside. Then he saw a familiar figure which should have been sick in his house, Holdorf Diggingsons.

"Ah, you have finally arrived…" Holdorf said as he welcomes the goblins.

"Keke… The leader Grumack wanted to give these to you. He needs your help to attack from behind now…" one of the goblins said.

When the goblins showed that they are carrying the antidote, the eyes of Holdorf went wide in excitement. With the antidote on hand, he knew that the rest of his soldiers would be able to recover. From that, they can attack from behind and finish the battle with the king.

Holdorf agreed and began taking the flask. He gave the flask to his able-bodied men and makes them drink those weak soldiers inside the secret chamber. Holdorf also drinks one for himself, although he is able to suppress the poison, still he could not use his ability.

Now with the antidote, he would be able to fight and take down the king.

Soon, he felt his body becoming strong and the poison inside of him becoming weaker. He turns his gaze to the goblins and then nodded his head.

Shin Jiao who is watching this from a safe distance and only using his spiritual sense shook his head.

"Fools…" he smirked he then jumped and enter the sewer.

The goblins walk out of the room and their expression turned sinister. Then they all walk towards the tunnel.

"Kill all the weak ones…" the goblin leader said as an evil glint appears in his eyes.

As they walk into the sewers with a glinting knife on hand, they saw a shadow not too far from them. And that was the last thing that they saw before everything went dark.

Shin Jiao left the sewer and then proceed to the battlefield. Although he did not care that much for the dwarven citizen, he still could not let many innocent dies.

In fact, he did something to the poison which is currently affecting the citizen of the kingdom.

He soon reached the battlefront between the kingdom's remaining fighters and the Scavengers. He could see many houses being destroyed by the battle and knew that some of the people have lost their lives in this fight.

He just watches on the side and looks at the brutality of the Scavengers. He could tell that the Scavengers while dealing with the soldiers of the kingdom have also contracted the green smoke.

He just showed a faint smile on his face as he looks at the battle.

Loom, Warktia, and Hoodwig are also fighting the Scavengers and have been a focus of attack because of their ability to kill many of the Scavengers in the front lines.

Meanwhile, in the air, the king and the red-skinned Orc are now embroiled in a deadly exchange. But he could tell that the dwarven king is at his limits. The king is now relying on the power of his armor and weapon to resist the attacks from his opponent.

Then suddenly, a figure began plunging to the ground with blood spewing out of his mouth. It was the dwarven king.


The house he hit crumbled into pieces and Shin Jiao knew that the people inside that house have suffered a tragic ending.


The dwarven king shouted in the air as he forcefully stood up from the ground. But before he could do anything, the sharp tip of the scimitar suddenly stabs towards his stomach. The dwarven king parried the attack with all his might, but that was the last of his strength as he weakly kneeled on the ground.

Those dwarves who could see this scene felt a bit indignant about the defeat of their king. Their morale has fallen and many of the commanders began to be defeated.

The tide of the battle began to tip towards the Scavengers as a loud war cry coming from the red-skinned Orc invigorated the morale of his men.

"The Dwarven king is defeated, all of you must surrender now!" shouted the Grumack in the air.

He then grabs the head of the dwarven king and takes off his helmet. Then grabbing the dwarven king's hair he lifted his up in the air.

"Nooo!!!" Hoodwig shouted as he takes a step forward in a frenzied manner.

Those who stood in his way fell by his rifle and his guns. In this battle, he began to be proficient in fighting using mana-charged weapons.

This has caused a great commotion among the ranks of the Scavengers. And it has also attracted the attention of Grumack.

Seeing that his men could not hold the ground against a single dwarf wielding some weird weapons,  Grumack's expression turned cold. He suddenly lifted his large scimitar and inserted it at the back of the dwarven king.


Through the gap of the armor, the scimitar easily enters the skin of the dwarven king and went through to the other side.

The expression of Aboros is one of disbelief. He could not accept that he would die just like that. He has been the dwarven king for a very long time and has held great power over his people. He has ruled with an iron fist and has gained the respect of everyone around him.

As a king, he has done a heinous deed by wiping the Mineros family's bloodline clean as he killed every man, woman, and child in that family, he did not regret his actions. He knew that the Mineros is a threat to his throne.

But now that he is about to die, he felt a bit regretful. He knew of the secret movement and the secret actions of those that started this. And he has discovered something else which is the real cause of the downfall of the kingdom.

And this discovery is his greatest regret as a king.

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