The Geared Immortal

Chapter 829 - Recycled Souls

Chapter 829


Just outside of the village, Shin Jiao has set up a large warehouse which was built overnight through the effort of the mages.

And right now, in that warehouse, a processing plant is operating non-stop. Meanwhile, many mages are busy processing the high-level meat that is being sent through a conveyor belt.

Outside of the processing plant a long line of caravans could be seen.

These people are mercenary groups that came to this place to process their harvest in the forest. The payment for the processing is around 50 silver coins per 1 kilogram of high-level meat. Or if they do not have the money, they could have a 50:50 ratio. This means that the processing plant would take 50% as a payment.

It was really cheap for these people as they would usually just throw away these inedible meats. But now it is different, these kinds of meat are truly something different. It could not only provide them with sustenance, but it could also improve their physique and power.

On Shin Jiao's side, this would mean that they did not have to hunt beasts anymore and could already have both something to sell and something to eat for his people.

Inside the ship, Shin Jiao and his group are in a meeting.

Except for Ansen Wine whom Shin Jiao did not trust as his schemes are clearly written all over his face, everyone is in here.

"Master Shin, I think your plan is already working. Right now, we have attracted many mercenary groups and even soldiers." Xiamen Gong said while taking a sip of the tea.

"Yeah, I think our name would have reached the main city. If we can get their attention, then going to Xinglo kingdom is just a matter of time." Hua Xiao added.

"Why do we have to go through this process? I mean we can just fly to the kingdom and then find the way out of this place." Vilma Song suddenly complained.

"Sigh… You are too short-sighted. Can't you feel that there is something in this place… something strange and new, something that I have never seen before?" Axle Long said while contemplating.

"You people are born in the immortal land, right?" Shin Jiao suddenly asked.

The people sitting around the table nodded except for Im Ao and Im Jae.

"Well, I was not born in this place. I came from another world… I mean two worlds. And what Axle Long is feeling right now is called fear of death."

"… Fear of death?…" they all repeated.

"Although you live like you did not care, yet in your heart, you are anxious about something. You are not at peace knowing that tomorrow is uncertain for you, right?" Shin Jiao said.

As if realizing it, everyone nodded their heads.

"That is your fear… But also, something deep inside of you is giving you some sort of happiness when you did something good, something that could make your life easier. Now that is the essence of this world. I think this world is created so that everyone could cherish their lives."

"Let me tell you a secret… I actually discovered, or you could say realized, something in this world." Shin Jiao added.

Everyone showed a hint of curiosity in their eyes while looking at Shin Jiao.

"Everyone who lives in this place, are actually still immortals. However… they would go through the process of soul harvesting which would, in turn, give up their memories and be recycled back to this world. Then they would undergo childhood once again without the memory of the past… How amazing is that, right?"

Everyone showed astonishment in their expression.

"So you mean…"

"Yeah, I found this out while going through the village and investigating yesterday. And then when I went to the forest, I saw a lot of different things which justified my theories. But I still could not get the hold of the process how this is done, yet."

As the group talks, Shin Jiao shared with them his conjecture about this world and what he found out in their stay in this place.

He has truly discovered a lot of things. Especially when he roams through the forest researching the topography, the minerals, and the animals, he has found a lot of things in this world that are unlike that of earth and Gaeus Ro.

Plus the greatest evidence in this is because of the soul essence in his dimension. With it, he was able to see a special cycle upon observing someone dying of old age in the village.

It was really too magical that it made him feel astounded. The soul of the dead would go to the skies and disappear. Then he would notice some spirits coming down to some house and when he scanned these houses he could see pregnant women.

He was not aware of this at first in Jixingyo village as he did not use his soul essence. But now upon seeing it in front of him he knew that his conjecture might be correct.

After the discussion, the group was about to walk out when they heard that there is a bit of commotion in the processing plant.

A mage guard came running to the captain's deck of the ship and reported.

"Master Shin, someone has caused some trouble for us in the processing plant." The mage guard said while catching his breath.

"What happened?" Axle Long and Xiamen Gong simultaneously asked.

"I think there are bandits coming towards our location." the mage said with a hint of fear in his eyes.

As someone who lived in this land, who did not know the troublesome things that bandits would cause.

Though there are soldiers in the village, they would not mobilize those soldiers just to protect a merchant group. Soldiers are needed to protect the village, so their merchant group would be helpless against the bandits.

Though they would not worry too much because the ship is protected by a strong barrier, the problem is the processing plant.

The warehouse is outside of the barrier and is not protected by anything. If the bandits truly attack them, then the warehouse would surely be destroyed and the processing plant along with it. This dilemma is causing many of the mercenaries some problems and they have already begun to return to the village.

They dare not offend those bandits so that they would not gain those despicable people's ire.

So right now, the warehouse is empty and only a few brave ones have lined up to process their meat. Some of them are aware of the power behind the ship and knew that those bandits would have a large casualty if they truly decided to go against this mysterious merchant group.

Meanwhile, in the village, many people did not bother with any problems outside. The mystique shop has been busy all day and is catering to different kinds of customers every day.

But right now, something different happened.

Around ten people are currently outside the doors of the mystique shop. While inside a tall and handsome blonde young man is standing behind a middle-aged man wearing silver armor.

The blonde young man was one of those people that were capture by Shin Jiao's group while they were in the forest trying to capture Im Ao.

"You people from the Mystique shop have offended the Raul family. You should pay for what you have done!" shouted the middle-aged man while waving his hand in the air like he was the boss or something.

The mage just looks at the man and did not have any reaction on his face.

He was one of the trained mages and is assigned to this shop along with another one. But who would have known that when his companion went out to get their new stock, these people would barge in this place?

"Haha… Let me tell you this! As compensation for what you people have done to me, I will take this shop and everything in it. With the bandits coming towards your ship outside the village, you are all done for!" shouted the blonde young man with a glint of greediness in his eyes.

"I heard that the bandit group this time are the Bandits from the West. Haha… This is what you get for offending the Raul family heir… Now and everything over before we get angry and decide to kill you!" shouted the middle-aged man as his hand suddenly came towards the sword on his hilt.

The mage-in-charge showed a hint of vigilance upon seeing this. Though he is alone he would fight against these people. But then before he could do anything he heard something from his communication device.

The mage just showed a faint smile on his face and nodded his head.

He then walks out of the counter and then lowered his head.

"I leave everything to you now. I hope that you would not regret what you have done today." He said with a smile and left.

In his mind, he has already remembered the Raul family.

While everyone in the village are in turmoil because of the news, a large group of bandits is already coming down from the forest.

Trouble has come at last.

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