The Geared Immortal

Chapter 706 - The Secret Passage

Chapter 706


Extreme heat wage rushing and painful shrieks everywhere could be heard atop the huge open palanquin which is now in pieces. The figure of a bluish giant with golden bluish blood all over his body is hovering in the air while watching in horror what is happening happened below him.

He was very quick to move and was able to evade that sudden blast which rendered his subordinate and even himself, wounded.

His eyes are filled with anger as he tried to locate who threw that object in the open palanquin. But what made him feel a sense of dread is that the object looks harmful on the outside. Yet those who have experienced its might would know the true killing strength of that harmful object and it might.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao on the other hand leisurely stands on a tree branch and beside him is the dumbfounded Alea Zin.

"Damn, that… man… is fast." He muttered as he is unable to determine what he should call the blue-skinned giant hovering in the air.

However, Alea Zin did not answer him as she still could not believe that only a single person has sent the army of the enemy into a state of chaos.

Then suddenly, the young man beside him muttered.

"Oh, a chance…"

Then she saw him materializing in the air a weird-looking weapon that looks like a hollowed rod.

But before she could say something, she heard that same muffled sound.

Then the silver flash of the supersonic bullet flew followed by a familiar whistling sound. Then she saw where that thing was pointed at and before she could say anything, she saw the high elven woman hovering in the air being hit by the bullet and like a kite with its string cut fall to the ground.

"Reckless… Hihi…" Shin Jiao said with a smirk.

He then kept the rifle he made using pure black ores. Then he suddenly grabs the still stunned woman by the belt of her clothes and the two jump to another tree about 100 meters from their original location.

Alea wanted to protest, but before she could say anything she is already sitting on another tree branch.


"Sorry, I have no time to say anything. Every time I shot my weapon we need to change location so that the enemy would not be able to spot us." Shin Jiao explained while looking at the chaotic battle upfront.

Meanwhile, Princess Zut'al Ga fell to the ground in a sorry state. But she is not wounded because of a glowing thin energy sheet that seems to have blocked the bullet.

But the impact was too strong that it seems to have shaken her internal organs.

As she recovers from the ground, many high elven warriors have already surrounded her to protect her. She spat mouthfuls of blood as she glared at the direction where the attack might have come from. But she could not retaliate.

Suddenly, a blue-skinned giant landed beside her with a worried expression on his face.

Sinameth's head might look like that of a beast due to the thick hair that looks like a lion's mane. However, his face is that of a human. Hence one could clearly see the concerned expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a deep voice.

Princess Zut'al Ga looks at him and just flashed a smile. However, the blood on her lips and teeth made her look ghastly. Though it did not affect her beauty, one can almost say that she looks like a pale ghost right now.

Wiping the blood on her lips while spatting another mouthful of blood, the high elven princess slowly stood up with assistance from Sinameth.

"Our soldiers are in a mess and we seem to be losing this battle!" the princess said with a grim expression.

"We should regroup and attack them once again…" Sinameth said while looking at the battlefield.

They seem to have lost almost eight of their army due to this unforeseen ambush. But he knew that if they regroup, they could overcome and win this battle.

"No need… I myself will create the path. I did not want to use this here. But I guess if I did not give this my all we would lose." Princess Zut'al Ga said while her eyes are squinted towards the town's front gate.

She lifted her right hand and an energy bow suddenly formed.

"Protect me!" she said in a commanding tone.

Then she began to concentrate a large amount of energy as she pulled the energy string of the bow. When the energy string was pulled to its maximum three energy arrows suddenly materialized.

"Let me see how strong are these humans' protective arrays…" she muttered as a sneer appears on her mouth.

As a high elf with a power level of 80 which equates to a novice lord, and with the amplification effect of her unique weapon, Princess Zut'al Ga is confident that she could destroy that barrier.

Although it is said that the unique weapons should not be used due to the danger of it turning the high elves into demons, but for Zut'al Ga, this would be her second time using her weapon. So she is confident that she would not demonize.

And this is also one of the reasons why she was one of the high elves who were sent to the front lines. She is able to still wield her special weapon.

With a confident smirk on her beautiful face, Zut'al Ga released the three energy arrows which flew towards her target like a guided missile.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three loud explosions occurred which has changed the situation on the battlefield. This is because these three explosions which suddenly occurred are a cause for the humans to feel despair.

The first explosion which hit the barrier made it shook like it was hit by a very powerful force. Before it could recover, the second arrow arrives and that sealed the strong barrier's fate.

The second arrow sealed the destruction of the barrier which should have been able to withstand even a high lord's power.

And this result alone could show the true terrifying effect and power of the unique weapons of the high elves.

Before the humans could recover from their stupor the last arrow flew unhindered towards the front gate of the town which blasts it wide open.

Seeing this, both the High Elves and the Zith'ra race army cheered and immediately rushed towards the opening.

"Hihi… Let's see you get out from this one…" said Princess Zut'al Ga with a sneer on her face while watching their army rush towards the now open gate.

As the army rushed a large volley of attacks greeted them and many of them fell. Meanwhile, they too retaliated and throw their powerful attacks towards the humans who are standing outside of the walls to greet them.

When the two armies clashed chaos ensues all over the place as many soldiers died on both the humans and the combined army of their enemy.

Inside the town of Gipard atop a tall building stood a group of people who are in charge of protecting it. In front of this group, a tall young man calmly stood with white flowing hair hanging on his shoulder.

The young man's aura exudes a powerful vibe that says that he is not simple. This is because, although he is concealing it, everyone behind him could tell that he is already a high lord. In fact, he is the most powerful high lord amongst the group.

"That last strike came from a high elven unique weapon, right? It is truly powerful as the humor says it is." The young man muttered with interest.

"High Lord Levi, should we make out move?" one of the local lords asked.

"Hmm… I guess we should. They have already made their move… but I am curious on who is helping us…" Levi Osmond said with a slight smile.

From their view, he saw what had happened. How those high elves were killed easily and how that floating high elven woman was hit and fell to the ground, plus those explosions deep within the enemy army ranks. That kind of sneak attack was truly demoralizing. It was a bit sinister, but he would agree that it is very effective in making the enemy army chaotic.

In fact, in those explosions, they were able to take down the enemy commanders which ended the enemy army in chaos.

"You three… go and protect the front gate…" Levi Osmond said as he then turns his eyes on the two figures within the enemy army.

"High Lord Levi… Let me face the high elven woman and that Zith'ra giant." A female local lord wearing a golden armor over her lord's robe said as she steps forward while brandishing her two swords.

Levi Osmond looks at the woman and pointed at another young woman which is also a local lord. The young woman is a head taller than the one who volunteered.

"The two of you go…" Levi Osmond said a nod.

He then shifted his gaze to the forest behind the enemy army. He is trying to find where their helper is.

"What are you going to do next? I can't wait to see your next move…" he muttered to himself as if anticipating a special present.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao and Alea Zin have already left the area, and have now moved to the northeastern gate of the town. This is at the opposite side of where the main command of the enemy army where Sinameth and Princess Zut'al Ga are.

Their goal is to thin out the enemy army in that part and be able to enter the town secretly.

Alea Zin, as a scout, knows a secret entrance to the town which most scouts would use when going out. It is an underground tunnel that is heavily guarded. But with her presence, the two could enter the town safely.

The problem is that the entrance is being blocked by the enemy army. So they have to create a huge confusion once again amongst the enemy ranks so that they could sneak and enter that tunnel.

As the two arrive, they could see the fighting being as intense as what they have seen on their way.

"There… that's the secret entrance to the town." Alea Zin said while pointing towards a thick tree with some boulders surrounding it.

However, the problem is that it seems that the commander on this side has camped in that area.

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