The Geared Immortal

Chapter 665 - Universe Energy Core

Chapter 665


The next day, as if nothing had happened last night, the village came back to being filled with busy people doing their own things. However, it is said that last night there are ten casualties. Two of them are protectors who were ambushed and the rest are peasant villagers who did not expect the night creatures to attack that early.

In fact, there still were traces of light at that time when the shadow creatures appear.

Meanwhile, Frances Jill was really thankful for Shin Jiao's timely help and is not happily preparing some fresh salad as his way of thanks.

After breakfast, Frances left the house and let Shin Jiao acclimatize himself in the village.

The reason why the protectors are in the village is that they are to escort those people who are assigned as servants to go back to the town which is around 5 to 10 days away from the Pheasant village.

So Frances left that morning leaving Shin Jiao some instruction and some information he needed to survive until he comes back, and that would be a month later.

Shin Jiao learned last night that in this place people are really strong. In fact, that shadow wolf alone is as strong as a level 7 beast and could even become a king of a forest if it descended to a world. But in this place where powerful beings are present, it is like a mortal being that is easily killed. So are the rest of the peasant villagers in this place.

After Frances left, Shin Jiao did not go out and explore. Instead, he began studying the small pearl-like object from that shadow wolf.

Shin Jiao could feel a familiar aura in it and more. He carefully scrutinized it and using his psychokinesis was able to pry its secret slowly.

The pearl-like object is actually filled with many types of energy. Shin Jiao could not detect the others, but he knows Qi and mana inside of it.

For the whole day, he began studying it and also began making an array to try and pry it so that he would be able to use the energy inside it.

As he didn't go out, Shin Jiao rely on the crops being kept inside the house. Shin Jiao knew that he would be able to live with this amount of food for 3 days. After that, he needed to go out and harvest or even plant more.

However, his research takes precedence over that, and in three days he knew that it would bear results.

And so he continues staying in the hut and this made some of the villagers curious as to what that newly arrived person is doing. But none wanted to bother with him as they are already pressed in surviving in this place. They just need to hold on until a clan would hire them and they would be able to work in the town after.

As so time passed by quickly and three days have gone by.

Inside the hut where Shin Jiao is staying a young could be seen busily doing something on the table. Shin Jiao has already eaten all of his food last night and stayed up all night to finish his project. He has already reached the crucial point where he needed to finish everything in one go. Hence he didn't have time to sleep. In fact, he hadn't slept for 3 days already.

"Haha… It's done!" Shin Jiao suddenly exclaimed a bit loud which seem to make those people passing by the small courtyard took a few steps away from the walls.

Everyone in the village has already discussed that the person staying in that courtyard of Frances is a little loose in the head.

Some of them even thought that it might have been caused by the changing of his body and him being thrown in the Pheasant village. They knew the trauma of not being accepted and not be able to harness the power of the universe. Each and every one of them is talented individuals and one of the strongest beings on their own respective planets.

Although it was hard for them to accept this outcome, they still have no control over their own fate of ending like this.

Right at this moment, Shin Jiao has a glowing gleam on his eyes as he looks at that simple gear. He suddenly remembers the first time that he arrived in the cultivation land, inside that cave where he first learned his crafting skill.

On the table lays a simple hand glove with the energy core in the center. The glove is made of cloth and sticks connected together to form a bony skeletal structure. Shin Jiao accidentally discovered that the sticks could be used as a conductor. In fact, anything could be used. However, the sticks are easily formed and crafted by just using a crude knife.

Shin Jiao carefully put on the glove and upon activating it, the energy in the core passes through the array etched on the sticks and a light glow appears on each of the fingertips of the glove.

"It's ready…" Shin Jiao said as he grabs a piece of rock on the table and began shaping it according to his will.

And with that, a smile appears on his handsome face.

The forest outside the village is a bit dark and filled with different kinds of shadow creatures. Whenever it is day time, those creatures that would sometimes attack the village would be hiding in this place. And so far, none of the villagers would dare to enter this place because of the danger those creatures pose.

Many haughty newly born immortals have come to this place and suffered a gruesome death. So when they are resurrected in the village, they became fearful of this place and did not dare enter it again.

Right at this moment, a single figure wearing simple peasant clothing with sackcloth woven like a backpack is currently walking inside the forest. This figure is Shin Jiao.

Every now and then, he would pick some edible food on the ground. However, he is having a hard time doing so because he didn't have his contact lenses anymore.

When his body was transfigured all of the augmentation gears he has was destroyed. Except for the ring and the white crystal, everything was removed from him.

As of now, he could not use his ring, that's why he could only rely on his knowledge to be able to survive in this place. However, with the use of the glove, Shin Jiao was somehow able to tell what kind of thing is edible and what is not.

This is because he could now extract life energy from the plants. If it has one, then it is edible, if not, then he would not dare to eat it. And so after a while, he was able to pick enough food to last him for another 3 days.

"It's time to go back then…" he muttered as he turns around.

Suddenly, Shin Jiao feels a bad premonition in his heart. Then true to his conjecture, from one of the bushes a large creature suddenly pounces towards him.

This creature looks like a velociraptor, but with a horn in the middle of its head.

It suddenly charges towards Shin Jiao without warning.

It has taken Shin Jiao aback. However, he is already prepared for this. He came out in this place knowing the danger hence he has been expecting such an attack a long time ago.

He didn't think twice and immediately lowered himself and with a quick turn of his body, an arms-length blade made of sharp and sturdy rock suddenly appear from his back and directly sliced through the lower abdomen of the creature.

When the creature landed, it suddenly growled in pain as its glowing eyes look at Shin Jiao in anger. It was wounded by a mere peasant human. So it bared its fangs and did not hesitate to pounce once again.

Shin Jiao did not let it take advantage, as he agilely dodges its advances. As they clashed, the creature suffered more wounds on its body, until it fell limp on the ground and died.

Then a sharp blade landed on its neck cutting it off with one single strike.

Shin Jiao wasted no moment and immediately took out the pearl-like energy core from the creature. Once he did that, he saw the creature slowly dispersing in the air even the traces of its dark purple blood on his stone blade disappear.

After that, Shin Jiao slumps to the ground and heaves a sigh of relief. He didn't dally long and quickly picks himself up and return to the village. He knew that he should quickly go home before night time.

It was already late noon when Shin Jiao arrives and secretly enters the village.

Upon arriving in the village, he quickly went back to that small hut and counted his harvest.

Shin Jiao then slowly scrutinized everything inside the basket especially those herbs that he found to be interesting.

With that harvest, he was a bit happy. He knew that he still needed more time to spend learning more about the plants and the ingredients that he could find in the forest.

And so the day has ended and Shin Jiao as usual busied himself in his own work.

Shin Jiao changed a lot of things in that small hut. Using his new crafting gear, he began crafting more things and extended the hut, and turns it into an old bungalow house.

Since he needed more space for his experiments, he also modified the small house. Unknown to him, many villagers are now looking at him with envious eyes.

The houses in the village are created the same. For some unknown reason, when they arrive in this place the houses are already there, no one dares to change anything as their desire is to be able to go to the town and do their best to stay in that place and never return.

And now, they saw someone changing the house, and this scene made them feel a bit envious and also curious.

They viewed Shin Jiao as eccentric and none ever dare to befriend him.

However, today something new happened.

Some people are actually standing outside of Shin Jiao's gate. And this group of people is showing hostile intension as their covetous eyes gaze upon the bungalow inside the gate.

There are around 5 people standing in front of the gate and in their hands, they are holding sticks and stone gardening tools.

Then one of them who looks like a tall, burly, and handsome man suddenly lifted his feet with a wide grin on his face and sent a strong kick towards the wooden gate of the small courtyard.

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