The First Store System

Chapter 1509: A New Day for the Store(2)

Chapter 1509: A New Day for the Store(2)

Time flew by, and it was Andrith’s sixth try at summoning. Andrith wasn’t very wealthy to begin with, so he hoped to get a beast as early as possible.

After he pressed the button, ‘5’ appeared on top of the screen while the square sections began to rotate. Five seconds later, it came to a stop, and another unfamiliar beast appeared on the screen.

Andrith eagerly waited for the beast’s details, and as soon as the card flew to his hands, he immediately threw himself in its content.

{Name: Blood Seal

Type: Beast

Race: Mutant

Quality: Legendary

Element: Blood, Water, Darkness

Cultivation: Intermediate Higher God

Characteristics: Life of Blood

Details: The Blood Seal creates a clone of itself with seventy percent of its original power. The clone is self-conscious, so it doesn’t need the user. It can absorb elements and attacks to recharge itself. The user can absorb the clone to recover.


1.) Sanguine Aura: The Blood Seal exudes a malevolent aura of blood and shadows, instilling fear and dread in all who encounter it.

2.) Abyssal Grasp: The Blood Seal extends shadowy tendrils from its form, ensnaring, and immobilizing foes, rendering them helpless against its subsequent attacks.

3.) Blood Sacrifice: The Blood Seal consumes the life force of its enemies, empowering itself with each drop of spilled blood, enhancing its strength and resilience.

8.) Dark Infusion: The Blood Seal infuses its attacks with dark energy, causing them to drain the life force of enemies upon impact, replenishing its own vitality.

9.) Bloodlust Surge: The Blood Seal enters a state of bloodlust-fueled frenzy, increasing its speed, strength, and aggression while sacrificing defense for relentless offense.

14.) Sanguine Reflection: The Blood Seal projects a mirror image of itself composed of blood, drawing their attacks toward the duplicate.

15.) Blood Tide Surge: The Blood Seal unleashes a torrent of blood-infused water from its form, surging toward enemies with devastating force, causing immense damage and leaving them drenched in cursed water that slowly saps their strength.

Card Description: The Blood Seal is a formidable creature. Its attributes of blood, water, and darkness make it a terrifying opponent in battle. This card can be used to summon a powerful monster onto the battlefield, capable of dealing massive damage to its opponent. Use it wisely, and watch your opponents fall before the might of the Blood Seal. saʀᴄh th website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

Price: Two hundred fifty ultimate Sacred stones.}

The upper half of the card contained an illustration of the Blood Seal. It was a monstrous creature, with its enormous form shrouded in the menacing aura of blood and shadows. Its body was sleek and twisted, adorned with sparkling blood-red scales that seemed to absorb the surrounding light.

Its obsidian-like, pitch-black eyes glowed with a dangerous hue, echoing the unquenchable hunger for blood and darkness.

Despite being a creature from deep in the water, it had wings. Its wings resembled a ghastly fusion of bat and demon, stretched wide and veined with pulsating shadows that seemed to writhe and twist.

Its limbs ended in razor-sharp claws, each dripping with a dark, ethereal substance. A miasma of shadow and blood constantly emanated from its jaws, further adding to its dangerous appearance. There was an intricate pattern engraved on its chest, and it seemed to be just like the Blood Seal.

Andrith didn’t know what to say for a while after reading the details on the card. He wasn’t someone who was waiting for the ultimate quality card since he didn’t have that kind of money. When he saw the beast on the card, he felt like he was looking at something evil.

He didn’t feel terror, but a sense of excitement rose in his heart, and he couldn’t help but imagine him having the beast.

If Andrith knew the history of the Blood Seal, he wouldn’t be feeling that excitement at all. The Blood Seal had long been extinct from the Sacred Dimension, with none of its recorded history surviving the passage of time. Other than Aakesh, there might not even be five figures that had any idea about the Blood Seals.

The Blood Seals became extinct even before the birth of the Chaotic Wyrms, so it showed how ancient the beast was. The Blood Seal was a mutant born from an ordinary Seal and a Shadow Seal.

It wasn’t a straightforward birth. At that time, the power system for the entire Sacred Dimension wasn’t uniform with uniform levels. The seals followed a kind of ritual system, with their deity being a powerful being deep in the ocean.

The Shadow Seal was in the end phase of its life due to some life-threatening situations. It wanted to survive, so it forced itself on a weaker seal from a different species.

As fate would have it, the Shadow Seal even succeeded in becoming pregnant. The mating process was immensely violent; the father not only died, but his blood also got devoured by the Shadow Seal.

It usually took years for the childbirth to be completed, but since the Shadow Seal needed her baby as soon as possible to sacrifice it, it used blood essence from other weaker beings and also herself.

Her rampant actions reduced the process to one week. When the mother finally gave birth, she was horrified to see how the child had come out. It looked completely different than any Seal species in history at that time.

She tried to sacrifice it to the deity but failed because the deity refused to accept it for some reason.

Since her attempt to gain anything from the child through the sacrifice failed, she decided to eat the newborn for herself to regain some energy and then think of ways to survive.

Her decision to devour the newborn turned out to be a mistake. Things went in the opposite direction and she became the source of energy for the child as it devoured its mother to achieve its complete form.

When the process ended, the first Blood Seal was born in the Sacred Dimension.

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