The First Store System

Chapter 1500: 1500th Special!

1500  1500th Special!

Chapter 1500: 1500th Special!

“Ugh! Whe…re is thi…s?” A man, clutching his head, asked while looking around him. His speech wasn’t clear, and there was a painful expression across his face. He felt as if his head would explode.

The man found himself in an unknown environment. He tried to stand up and walk, but his body was devoid of any energy to accomplish the task.

“What’s my name?” The man asked, giving up on trying to stand up. His speech had become clear at that time.

Knock! Knock!

Immediately, the sound of knocking came from outside, taking the man’s attention.

“Are you inside, Aakesh?” A female voice came from the other side, and then, without waiting for any response, she unlocked the door and walked inside.

Aakesh looked at the woman with confusion since he didn’t recognize her. The woman was also taken aback by the situation since the man in front of her wasn’t Aakesh, whom she knew. Saʀch* Th website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

A sense of danger suddenly engulfed Aakesh as the woman backed away. She then extended her hands, and in a moment, her hands turned out to be a launcher ready to fire.

“Who are you?” The woman asked coldly.

Her name was Hilda, and she was one of the seven researchers currently on the spaceship. She and her group had gotten the mission to find traces of life on the destination planet and, if there was life, take complete control over the planet.

Hilda belonged to the Osron race, a humanoid race with gray skin. Every race member had a particularly tall body, with even the lowest being ten feet.

Hilda and Aakesh had a special relationship on the spaceship, so Hilda had come for another promiscuous session with him, unaware of the shock she was going to receive.

When pointed at by the launcher, Aakesh sensed danger from it, so he honestly answered, “I don’t know.”

Even Hilda didn’t expect to get an answer like that from the stranger.


Hilda was going to capture the stranger as a prisoner when suddenly, the entire spaceship began blaring alarms. Her face turned pale since she received a message from her fellow partners on the spaceship.

The spaceship had been targeted by a strange lifeform, and all of the spaceship’s weapons had failed to damage the creature’s approach.

The spaceship now only had one option: activate the space warp, but that was a dangerous process. The technology of the space warp wasn’t perfect, so there were more than seventy percent chances of the spaceship not traveling to the designated coordinate but anywhere in the void.

Hilda’s eyes turned dangerous when she looked at Aakesh after that since a stranger like her appeared out of nowhere in the spaceship, and at the same time, the ship was getting approached by an unknown, powerful lifeform.

She was ready to shoot, but suddenly, a storm engulfed the spaceship, throwing her forward. Aakesh instinctively acted and caught her. If not for him, she would have crashed into the wall at a quick rate. Even if she hadn’t died, the injuries would have been pretty severe.

Hilda looked at Aakesh with shock since the storm didn’t even affect the stranger. A chill crawled down her spine as a thought appeared in her mind. What if the unknown lifeform in space had come here for the stranger, and the ship was only collateral damage?


Suddenly, a tearing sound rang, and soon after that, the spaceship was torn in two. The lifeform seemed to have sensed the spaceship’s intention to escape, so it no longer tried to be casual and immediately appeared to grab it.

The next moment, an eye the size of the room in which Aakesh and Hilda were present looked at them. Hilda felt a chill crawling down her spine since the look in the creature’s eye was filled with greed.

Aakesh, on the other hand, frowned since he sensed danger from the creature.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, explosions began to ring in the spaceship after being affected by the open space. Aakesh and the creature outside the ship seemed to be oblivious to it and stared at each other.

A feeling of disdain and disgust rose in Aakesh’s heart after getting stared at like that by the beast. When suddenly, he heard the woman calling out to him.

“Please help us.” Hilda seemed to have fully believed that the stranger was no useless being, and he was the only opportunity for her and others on the ship if they wanted to survive.

Aakesh nodded, as he needed answers about his identity. Since he had appeared here, that meant there was some link between him and the place.

Aakesh then let go of the woman and charged at the creature. He was even shorter than Hilda, but using his full strength, he punched. It was an instinctive punch, but the next moment, a shocking scene played out as the eye of the creature exploded, resulting in a painful cry.

The other people on the spaceship couldn’t help but become shocked when they saw a stranger emerging from their ship. They looked at each other, but all had doubts in their eyes since they had never seen that blue-skinned guy.

Hilda looked at the scene with shock, and her entire back seemed to have become wet with fright, remembering her aiming at the stranger.

“You don’t know me?” Aakesh asked with disappointment evident on his face. After destroying the creature’s eyes, it immediately ran away from him and the ship.

But since it had already damaged the spaceship beyond its repairable limit, the crew had to give up on it and activate the emergency ship. It was immensely small in comparison, and there was only seating available.

After Aakesh saved the crew, they seemed to have a positive impression of him, so they gave Aakesh the best seat other than the pilot. It wasn’t comfortable per se, but it was better than others.

Since Aakesh didn’t know who he was, he decided to take the name Aakesh as his own until he found his past.

Time flew by, and decades passed in the blink of an eye.

The emergency spaceship finally reached its destination, but only one-fourth of the remaining crew was left alive when it landed.

Everyone except for Aakesh looked like a dead person. Aakesh, on the other hand, looked opposite. All his attributes improved with every passing day, making others jealous and shocked.

The crew wanted to research Aakesh’s body, but unfortunately for them, they were too weak, and neither did they have the required instruments.


The crew of six people, excluding Aakesh, wanted to celebrate after landing on the ground, but things went differently. Immediately after they stepped out, they found themselves surrounded by a group of people who looked like them but had different facial structures and skin tones.

“Gafd vygyfdgn ugduigb…”

The crew could only hear gibberish when they heard the people speak. They had wry smiles on their faces since they couldn’t understand what was being told.

The next moment, surprised expression appeared on their faces as suddenly Aakesh replied to them in the same language.

‘Is he from here?’ The thought rang in the crew’s minds simultaneously. Following that, chills crawled down their spines.

If Aakesh were to be from here, wouldn’t that mean there were many like him on the planet? Since their goal was to take complete control of the planet, it would be like poking a bee hornet.


Seven years had passed since Aakesh and the crew landed on the planet Gusula.

In the past seven years, the planet has changed its master. Aakesh had no intention of war, but unfortunately for the inhabitants, they were too xenophobic against the outsiders.

Aakesh had grown too strong to fight back, so the war resulted in a disastrous outcome for the inhabitants of the planet.

Aakesh, with the six crew members one step behind him, came to the empty area. When they looked up, they saw a gigantic spaceship slowly descending.

A few minutes later, the descent was complete, and a figure walked out of the spaceship. Hilda’s eyes turned red when she saw who it was.

Osrons had a lifespan of two hundred years; after all the enhancements, they could live up to five hundred years. She had turned into a late middle-aged woman over the years, while the man coming out of the spaceship was still young.

The time flow rate was different for different coordinates, so even though decades had passed for Hilda and the other crew members, only a few years had passed for the mother planet.

“Father,” Hilda called out and rushed to the man.

The man couldn’t help but feel a sting in his heart since when his daughter left, she was young, but now she was even older than him.


“Thank you, sir, for saving my daughter and other members of the Osron race. The Osrons will forever be grateful to you. The father sincerely thanked Aakesh. At the same time, he made the distinction between Aakesh and the Osrons clear.

After hearing about his deeds over the years, the man couldn’t help but feel threatened by Aakesh. There was no way for him to bring Aakesh to the mother planet. Unfortunately for the man, Aakesh had a clear intention to travel to the mother planet.


Three years later, the spaceship returned to the planet Osronia, the mother planet of the Osrons.

Hilda’s father was the first to exit the ship, followed by Aakesh. When Aakesh exited, he found soldiers all around the area, ready to fire at the moment’s notice.

Aakesh ignored it and called Hilda. He had learned about the relationship between Aakesh and Hilda, but since he had no intention of doing the same, Hilda had just become his secretary.

Unlike Aakesh, Hilda had become even more infatuated with him.


“Have you gone senile? How dare you bring an uncontrollable monster back to Osronia?” The commander angrily slammed the table.

Osronia followed a military rule, with the commander being the highest authority for the Osrons.

Helor could only listen to the commander with a helpless tone since he knew if he said anything at that time, his situation would turn even worse.

After an angry rambling for an hour straight, the commander finally calmed down and asked, “Do we have any way to save ourselves in case that monster goes crazy?”

The commander didn’t hate Aakesh but hated his power. Aakesh could not only threaten his position but also the situation of the race. They had advanced technologies, but unfortunately for them, none of their mass-destruction weapons could help them in case Aakesh went crazy.

All the people present in the room shook their heads simultaneously since they would at least need several centuries’ worth of advancement in their weapon department to pose any challenge to Aakesh.

The commander was going to explode once again when suddenly Helos raised his hands. If looks could kill, Helos would have died immediately, such was the stare from the commander.

He needed to impress the commander if he wanted to keep his position.

“Commander, from what I know about Aakesh, we can take advantage of him to improve ourselves…”

Helos then talked about how Aakesh was interested in their technology.


Aakesh was allowed to study the technology files of the Osrons but for that, he needed to sign a non-aggression contract with the Osronia, and he also needed to become a citizen of the planet.

To become a citizen, he needed to marry an Osron. Aakesh was interested so he decided to sign the contract and married Hilda.

Time flew by, and years passed in the blink of an eye.

One hundred and thirty years had passed since Aakesh set foot on Osronia. Living on the planet for that long, he had also become part of the top circle of the planet since the people no longer looked at him with suspicion.

Aakesh had become a widow since Hilda died during her pregnancy. She was unable to bear Aakesh’s child. There were many marriage offers after that, but Aakesh decided not to marry anyone else.

Even though around two centuries had passed since he opened his eyes, he still looked the same. With his help, the technology tree of Osrons had jumped exponentially.

Alarm! Alarm!

The day was going peacefully as usual when alarms all over the world rang at once.

Aakesh and the others were solemnly looking at the screen in front of them. Osronia was an interstellar civilization that conquered one planet after another, and it only grew more stronger with Aakesh.

Whenever Aakesh would lead the army, the planet control percentage was 100 percent. But as the story goes, for every hunter, there is another hunter.

On the screen, there were gigantic spaceships spread over the vast expanse of space. Their stealth technology was superior to Osronia since Osronia only found it when the spaceships revealed themselves.


“Surrender, and we shall spare your planet,” Gurr announced and his voice rang in the ears of every Osron on the planet.

At that moment, Aakesh took action. He disappeared from the room and appeared immediately before the ship.

“Come out,” Aakesh called out.

The crew of the enemy spaceships was taken aback by the sudden action, and they were about to attack when Gurr suddenly reprimanded them. Without telling the crew his reasons, he exited the spaceship.

Gurr could see that even with the help of the spaceships, he was no match for the stranger, which surprised him. The power calculator installed in his brain showed the power level of the person as the same as a powerful cultivator at the level of Tao Manifestation.

Gurr couldn’t help but become shocked upon learning that. Osronia was a backward planet. He didn’t expect to see a powerful being of that level there, even in his dreams.

Despite that, he wasn’t afraid of Aakesh and stated, “Surrender, and we shall spare your planet.”

At the same time, he also added an offer to hire Aakesh for a good amount of wealth.

Aakesh responded to the offer with a flick on Gurr’s forehead.

The next moment, Gurr exploded into a blood cloud, and then it was the turn of the spaceships.

In less than a minute, Aakesh returned to the room, with all other members looking at him with respectful gazes.

“Are you sure, you don’t want to accept my position?” The commander had gotten old and since Aakesh had turned out to be an advantage, he offered Aakesh his position.

Unfortunately for the commander, Aakesh simply scoffed, having no interest in the position at all. The only reason he was staying with Osronia was because of his dead wife.

To pay tribute to her, Aakesh had decided to help Osrons. Once he felt he had done enough, he would leave the planet.

Several more years passed in peace.

“We did it,” The group of scientist jumped in excitement, looking at the data in their hands.

They had finally succeeded in creating a medicine that could help Osrons live up to one thousand years.

Since Aakesh was the head of their research, the group immediately rushed to him. They were unaware that Aakesh had heard their conversations and had also seen the data.

Looking at the data, the feeling of satisfaction emerged in his heart. He felt he had done enough, so he was ready to leave.

Before leaving, he wanted to meet Helos for the last time, but suddenly, he looked toward the sky with a shocked expression.

The sky seemed to be bleeding after it turned red. At the same time, Aakesh felt an intense threat like never before.

He rushed out of the planet, but before he could go far, a beam of light attacked him.

The last scene he saw before dying was a gigantic spaceship releasing an energy beam.

The energy beam didn’t stop at Aakesh but kept going and directly hit the core of the planet, and in no time, it completely disintegrated into nothingness.

In the eyes of the others, it all happened so quickly that they only saw a flash after the appearance of the red sky, and then they had disappeared from the world.


Somewhere unknown,

“Another failure!” A voice rang in the darkness.

“He died again without even finding anything about himself or his purpose.”

“Let’s see if this time he will succeed or not, or will it be another failure!”

Another voice called out, and after that, there was no other voice.


“Whe…re is thi…s?” Aakesh spoke in a slurred voice as he opened his eyes into a closed space.


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