The First Store System

Chapter 1495: Labyrinth of Sound(17)

1495  Labyrinth of Sound(17)

Chapter 1495: Labyrinth of Sound(17)


A thumping sound rang in the area. It was as if someone was hammering his head. It took a lot of willpower to stop himself from groaning.

Huo Jinglin could only think of how the prince survived all of it and hoped for the prince to still be in good condition to bring him out.


With every step, the thumping sound grew in intensity, and when Huo Jinglin reached the end of the road, his nose was bleeding.

He had to stop because the road didn’t go any further, meaning that Huo Jinglin needed to return to the road he had chosen earlier. He could only helplessly smile when he saw that.

Time flew by, and Huo Jinglin returned to the road with two pathways ahead of him.

Huo Jinglin was in terrible condition at that moment, but since there was no return from that point, he gritted his teeth and stepped into the road on the left.


A loud explosion-like sound rang in the area, and it didn’t just stop at that. The sound seemed to have materialized into a powerful force that attempted to knock him backward.

Fortunately for Huo Jinglin, he maintained a steady posture to combat any untoward happenings after stepping, so he forcefully stabilized himself.

The vision ahead of him was blurry, but fortunately for him, he saw an unconscious guy three steps ahead of him.

Huo Jinglin couldn’t help but curse in his heart. If the prince were unconscious, he would need to carry him outside to safety. In that case, Huo Jinglin would need to bear pressure and react to both parties.

Just the response of the cave for one person had turned his condition so bad that he could only hope that his body would be able to handle all of that.

But since he had finally seen his target, his steps had turned even steadier, and three steps later, he finally reached the prince.

Huo Jinglin then tried to pick the prince up slowly so that no sound would be made. Unfortunately for him, the labyrinth also played tricks on him.

The prince seemed exponentially heavy, forcing Huo Jinglin to subconsciously release a grunt. In no time, that simple grunt took the form of a large force, knocking Huo Jinglin to the initial point of the road.

The sound caused by his knocking also got amplified, and another force attacked him.

Many bones in Huo Jinglin’s body were broken at that moment. Huo Jinglin could only grit his teeth and make no sound while standing up. There was an unbearable wave of pain attacking his body every moment, but he could only bear it if he wanted his condition not to get even worse.

Since Huo Jinglin got knocked back to the initial point, he needed to take the four steps again. After a while, Huo Jinglin again reached the prince, and he didn’t repeat the mistake like the last time.

Time flew by, and several hours had passed since Huo Jinglin had entered the labyrinth. His energy had been taken by the guards for knowing his status after the entry. The device in the guard’s hand was slightly dim, but all the guards had a mixture of shocked and hopeful expressions since Huo Jinglin was the longest survivor other than the prince.


Right at that moment, a crashing sound rang in the area as a party emerged from the labyrinth. The guards immediately prepared their weapons in case of an enemy. Immediately after that, joyful expressions spread across their faces when they saw the man carried by the unconscious, bloody man.

The two were none other than Huo Jinglin and the prince. As he had expected, Huo Jinglin’s life was hanging by a thread. Several of his bones were broken, in addition to numerous ruptured veins. His body was in dire need of blood due to the intense blood loss.

If he were conscious at the moment, he would have seen the blue screen in front of him.

The guards immediately rushed to the prince, and after finding that he was perfectly fine other than the trauma, they breathed a sigh of relief. They then returned their focus to the bloody man. Medical practitioners were nearby, so they immediately rushed.

After finding that Huo Jinglin could survive, they breathed a sigh of relief since if anything were to happen to the savior of the prince, the King might not spare them.

Immediately, they summoned an energy barrier and began the treatment so that no wrong situation arose later.

Once they had applied medicine to his body, it began to heal at a rapid rate. In less than ten minutes, the broken bones got mended, the ruptured veins recovered, and the blood loss was replenished. Huo Jinglin was still unconscious but was out of danger, so the medical practitioners had done their part.


After a long dream, Huo Jinglin woke up, and the first thing that came across his sight was the continuously flashing blue screen. A relieved smile had spread across his face when he saw it.

At the same time, he dreaded what happened in the labyrinth. He could only imagine what would be the case for Level 2 or above if Level 1 beings faced such terrible situations.

Huo Jinglin immediately tapped on the screen, and following that, the return button appeared on the screen. S~aʀᴄh the website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

Huo Jinglin was lying on a luxurious bed at the time, but it was nothing in comparison to the bed in his residence, so he immediately tapped on the screen, and following that, a white light covered him.

A few seconds after he left, the King entered the room with the rescued prince. They couldn’t help but look surprised when they saw no one in the room.


Huo Jinglin didn’t focus on the screen after returning to his residence. He could still feel that his body was far from reaching an optimal condition. Since he had a solution to that, he didn’t need to worry.

He immediately stepped down the stairs and only stopped after reaching the floor where his bedroom was located. The door was always open, so he pushed it and immediately jumped on the bed.

He fell asleep in no time, and the bed began to do its magic.

Time flew by, and seven days passed in a flash.

After seven days of deep sleep, Huo Jinglin opened his eyes. He couldn’t help but groan in pleasure since whatever sequelae were left after the labyrinth was fully healed after the deep sleep on the bed.

He then decided to check his reward, so he summoned the screen and tapped on the retrieve button. The next moment, five low Experience Cores and a medal appeared out of thin air and flew into his hands.

Huo Jinglin immediately focused on the medal in his hands. It was the shape of a triangle and the size of an almond. In the center of it, there was the sigil of the Heles Kingdom, a falcon diving down to catch its prey.

The medal had an iron color, signifying its lowest level of the three medal levels in the Heles Kingdom.

A small screen popped out of it and detailed the item. Huo Jinglin had heard about the medal when he was about to enter the labyrinth, so he simply focused on how to use it.

It could be used simply. Huo Jinglin only needed to transfer some of his aura to the medal, and following that, anyone between Level 1 and Level 3 in the Heles Kingdom could be summoned once.

Huo Jinglin had a feeling that he would need to use this, so he immediately stored it in the space inside the card. He then took the first low Experience Core and began the absorption process.

Five days later, Huo Jinglin had fully absorbed all five cores, making him only two low cores away from reaching the limit of Level 1.

Huo Jinglin then returned to his usual schedule, but on the fifth day, the blue screen once again popped out in front of him.

When Huo Jinglin read the challenge, he couldn’t help but turn pale. It was the continuation of the third challenge.

The location for the fourth challenge was still the labyrinth. According to the screen, at the end of the road where he found the prince, a small cave was present.

The small cave was the prince’s chance, but he failed to get that. Huo Jinglin now had a chance to get the item in the cave.

It was a rare resource that could be used as one of the main materials for a fourth-level sound-related item. Huo Jinglin had the choice of either keeping the material for himself or returning it to the prince.

If he chose the first way, he would become an enemy of the prince, but the material would get sold for more than fifty low Experience Cores. If he chose the second option, he would get only ten low Experience Cores as a reward.

Looking at the choices, it was clear what option to select, but since the screen detailed the enmity of the prince in red, he couldn’t help but hesitate.

The thought of not getting the item never rose in his head since he needed to get it if he wanted to survive. He thought deeply about it and decided to go for the second option.

He didn’t need more enemies when his sea of consciousness already contained several of them. What he needed were friends who could help him when the need arose.

(Chapter End.)


A/N: After two more challenges, the story would treat Huo Jinglin’s trial in the background and return to the store.

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