The First Store System

Chapter 1482 Huo Jinglin(4)

Chapter 1482 Huo Jinglin(4)

?Chapter 1482: Huo Jinglin(4)

“For releasing me from this eternal slumber of darkness, I will make good use of your body, Junior.” Huo Jinglin opened his mouth, and then a different voice emerged. It had a mixture of antiquity in it.

Huo Jinglin seemed to be aware of the voice and looked horrified as waves of memory flashed through his head. He also recognized the voice since it was none other than the person whose lookalike fruit he had eaten.

The fears Huo Jinglin had regarding the fruit turned out to be true, and his body was possessed by an immensely powerful being. Huo Jinglin wanted to struggle and escape from the stranger’s control, but the strength gap between the two parties was such that he could do nothing.

There were seventeen sacrifices in total, and each of them was a Sacred Creator, so Huo Jinglin didn’t even dare imagine what kind of ritual had taken place and what its effects were that it demanded seventeen Sacred Creators to kill themselves.


Suddenly, a bird cry rang in the area, forcing Huo Jinglin to become solemn. As he looked up, a gigantic bird flew past him.

When the bird disappeared from his view, he breathed a sigh of relief. A few seconds later, a smile spread across his face as he thought of his freedom.

He was about to walk forward when suddenly, the smile on his face froze. An expression of fright like never before appeared, and he turned to his left.

He then saw a masked figure standing and staring at him with nothing but coldness.

He remembered the identity of the figure, but before he could try anything, a white light flashed past him, and his head had left his head.

The real Huo Jinglin lost his breath since it was his body, but suddenly, the pattern around his chest glowed in black, and it soon enveloped him and the head.

When the glow disappeared, his head was attached to his head as if the slash, and the result was a figment of his imagination. At the same time, Huo Jingling found that his body was no longer possessed, and what had died was the spirit that occupied his body.

He wanted to thank the masked figure but found that they had long disappeared. After not finding anyone else around him, he breathed a sigh of relief and crashed down to the ground like a puddle.

Huo Jinglin had even wished farewell to his family after losing all hope of survival. Being possessed by a Sacred Creator was clearly the dead end from which Huo Jinglin could never find a way back.

At the same time, he was also curious about the identity of the masked figure since all it took was one slash from the being to resolve his trouble.

So many things had happened to Huo Jinglin in a short span that he couldn’t even comprehend them. He couldn’t help but thank the store since so many deaths in the training area certainly boosted his mental strength. If not for that, his body would have completely given up at that moment.

He then took repeated deep breaths, and once his heart calmed down, he looked around.

After looking back, he found out how the room looked from the outside. It was a basic structure that looked small in comparison to the inside space.

Since it wasn’t something unheard of, Huo Jinglin didn’t think much of it but thought of what to do next.

He was in the middle of nowhere, with the room being the only structure as far as his eyes could see.

Since he had no course to escape, he had the only way to return to his house, and that was to explore and find a way to leave.

Huo Jinglin had a fear of death, but the changes in his body had resulted in his mental strength growing as well. In no time, he accepted the situation and no longer feared death.


[Challenger, 15,239,846,762,534, welcome to the trial of Power!]

Huo Jinglin had only taken a step when he stopped after a mechanical alert rang in his head. His body reflexively turned into an attacking posture, shocking him. He never had such quick control over his body, but he easily accepted it since his intuition told him that his body had received several drastic changes after that sacrificial ceremony.

Immediately after, a blue screen popped out in front of him. It was entirely blank, except for a hand pattern, which was of the same size as Huo Jinglin’s right hand.

Huo Jinglin couldn’t help but feel a positive emotion welling in his heart when he saw the screen. Since it was the first time he had heard of such a trial, it was his intuition that was telling him.

Having no other choice since the space around him had also been blocked, forcing him to stay at one spot, Huo Jinglin raised his right hand and placed it on the screen.

The next moment, his energy became out of control and the pattern devoured it. After devouring one-third of Huo Jinglin’s total energy, it finally stopped and content started appearing on the screen.

[Challenger Screen:

Name: <To be Set>

Power Level: Level 1,

Bloodline: Yedrian,%$#%&(+) Nw ovel chaptrs are published on NovlFir(.)nt

Purity: Yedrian(53.297656)+, %$#%&(0.00004)+


(A/N: It isn’t Aakesh’s race but since Huo Jinglin is too weak to see it, it is written like that.)

Huo Jinglin couldn’t help but look at the screen in shock since it contained many details about him, including his bloodline purity.

Huo Jinglin felt an additional bloodline on the screen. For some reason, he couldn’t see it at all. If he forced himself to look at it, a burning pain rose in his eyes, forcing him to look away.

Huo Jinglin instinctively tapped on the plus option in the section race, and immediately after, a catalog appeared on his screen, blinding his eyes.

(Chapter End.)

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