The First Store System

Chapter 1460: A New Customer(3)

1460  A New Customer(3)

Chapter 1460: A New Customer(3)

“Hello, store owner,” Amish respectfully greeted Aakesh.

In response, Aakesh silently nodded as usual. Amish then introduced himself.

Amish was a peak Sacred Emperor belonging to the Pangoling group in the beast groups of races. He heard about the store from one of his friends, who was a regular at the store.

Amish belonged to the Gray Pangolin species. The leader of the Pangolin group was an early Sacred Creator, the only Sacred Creator in the entire group. Amish was also the leader of the Gray Pangolin species, being the strongest of the entire species.

After the Supreme God cultivation level, breaking through to every level came with its challenges and also a test tribulation from the laws of the Sacred Dimension.

Before Amish, his father was the leader, who unfortunately died in the tribulation of the Sacred Monarch and failed to become the first Sacred Monarch of the species.

Amish himself had now reached the peak of the Sacred Emperor and wanted to step onto the next level, but the shadow of his father’s death stopped him from getting ready for the breakthrough.

Amish had almost given up all his hopes when he learned about the store from his friend. His friend wasn’t from the Pangolin group but another group in the beast category.

The information wasn’t free, but Amish wanted to step up to the next level, so he happily paid for it. In response, he learned about the store and Panagea.


“I am Aakesh,” Aakesh said in his usual response to the introduction.

“Store owner, I wanted to enter Panagea,” Amish requested with a smile.

Aakesh didn’t immediately answer but looked toward the waiting corner.

“All the spots had already been filled for the day, so you can only enter Panagea tomorrow,” Aakesh informed Amish.

Not only Amish but also the last customer to purchase a Panagea recharge card also failed to get a spot in Panagea. While the customers were purchasing recharge cards, faces were still entering the store and taking the vacant portal in Panagea for the day.

Aakesh had already informed the customers before they joined the queue that they wouldn’t be able to enter Panagea depending on their entry time anymore in the day and would get treated as new entries after leaving the queue.

A disappointed expression spread across Amish’s face since he had come early to the store after listening to his friend. Unfortunately for him, he had to wait in the queue for some time and failed to get a spot.

He didn’t look that way for a long time and soon calmed down. He then asked about the beast and learned things in detail.

It was the same as what his friend had informed him at first, but the later part of the introduction added some upgrades that his friend hadn’t informed him of.

Amish kept that in mind and decided to ask his friend about it after leaving the store.


After waiting for some time, it was Amish’s turn to initiate the summoning.

He took a deep breath and pressed the button. The next moment, the square section began to rotate and kept at it for the next three seconds.

Once the rotation stopped, a beast familiar to him appeared on the screen. His mouth flew wide open in shock since it was the beast on top of his list of desired beasts.

Only when the card hit his hand, he returned to reality and focused on the details.

{Name: Silver-Winged Pangolin

Type: Beast

Race: Pangolin

Quality: Ultimate The sourc of ths content s Noᴠelꜰire.nt

Element: Metal, Air

Cultivation: Peak Divine Lord

Characteristics: Zephyr’s Empowerment

Details: By channeling wind elemental energies, the Silver-Winged Pangolin temporarily amplifies the effectiveness of healing, shielding, and other supportive actions. It also creates a protective aura that reduces the impact of negative status effects on itself and nearby allies.

Price: Seven hundred ninety-nine thousand supreme Sacred stones.}


With an excited expression, Amish captured the beast card and immediately immersed himself in the details since he succeded in summoning the Silver-Winged Pangolin again for the second device again.

{Name: Silver-Winged Pangolin

Type: Beast

Race: Pangolin

Quality: Ultimate

Element: Metal, Air

Cultivation: Peak Supreme God

Characteristics: Celestial Enigma


Details: The Silver-Winged Pangolin gains temporary control over celestial energies, transcending the limits of its metallic and aerial abilities. During this state, it becomes invulnerable to all forms of damage, possesses omniscient awareness of the battlefield, and can manipulate the very fabric of space around it.

Duration: 9–17 seconds,

Warning: The activation causes an immense physical drain on the beast’s body, demanding a recovery period of thirty to fifty years after every use.


1.) Razorwind Slash: The Silver-Winged Pangolin slashes through the air with razor-sharp metallic claws, creating razorwind currents that cut through opponents.

2.) Sonic Resonance: The Silver-Winged Pangolin emits high-frequency sonic waves that disorient enemies, impairing their ability to perceive and respond effectively.

3.) Metalwing Barrage: The Silver-Winged Pangolin unleashes a barrage of metal-tipped feathers from its wings, creating a deadly hailstorm that pierces through enemy defenses.

11.) Adaptive Armor: The Silver-Winged Pangolin adapts its metallic scales to the type of incoming damage, providing increased resistance against specific elements or physical attacks as needed.

12.) Silver Veil: The Silver-Winged Pangolin envelops itself in a silvery veil that negates debuffs and status ailments while bolstering its resistance against magical attacks.

18.) Adamantine Aegis: The Silver-Winged Pangolin envelops itself in an impenetrable shield forged from the fusion of its metallic scales and the essence of air. This defensive barrier is virtually indestructible, deflecting all incoming attacks for a fixed duration.

19.) Attacking Blitz: The Silver-Winged Pangolin channels an overwhelming surge of metallic energy, transforming its wings into razor-sharp blades of pure silver and charges, tearing through the fabric of reality and leaving behind a trail of metallic destruction and catastrophic damage to all foes caught within its radius.

Card Description: The Silver-Winged Pangolin is a formidable creature. Its attributes of metal and air make it a terrifying opponent in battle. This card can be used to summon a powerful monster onto the battlefield, capable of dealing massive damage to its opponent as well as supporting its allies. Use it wisely, and watch your opponents fall before the might of the Silver-Winged Pangolin.

Price: One hundred twenty-nine thousand ultimate and five hundred thousand supreme Sacred stones.}

(Chapters End.)

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