The First Store System

790 Ascending Successfully(5)

Chapter 790: Ascending Successfully(5)

A smile appeared on Brinda’s face as she heard her nephew’s promise. She couldn’t help but hug him, giving Glenn a shock.

Seeing Glenn’s red face from embarrassment, Brinda couldn’t help but laugh louder.

A few moments later, the aura in the room suddenly changed to solemn, as if it wasn’t Brinda who laughed.

“You can leave,” Brinda ordered Glenn in her majestic voice.

Glenn did as told, but before leaving, he took a last look at his aunt, who had already turned around and was facing the throne.

“I will miss you,” Glenn mumbled in a soft voice and left the throne room.

How could Brinda not hear Glenn’s mumbling, so unconsciously a smile appeared on her face. But the next moment, it disappeared, and a calm look took its place.

Brinda took a step forward toward the throne. A never seen excitement appeared on her face as all her memories, starting from her crowning ceremony, began appearing in her head with each step. At that moment, even a snail could have won against Brinda in the race.

At long last, Brinda finally reached the throne. She gently caressed every inch of it while a smile continued to adorn her face. Soon, the smile remained, but the eyes began leaking tears.

“It still feels like a dream to me that I control these many territories and have such power,” Brinda couldn’t help but murmur to herself.

At that moment, Brinda was not an Emperor or an Immortal who was going to attempt to ascend: but she was only a girl, who wanted to sit on the throne, but didn’t have the capability to achieve it.

Suddenly, Brinda disappeared from the throne room and appeared at her most frequented place after her private room.

Brinda’s face turned cheery as the memory of her first time arriving in the store flashed in her head.

Not long after, Brinda disappeared from outside the store and appeared above the tower.

After that, Brinda slowly traveled across every place that held significance to her. And just like that, a few hours had passed.

“Since it was the place that started my rise, it would also be witness to my glory,” Brinda mumbled with determination in her voice as she floated in the air.

In her eyes, the store, two buildings around it, and the vast empty land showed themselves.

“I AM READY,” Brinda took a deep breath and yelled as she looked at the sky.

The next moment, she fully released her aura.

Suddenly, an energy storm erupted in the area, engulfing her shout and the entire city.

In no time, the storm engulfed an area equivalent to the previous Bisan Kingdom.

Rumble rumble rumble!

Rumble rumble rumble!

The sky suddenly began to rumble as dark clouds began to erupt out of nowhere.

The dark of night began even darker as people started to light more lamps, but before they could, an invisible pressure descended on them and forced them to their knees.

Brinda’s shout had been heard by all, and since the significance of the day wasn’t hidden from anyone, everyone knew what was going to happen.

The citizens of the Bisan Empire weren’t as unknowledgeable as they were when it was only a Kingdom. They knew what tribulation was and what it entailed. So when the pressure descended on them, no one dared to challenge it and willingly accepted the outcome.

Not long after, figures began to appear in the sky. Since the store was in Kakot, there were many Immortals living there, and currently, all of them were present. They first looked toward the store’s door, only to get surprised as it remained closed.

The assistant’s house was also close, but the people living in the third building were all in the air. Maria had a smile on her face as she saw Brinda ready to ascend.

In these past several centuries, Brinda and  Maria had somewhat become friends, and they already had a discussion about Brinda’s ascendance.

Maria was even more powerful and had a better foundation than Brinda, so Brinda even suggested that Maria should ascend. But for Maria, she wasn’t going to ascend till the store owner was here. She didn’t care for the time, but only after the store owner returned to the higher dimension would she think of ascension.

Maria couldn’t help but look down to see the store, but a hint of disappointment appeared in her heart as the store’s doors were closed and the store owner wasn’t present in the sky.

The ascending tribulations had stages of their own, and Brinda finally faced the first stage of the attack.

The first stage was the illusion test. In this round, the cultivator would lose himself in his worst fears.

While the sky was rumbling and sending fears down to every living being’s heart, Brinda was currently standing still, with her face turning pale.

Brinda was currently in an illusion where the scene of what if the store had never arrived here was playing. Her fate was cruel as she faced one after another loss. The worst she had thought of was the truth in the illusion.

Her mental strength wasn’t something to scoff about.

Only several seconds later, Brinda’s still body moved, and colors began returning to her face. Brinda forcefully broke the illusion and passed the first stage.

The second stage would test the soul of the cultivator as the sky would rain soul fire.

Without giving any moment of reprieve to Brinda, the second stage began.

Soon, the sky was filled with Brinda’s heart-rending screams as she continuously went through unbearable pain.

Brinda’s will didn’t waver, and she finally passed the second stage. The next moment, her soul began to heal itself and grow.

Before Brinda could enjoy this feeling, the killing intent from the sky rose to new heights. The pressure on the beings living around the tribulation clouds grew to unprecedented heights.

But then suddenly, arrays began activating one after another in the Empire, and the people already crashed to the ground felt relief from the pressure.

The pressure on them was still strong enough to crush them if they dared to stand, so no one attempted anything and continued lying on the ground face first.

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