The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 741 Fertility Stone

Chapter 741  Fertility Stone

“What is that?” Musa asked.

“A fertility stone. Put some mana in it and have the recipients use it on themselves. If it works properly, conception chances should be greatly increased.”

Musa looked confused. “Why would we rely on them using it? I could just activate the stone, and they would never know it existed.” Karl shook his head. “Safety measure, so it’s not used for nefarious purposes. You have to willingly use it on yourself.”

The assistant Midwife smiled, and Musa gave him a motherly pat on the shoulder. “You know, you’re alright, for a cat. Alright, there are Nobles waiting in the other room. Do we need both of them?” She asked.

“And a private room. I, uh, forgot to put a timer on the effect.” Karl agreed.

That made Musa laugh out loud, waking the new mother in the main room.

“Sorry about the lack of space, we’ve only got one delivery room, we usually go to the mother. But we had two emergencies last night which came to us.” She explained.

Karl shrugged. “Don’t worry about me. I’m not the exhausted one on a folding cot.”

Musa led him to another room, where a dozen overdressed people were waiting for her attention.

Karl realized that this was all the rooms there were, and that might cause issues if the effect was too strong.

{There are private rooms right beside us.} She whispered, then turned a professional smile on the crowd.

“Now, I have obtained a rare Royal Rank fertility charm at great cost. Usage is limited, and both partners need to willingly use it on themselves. Who would like to try? The fee will be added to your tabs.” Musa asked.

As one, everyone surged from their seats, and they hadn’t even seen the stone yet. They truly were desperate to get access to such powerful fertility magic, which was uncommon among the Demon Clans. After a few seconds, they adjusted their positions by some internal ranking, and Musa took out the stone. “Both partners, please use the stone one after another, then go to a sitting room down the hall while it takes effect. I have been informed that it might have variable activation times.” Musa explained.

A few of the gathered Demons and Monsters flushed in embarrassment, but that was why they were here.

The first pair, both two metre tall coal-black demons with golden tattoos all over the visible parts of their bodies, activated the stone. The woman’s eyes flashed bright green, and she physically dragged the man out of the room. A few of the gathered Demons and Monsters flushed in embarrassment, but that was why they were here.

The first pair, both two metre tall coal-black demons with golden tattoos all over the visible parts of their bodies, activated the stone. The woman’s eyes flashed bright green, and she physically dragged the man out of the room. His feet weren’t even on the floor.

“Well, I think that is a success. Next!” Musa cheered.

One after another, the pairs used the stone. The effect was the same every time. Their eyes glowed bright green with the Nature Magic, and they hurried out of the room.

Well, except one pair, who seemed intent to get started before they were even out of the room.

Once they were chased out of the Midwife’s office, Musa smiled at the stone, then looked down the hallway in shock.

“No way. It’s that effective?” She asked.

“What do you sense that I don’t?” Karl asked.

“Pregnancy. I have motherhood-specific foresight. I can sense the instant that someone gets pregnant within my range. I use it to prepare for customers in the Castle. We’re up to three couples already, but they are… not ready to celebrate yet. That part is just my succubus senses, not a spell.” She explained.

The assistant giggled. “I don’t think you needed to tell him that. Half the doors aren’t even closed to activate the soundproofing spells. That stone is far too effective.”

Karl shrugged. “You wanted a stone to help with fertility, and that is what I made, with the help of a Royal Rank High Priestess of the Green Dragon.”

The Midwife nodded happily, then handed a note to her assistant, who ran off somewhere in the Castle.

“She will come back with the payment. This is worth more than I have on hand, and I will give you a bonus for the Duchess, who has been trying for a long time for her heir.”

“The first couple?” Karl asked.

The midwife nodded, and Karl sent a short prayer to the Gods for the safety of her partner. “How long does this last, anyhow?” Musa asked.

“It’s a spell effect, so either about four hours or until they choose to deactivate it.” Karl replied with a shrug.

The halls were quiet now, someone had closed the doors. But the assistant was flushed and sweating with exertion when she returned, followed by two guards and a man in a crown and a deep purple cloak.

Musa dropped to her knees and bowed as the Totem released his aura a little, letting Karl know who he was.

Karl dipped to one knee and put his fist over his heart, the traditional salute to the King of The Golden Dragon Nation.

The Demon gave him a curious look, but didn’t say anything about the difference as he motioned for them to rise.

“I am told that you have obtained a fertility item.” He spoke directly to Musa, skipping any sort of preamble.

“Yes, Lord Governor. It is Royal Rank, and has already proven repeatedly effective.”

The pale Demon sighed. “The King is going to hate us for this. He’s already annoyed at the uproar over the Princes, and now half of his advisors will be either pregnant or new parents for the next two years.”

Musa smiled at him. “But on the other hand, you won’t have the cranky and stressed nobles who are struggling to conceive for the next few months.”

The City Governor of Drodh sighed. “That is fair. And neither is why I actually came here. Under no circumstances: not bribery, coercion or extortion, should you allow my daughter access to that charm.”

Karl did his best not to laugh at the man’s concern. But the Totem Rank Demon was deadly serious about that fact.

The Governor grumbled as he realized he was being secretly laughed at. “She’s only been married three months. I’m too young to be a grandfather. I’m not even forty!”

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